MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 17 Maid of the Overwhelming Wife

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The pure white space can't see the end.

There is no building, no door, and nothing, but all the creatures who come in here will know what this is, and understand the rules and meaning here.

There were transparent ripples in the air, and a dark-haired girl wearing a traditional British maid dress stepped in, her face still full of panic.

She looked up at the void, and when she knew where it was, she clasped her hands in front of her chest like a life-saving straw and yelled out loud.

"Help! Please help me to save my wife! Please help us to get rid of that devil completely!" She asked for help, speaking very fast, as if asking for one second late, everything was too late, "I am willing to give the rest of my life Full life! "

Soon, the maid received a response from the void.

[Entrusted. 】


Jiang Yun was lying on the bed with a dumb look, staring at the rooftop without focus.

This is a luxurious bedroom. The gorgeous and thick curtains completely isolate the sunlight outside the house, and also isolate the air full of love and joy. The valuable crystal lights on the ceiling emit a dim light, silent. The ground has once again rendered the atmosphere in it.

Jiang Yun has become accustomed to the lights in this room, including the pain in his body and the blue and red marks-even sitting on the bed slowly and wearing clothes, repacking himself back to the well-dressed man.

After being locked up in this room and being abused by this man regardless of day and night, it has been almost a year, what else can't I get used to?

Too late to make a mocking laugh in my heart, the man at the bed suddenly spoke.

"Don't think about escaping again, I have dealt with the woman who opened the door intentionally before you ran away." The low-alcoholic sound is like the string sound of a cello, but the words spoken are creepy.

Jiang Yun's body, which has been immobile like a puppet, suddenly exploded like a lightning strike, and his eyes widened and hissed in disbelief: "He Yanting, you beast! Xiao Qing is only 19 years old! How can you get down! How can you do it! "

She said that she was about to reach out and punch him, but was easily restrained by the man. Her slender hands directly pinched the woman's neck, strangled her again on the bed, and the strength of the bed made the whole bed tremble.

"Of course I can do it." The man's voice was very calm, just as insignificant as his handsome face, except for the overbearing violence and ruthlessness in those eyes, "I know you've helped that maid before. I'm too busy, and I've got a lot of hearts in this house. I also like you a little, so I can't bear to lock you in a chain and tie it in a cage. But believe me, as long as you have the mind of running away, I will Let you see the second and third Xiaoqing. "

Feeling that the person in his palms shivered and shrank without even speaking a word, the violent agitation in He Yanting's eyes slightly reduced, he retracted the hand that held the woman's neck and gently stroked her pale face, not minding The other side's fearful expression, while gently rubbing his trembling soft lips with his fingertips, said slowly: "Xiao Yun, as long as you don't want to leave me and stay with me, I will give you everything you want."

I want freedom! You let me out! !!

This kind of screaming can only be in her heart. Jiang Yun didn't dare to say anything at all, because she only uttered this meaning would only invite more torture, so she could only keep her mouth shut and even her eyes. They didn't want to let him see his inner hatred.

In the face of Jiang Yun's non-resistance and non-obedience, He Yanting has become accustomed, or in this nearly a year of tuning. In teaching, she has been tamed to such a degree from fierce resistance and even without breaking her legs and legs several times. He Yanting has been very satisfied.

Who made him like her at first glance, and now she has fallen in love with her so crazy that she won't allow her to refuse herself, and can only stay with her in this way.

Sooner or later she will belong to him completely, absolutely.

He Yanting thought so, and left a gentle kiss on Jiang Yun's face, as if the husband was leaving to his wife, and said, "I'm going out to work, you should take a good rest at home and wait for me to come back."

Jiang Yun listened to his steps away from the bed, opened the door to the outside and coldly commanded: "Remove all the servants in the villa to other houses, I don't want to see any one when I return tonight Face. Then let the lady sneak out and you can all stop doing it. "

The voice of the butler and the security guard was blocked by the closed door, and the room was quiet again, but Jiang Yun couldn't help pulling the bedding and curling herself up into a ball, and the whole person cried.

"I killed her, it was me ... I shouldn't have promised Xiaoqing, and followed her ...!"

She exclaimed, regretfully regretting the maid Xiao Qing's death, and at the same time despairing for a future where she could not see hope.

At the same time, the underground river in the mountains near Hejia Villa.

Two black security guards stood by the river, and together they threw a large knotted sack in their hands into the water.

As soon as the heavy bag fell into the water, a huge splash splashed, and soon disappeared.

"Are you all right?" One of the security guards confirmed to his companion.

"No problem, she gave her a dose that was almost lethal. Even if she was lucky she did not die, the rope tied to her had fastened her limbs and knotted her. Plus the stuffed in the sack before Stone, even a trained agent wo n’t survive after sinking, let alone a maid who came out to work after graduating from high school. ”The other party replied neatly, without any kind of compassion on his face, kind Obviously, the indifference of life and death is obviously not the psychological quality that ordinary security can have.

"That's right." The former security guard nodded, and he looked to the dark river with the same indifference as his companions, plus the "scourgeman" raised in the river, and it would not take ten minutes to throw the former away. Things are "handled" cleanly. Even the best criminal investigation team will not find out how many lives have been buried in this river. "Our employer is really a terrible and extremely cautious person." Man. "

The other side was silent, but his heart agreed with this statement.

Who would have thought that He Yanting, the president of Hess Group, the first multinational company in China, is bright on the surface, or an outstanding entrepreneur favored by the government, a well-received big philanthropist in society, a diamond king who has swept thousands of girls, The means in it are more dirty and spicy than anyone else. Black and white are not the only way to take it. Turning his face is even more cruel. Once he stares at him, he will be bitten and his throat will end up eating nothing.

In fact, there are many special security guards from international mercenaries. They are scattered throughout the country and even in several foreign countries to protect He's assets. Many of them also help to deal with some unseen issues as they do now. The "trivial matter" of a person, holding an innocent human life in the hands of an unthinkable high salary, is almost impossible to withdraw from He's life, and he can only die for He's life.

There is no crowd inside this mountain road with an underground river, which is most suitable for killing dead people.

The two security guards stood silent, and after a few minutes they realized something was wrong.

"No, why didn't the river react at all?" One of them changed his face slightly. According to their previous "experience", something should have happened on the river.

Another security guard immediately turned on the bright flashlight and threw it at the place where he had thrown the sack. The person next to him followed suit.

When they focused their eyes on the middle of the dark river under the two strong lights, no one noticed that under the bank where the two were standing, a woman's hand came out of the water silently and fastened to the rock wall.

In the locked bedroom, Jiang Yun cried out of breath, and the more she remembered the time she spent with the maid Xiao Qing, the more she felt sad.

"You are so young, why did you come out to work and obviously can go to school?"

When she first saw the child, she graduated from high school. The child laughed in the face of her surprise.

"Mom is sick. It costs a lot of money. I want to treat her."

The simple and plain reason is so sad that Jiang Yun remembered her identity as an orphan and could not help but help her. At that time, I simply did not want this child to become an orphan like her. I did not expect to end up with such a life-saving help-but they failed, and they were put back here again, and the child was there for this. Hit yourself.

Why is she so useless!

Jiang Yun, holding on to the quilt, tried countless suicides, but never succeeded. He hated himself more than ever, and hated the world more.

Why is this world so unfair!

Why can the devil put on a human skin so easily in the world!

Jiang Yunyuan opened her eyes with tears, and the undercurrent deep inside kept cascading.

thump--! thump--!

The sound of two heavy objects falling in succession echoed in the cave of the underground river, but was soon drowned directly by the sound of the current.

Without the lighting tools, in the dimly lit channel of the dark river, I could only faintly see the silhouette of a girl in a soaked long skirt. She stood quietly, looking at the center of the river, and cast her sight towards the river , I can quickly find that the calm water flow has boiled before, as if the frying pans fry the water. The reflection of the water surface can be seen in groups of small fish The bite swallowed something.

This collective eating didn't last long, and the river calmed down again a few minutes later, as if nothing had happened. And before standing still, the girl who looked like a statue or a girl more like a water ghost finally retracted her eyes and turned her feet, intending to walk out of the hole leading to the surface.

As she walked, she lifted her soaked skirt corner and said softly, "Oh, this gesture is so rude to see your wife."

That doesn't work.

Jiang Yun was lying on the bed like a corpse, and he has kept the same movement until now.

She was imprisoned in this villa for a year, until Xiao Qing's death made her fully understand that she could not resist the demon He Yanting at all. No matter what kind of emotions she showed, it was a pleasure for that man. It was like a kitten and a puppy who had their teeth bitten and grinned.

There is only one way to make him angry, frustrated and even manic, and that is to completely lose her self. From then on, no matter what he does to her, he will not fight or reconcile, closing himself and killing himself, leaving the devil alive. Empty shell-this is the biggest revenge she can do at present.

It's sad and silly. Jiang Yun knows it well, and she can't even say it's revenge.

But she couldn't help it, she couldn't survive it ...

Sorry, Grandma Dean, she can no longer graduate successfully and earn money in return to raise her own orphanage.

Sorry, Xiaoqing, it's because she's so useless ...

Click. The sound of the room door lock being slightly unlocked, Jiang Yun heard but did not move until a crisp female voice sounded.

"I'm sorry ma'am, there was a delay on the way. I'm late."

The woman who had been lying on the soft bed sat up sharply, and when she saw the living maid standing in the doorway, she burst into tears and rushed out of the bed.

Xiaoqing! !!

The author has something to say: You have the right, right? It is in this little story that the villain is in charge. (Digging the nose) 2k novel reading network