MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 18 Maid of the Overwhelming Wife

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When receiving a phone call from the villa, He Yanting, who had just finished the morning meeting in the company, would definitely yell at the scene if he was not worried about being in a public place.

"Waste! A bunch of idiots! How long will it take for me to tell you when I leave, and you will lose people !?"

As soon as he returned to his office, he vented all the scolding screams he had spoken into the microphone.

Jiang Yun is gone!

It was almost no more than an hour before he walked on the front foot, and the person had disappeared into the bedroom.

According to the security response from the villa, she unlocked and ran away while the villa was executing the order to replace the maid. Disguised as a video, there was still a lot of room to take away the valuable jewelry in the bedroom when leaving. If there were no other servants running to bring breakfast to the room, it would be discovered later. But at that time it was too late, the other party had fled for a long time.

Obviously, this cannot be the handwriting of ordinary girl Jiang Yun who has not graduated from university, and someone must help.

Speaking of which, I had to mention the maid who had helped her escape but failed.

"Master, the two security guards you ordered to 'handle things' haven't returned yet ... Then, an unaided maid in the villa saw the little maid returning to the room wet and changing clothes, and the other party was still doing nothing Say hello to him ... "

When the security captain made such a remark, He Yanting didn't understand what happened.

"Okay ... Okay! A little maid, I really underestimate her ...!" Two security guards from international mercenaries were sent to deal with the daring little girl, but the other party did not expect them to deal with them. , "I don't know which spy, and deliberately mixed in under the guise of identity, it really made her successful ..."

But she thought he would catch his handle this way? Don't even think about it!

"Since people have run away, what should you do afterwards? You should be clear? Let me hear a word about the villa from outside, do you understand what the consequences will be?"

With a cold face, the security captain opposite the microphone commanded, after receiving a positive answer, he turned the topic to Jiang Yun again.

"Check! Immediately check it! The villa is built on the mountainside. The two women can't go down the mountain so quickly, maybe even hide in the mountains and intentionally shift their eyes, so you can adjust the roadside monitoring, or search by inch along the way. Get me back now, right now, right now! "

On the other side of the villa, when the mountain was uphill and the whole world was looking for people, a tourist bus stopped on the roadside in the suburb of the city nearest to it, and two people came out of the car.

"Xiao Qing, the next time I want to take a bus, I would like to say this to my uncle in advance!" The bus driver waved his hand lovingly to one of them. "Although my uncle may only be able to drive along the National Highway of Phoenix every month Run two laps, but you do n’t have many opportunities to work down the mountain every month. You can take a ride with your uncle, and you can save a lot of tolls? ”

"Thank you, uncle, if your car came in time, I'll have to wait for another car for a long time." The girl raised her small face and thanked her sincerely.

"Well, thank you! You are also a hard-working child. Your parents have left heartlessly, and you are left alone. You will save more money to find a good wife's family. Your hard-working child will surely make the day Live again! "

The bus driver raised his hand again. He and the baby's dad were considered to be in the same company, but her father was unlucky. He died in a car accident when he ran a long distance a few years ago. The mother who was dependent on her had a serious illness within two years. After finishing high school, she went out to work and earn money, and fortunately collected a large amount of surgical expenses. As a result, her mother, like her father, carried her back and died directly on the operating table. The baby girl has no mother and no money, and she has not heard of any relatives at home. She can only live on her own, and in the future, she does not know what it will be like. They can only help when they see it.

"Uncle is right." The girl smiled sweetly, her eyes and tone could not be expressed sincerely and earnestly, "I will get better."

The tourist bus drove away quickly, leaving a girl who was still smiling, and Jiang Yun who had not returned to her so far.

So ... ran out?

Jiang Yun still remembers the previous events in her head. Xiao Qing, who had thought that she had lost her life, returned unharmed, and asked her to change her clothes to follow her. Of course, Jiang Yun could not let the child repeat the same mistakes. As a result, she said that she had failed before. It is expected that the second escape plan will now be implemented. He Yanting's character Jiang Yun has been very clear. He said that "handling" would definitely "handle" Xiao Qing, but now she is unharmed and has proved that the child's words are true. So despite being still hesitant, Jiang Yun chose to believe Xiaoqing again.

If she gets caught again this time, she will die with Xiao Qing!

With such determination, Jiang Yun changed to a set of sportswear, and even pulled out a peaked cap to cover her face. She didn't dare to put on makeup to hide her time, so in just a few minutes, the little maid had packed up a small bag and swept in all the valuables and precious skincare products on the dresser.

Then she took her hand and went out like this, and went out ...

Yes, from exiting the room and closing the door, then down the stairs and exiting the villa door, I kept running out of the iron gate at the end of the manor. I didn't meet any servants or even security guards along the way ... as if all the people inside disappeared. .

Just as Jiang Yun was still thinking about how to go back to the city after going out, a tourist bus stopped nearby, and an uncle kindly beckoned to them: "Xiao Qing! Get on the bus, uncle is on time this time, right?"

Simple and easy to make in one go to make her feel like she was dreaming.

He subconsciously froze his face, hissing, it hurts! Really not a dream!

"Ma'am, it's not far from the house I rented. We're going to rest. I'm sorry the conditions are limited. Today's breakfast is only buns and soy milk, don't you mind?" Xiao Qing's voice pulled her back from her thoughts.

Now is the question of whether breakfast is steamed buns? Jiang Yun almost wanted to vomit, but reason made her anxious another thing: "Can't go back to the place where she lived! He Yanting may have found out that I escaped, he must know that you are good, and he will definitely send someone to find this place Yes, we have to get out of here! ... No, I can't drag you down anymore, I have to separate from you so he won't catch you again! "

With that said, she let go of the arm she just wanted to pull, and she ran to turn around.

"But ma'am, are you rich?"

A word from the girl behind made Jiang Yun, who had already taken a few steps away, succeed, and her voice continued.

"Your mobile phone ID and other things have been detained by Mr. He, he also gave you a leave of absence a year ago because you have an unknown mental illness and need to be in a closed mental health home Rest, whether you are discharged from the hospital depends on the meaning of the hospital ... "

"Don't say it!" Jiang Yun interrupted her with a roar, turning back to tears when she looked at the girl, "Don't say ..."

Don't remind her again, even if she escaped from that cage, the fact that her life has been ruined by He Yanting.

The girl did not speak anymore, but stepped forward and held Jiang Yun's hand again: "My parents have already died, and my wife is the only person in my world who is close. I have nowhere to go. I will take you to flee Come out, Mr. He will not let me go. Do you really want to leave me? "

Jiang Yun lowered her head and looked at the hand she could release with a little effort, sobbing tightly.

Thanks to her being several years older than Xiao Qing, but not as transparent as others, how could that devil let go of anyone who angered him!

Xiaoqing's rental house is very small. It only has a bed and a wardrobe. The small tables for eating are packed in cardboard boxes and piled up in small aisles. There is a cup of warm soy milk and three pieces on the roadside. Qian Yun's dish, Jiang Yun, ate in his mouth, and it was no worse than the fresh milk and premium steaks delivered every day in the villa.

I miss it so much that I always eat it in college, why do I feel as if I have passed away?

Jiang Yun wiped her tears as she ate, feeling that some of the moldy wood in the room was fragrant.

I wonder why Xiaoqing went out?

As soon as he filled his stomach, the door of the rental house opened, and the girl carrying the big bag and small bag came in. Jiang Yun stood up in surprise and immediately went to help: "What are these?"

"A little prop to disguise myself," the girl replied, looking at Xiang Jiangyun earnestly. "Mrs. He's group has a lot of influence. Our appearance and identity are not applicable anymore. Let's change it for now."

Three days later, He Yanting sent to find the two women without success. Apart from knowing that the maid Xiao Qing had taken Jiang Yun back to her rental house on the day of her successful escape, she found almost nothing.

"A group of rice buckets! The two living people lived under their noses, and no one noticed for the first time, what good is it to keep you waste!"

General Manager He became furious again, and the scolded men all bowed their heads to silence. Who could have thought that the little maid was so brave, when everyone thought that she was either hiding on the hill or walking down the hill and hunting wildly, even La La lived in that little The rental house rested, and when they noticed, people had already rested and ran away.

And the main goal, Jiang Yun, showed no signs of appearing in her original life circle. Whether it was her university or orphanage, or even those who had made friends with her, they had investigated it, and the goal had not been with them at all. touched. Obviously, he knew that He would definitely investigate, so he would never touch it.

As for the maid Xiao Qing, when the entire security team knew that she had been overdose and was **** by Shen Shitou Lake, she not only freed herself, but also killed two mercenary-level security guards, and knew the identity of the other party. Hundreds are disguised. Not to mention later, she instantly hacked the villa's surveillance system, forged all the videos, and led everyone who she arranged to escape on the line, creating a life-saving deed like no one, even as a They also had to be convinced.

They believed that she would hide very well, but in such a short period of time, the degree of completion was a little too high, just like the world evaporated.

He Yanting was not afraid that Jiang Yun appeared in front of the public or even told him, because he had fabricated information about her history of mental illness. As long as she dared to come out, he had a way to get her back and keep him closed.

What annoyed him was the disappearance of this woman. If she could not shrink anymore, she would teach him a fire.

Closing his eyes, He Yanting's long forefinger tapped on the table little by little. After a while, he opened his eyes and ordered.

"Go, send me all the people of He's, send a message to the public security organs and advertising media. In the name of Hongxin Orphanage, post a tracing notice."

Hongxin Orphanage is the orphanage where Jiang Yun was brought up.

Therefore, in just a few days, no matter whether it is TV or roadside advertisements, there are tracing enlightenments with photos of Jiang Yun everywhere. Even in many cities, policemen are searching for cross-examinations, using suspected abduction. In the name of a woman with a history of mental illness, any woman who is similar to the picture, not only the police but also the general public, will take a closer look. This is not only from the perspective of doing good things, but also because if you find someone, you will get a lot of money from Jiang Yun's university and hospital.

"What a lunatic ...!" Standing on the street, Jiang Yun watched the gray-haired dean grandma on the mobile media TV really thought she was abducted and begged to be kind to help her look for her, only to feel that the people behind her were simply disheartened. , "Why can such a person live so freely and do whatever he wants?"

At this time, there was no trace of womanishness in her whole body. Her tall figure was matched with a black jacket and punk trousers, plus a refreshing short hair and a tough and handsome face underneath. Man, no one will associate her with the beautiful girl with long, fluttering hair in the photo of the tracing message.

"It seems that I can't stay in China." A slender little hand caught her arm. The owner of the hand was a cute little girl with big eyes and snow cheeks who was scorching pear rolls and nestled on Jiang Yun like a couple. Watching the tracing message on TV, "Jiangge, if you stay in this country, you will live in his shadow forever, let's go abroad."

Going abroad?

This word made Jiang Yun bewildered. She remembered that her mentor had told her about studying abroad while she was still at university. She worked so hard to get a place with her excellent grades. Studying at a famous foreign school, as a result ...

"Okay, listen to you!" Jiang Yan's eyes widened so that the tears of resentment would not fall, Jiang Yun gritted her teeth. "Little ... No, Meilu, let's go abroad together!"

They have now changed their names, Jiang Yun changed its name to Jiang Jun, and Xiao Qing changed its name to Mei Lu. The two agreed to call each other out as pretending to be a couple, and they swayed on the street without missing any stuffing.

They can think of going abroad. He Yanting, the president of He Family, cannot think of him. Just as Jiang Yun knows him, he understands Jiang Yun's character even more. The strong and stubborn girl could not remain indifferent to such a momentum, just as she was always thinking of escaping from the villa, she would definitely want to escape from the country that gradually choked her.

Those who cannot exit the country in the normal direction without an identity card will definitely think of sneaking out of the country, and He, who is also secretly involved in the dark, will be able to narrow his target if he wants to find someone.

Sure enough, after sending a large number of personnel to pay attention, they found clues.

"They want to mix in the Queen cruise ship, and when the ship reaches the high seas, they will transfer to ferries to other countries!"

After searching for more than a month, he finally found the target. He's "security" and eyeliners were very happy.

"Be careful, boss has focused on not letting your wife hurt."

"Haha, I know! But it is quite ironic, why are rich and powerful men their true love can only be a junior, it is clear that our boss is not a fiancee in name?"

"Marriage, business marriage? You just want to coax the old man's property, the big wife marries home and tribute, the little wife is the one that you really want to spoil!"

"Not strong enough! It's better that I directly give money to my Lily Amy Little Chris, at least they know that they exist and are willing to share my man!"

"Ha ha ha ha, isn't it really pitiful to say that the boss is so poor? It's not as smart as you!"

These mouthfuls of mercenaries who once lingered on the battlefields of various countries did not pay attention to this task at all. Just when they were full of fists and thought they were invincible, an accident happened.

There was a gun battle at the encirclement point they planned. When they were about to catch the target alive, another group of unfamiliar mercenaries broke in, holding guns that were strictly prohibited in China to shoot at the target, and the scene was in chaos.

"Xuete! Where is this cuckoo stick!" He's "security guard" yelled, but had to rush away to escape.

The incident was so big that even several innocent passers-by were killed. It is by no means easy to end a gun shot in China. They have to get out!

The Queen, which was also about to go to sea, was forced to suspend her navigation. Together with all relevant personnel around the port, they were examined by the local police. In the gap where everyone didn't pay attention or had no time to pay attention, there were two people who had escaped the disaster. He went away and took another night on a broken and small stowaway and quickly left the territorial waters of China.

"Let them run away? I see." He Yanting, who received the report from his subordinates, was not angry at them this time, although he was gloomy. "Go back to your original post and stand by. You don't have to do this. "

He turned off the communication and looked down at the photo frame on the table. The girl in the photo smiled brightly and brightly, and He Yanting gently touched her smiling face, her voice indulged and deepened: "You think this is far away from me Is it really a silly girl? "

Although the main assets of the Hershey Group are all in China, it does not mean that its power in other countries is weak.

"Xiao Yun, you can't hide from me." There was a deep affection in his eyes, He Yanting reluctantly retracted his gaze from the photo, his face suddenly became cold, "But before that, I still have to teach the lessons. I do n’t know You can touch the women you see in the **** of reality? "

At night, quietly on a smuggling ship in the high seas, Jiang Yun has not recovered from the frightened heart.

Guns, guns ... still killing people!

Had it not been for Xiaoqing's dreadful hand to quickly hold her down and hide, she would already be a corpse?

"Xiao Qing, why are you so powerful?" Jiang Yun thought that although she was hiding in Tibet these days, she really didn't have a lot of hardships. She couldn't be more curious. "You didn't tell me you went out to work after graduating from high school. ?"

"Yes, ma'am." The other side nodded back, calmly, "but this does not mean that I will not be anything other than a high school diploma. My father is a special forces veteran. He knows a lot and has taught me a lot. "

"That's the case." Jiang Yun thought the reason was acceptable. As a military mistress, she and the general public felt very powerful when they heard the words special forces. "Wait, can you stop calling my wife?" , I ’m not married or married to that surnamed He! You can call me by name or sister Yun, I can accept it, do n’t call my wife anymore! ”Finally escaped the birth day, and Jiang Yun was finally free to think of a question.

"Okay, Sister Yun." The girl is so kind, "But if you can, I hope you will call me Mei Lu in the future. I like your name better than Xiao Qing."

Although he didn't understand, Jiang Yun agreed, and it was okay to go abroad to change his new name.

Thinking of being on the road abroad, Jiang Yun once again remembered what happened before boarding the ship, and couldn't help but be afraid and angry.

"He Yanting is going to kill me? Why?" Jiang Yun, who can only think of this reason, thinks that the man wanted her to die in too many ways, so as not to be so troublesome.

The maid next to him immediately gave the answer: "It should be Li Qiang's Qianjin. She happened to announce her engagement with Mr. He a year ago."

"My bastard!" Jiang Yun cursed directly. How could she not understand why she was treated in this way inhumanly? The co-author was afraid of getting married and did not want to give up her to do such a disgusting thing. "He's disgusting! So disgusting!" This trampled her personality and dignity, and it turned out that it was only for such ridiculous reasons, why didn't he die!

Jiang Yun scolded for a long time and couldn't help crying, and finally fell asleep exhausted physically and mentally, the maid quilted her bedding, and sat down quietly again.


[Host, I'm here. 】

"Is the Hess Group's power unusually huge? Not only is China in the middle of China, but it is also spread across Asia, Europe, Africa, and the United States. According to normal rules, the local government will never allow such giant private companies to appear, let alone Maybe let it trigger that momentum. "

[Host, you are talking about the source world where the rules work perfectly. In the world, this kind of excessive abnormality will never occur. But we are just walking through small worlds, like this can only be regarded as a small world derived from the printing, the rules are flawed and not complete enough, it is normal, especially He Yanting itself is the child of luck in this world, and is extremely cared for by Tiandao It is reasonable to think that the size of the He's Group he belongs to is not reasonable. 】

"Is the son of luck for the favor of heaven ..."

[The host does not need to worry, because the rules of the small world are lacking, and the situation where the child of Qi Yun is taken away often happens, depending on how to operate. And we do n’t need to be so troublesome to oppose Tiandao. This time the mission master is actually a person who is favored by Tiandao, but the luck she has is currently much weaker than He Yanting. 】

"Is that so?" The young girl had always been a little surprised at Wu Jing's face, and she glanced at the sleeping person. "That's great, at least the wife can suffer a lot less."

The author has something to say: Why do you all think this is not the overlord, I often see this kind of prisoner love text, the male lead is able to ignore our country ’s criminal law a whole set of cattle 13 president == 2k novel reading network