MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2035 Wilderness sister

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Yuki, the real name of the wild kapok season, is a friend that Li Yalin and Asuna have met in the alo game. It can be said that the other party is a very beautiful girl.

Of course, that is not the point.

After meeting with Yuji, Asuna’s relationship with this girl has always been very good. Li Yalin’s words are based on the principle of keeping a low profile and have no special relationship with the other party.

Yes, he is very restrained. After all, there are too many girls to provoke, and should be properly converged.

It was normal to know friends in the game, and through the discipline, Li Yalin and Asuna also met her twin sister and the companions of her guild.

However, after a happy game time, it is a sad fact.

On one day, the sister of Ji Ji, who is also the president of the guild's sleeping knight, suddenly went offline, and the discipline also went offline, causing doubts about Li Yalin and Asuna.

After asking friends of the same guild, they finally realized that Yuan Ji and her sister Lan were themselves seriously ill.

After hearing the news, Li Yalin and Asuna were very anxious, and immediately learned the residence of Yuki and Lan by all means, and rushed to the fastest speed.

Fortunately, their actions were rapid at the time, otherwise it would be really late, because that was the last moment of the blue crisis. If they were two hours later, they could only see the body of Lan.

Seeing that Li Yalin and Asuna are coming in reality, there is a discipline, that is, the girl named Yuye Kapok season is naturally very surprised, but she is also very moved when she is surprised, because this is the embodiment of true friends.

However, Li Yalin did not let her move for too long. Ji’s sister, Lan, the girl who is called the wilderness blue child, did not know what disease he had. He had to know the details and he had to know the details. Save the blue.

Under Li Yalin’s urgent questioning, Yuji was only slightly hesitant, and he quickly informed him that the blood of his sisters was infected with HIV virus, which is a terminal illness that modern medicine cannot cure. Their parents are also dead.

But why do the Sisters of the wilderness infect hiv, then they must start from when they were born, when their mother suffered dystocia, hemorrhage, need urgent blood transfusion, but the blood transfusion for their mother, the cause of infection The hiv virus was not detected during the window period, and the result was that the family was infected when it was discovered.

The parents of the wilderness sisters died because of the aids attack. Now Lan’s condition has already started, and it’s really hard to continue this time.

After understanding all the conditions, Li Yalin did not feel embarrassed for this. Although the infection of HIV virus is indeed an incurable disease for ordinary doctors, it is not so difficult for Li Yalin.

At least he is confident that he will cure the sickness of the wilderness sisters.

Although... this is very troublesome.

For the sake of friends, Li Yalin did not care about this trouble. After successfully saving Lan, that is, after the blues of the wilderness, he also cured the discipline. This is undoubtedly a new life for the sisters of the wilderness!

Yes, although the character of the wilderness sisters is optimistic and cheerful, they also know that they cannot live like normal people, and it is absolutely impossible to live for too long. Death is their final destination.

Lan Ye Lan Zi, she was already ready to meet the death.

But I didn’t think about it, just when they were about to meet the death, but they were accidentally rescued from hell. Such a kind of kindness, how can we repay?

It is okay to have a good time. Although she is grateful to Li Yalin, she has made Li Yalin a good friend, or a certain kind of 'sentimental enemy'. It is a very comfortable attitude.

The older sister can be different. Lan, the girl who was rescued from the death line by Li Yalin, immediately regained her life after she regained her life... No, she should have fallen in love with her savior.

Of course, Lan is very clear about the relationship between Li Yalin and Asuna. Even if she likes Li Yalin in her heart, she does not show up in front of everyone, but no one is a fool. The girl expresses her attitude and hides her attitude. It has already exposed her mind.

Even if you didn't say it clearly, everyone can understand it, but they didn't puncture this layer of window paper. Otherwise, it will definitely make everyone jealous.

This state has continued until now. Even if Li Yalin and Asuna are married, Lan’s mind has not changed. This is really distressing.

Therefore, Li Yalin will say that if Arthura invites Yuji to come to the house, Lan will definitely not run. When he meets the sisters, he has to think about it.

However... he didn't think much about time. Just after moving into his new home, Asuna said in the game that if she had time, she could find herself at any time. The aspect was also agreed without hesitation in the first time.

She has long been looking forward to this day!

The fact is, as Li Yalin thought, the same day, when the visit to the country was visited, Lan also followed, but it was obvious that he and Asuna’s new home had scared the sisters.

"I said... How long are the two of you ready to look at the door?"

Because of the newly moved relationship, Li Yalin did not hire a maid or housekeeper who cleaned the room. After hearing the ringing of the door, he personally opened the door for the wilderness sisters.

After all, in this modern world, opening the door is nothing more than a button click.

The problem is that the gate is open, but the wilderness sisters did not mean to enter the yard at all. Instead, they stood at the gate and did not dare to enter.

This made Li Yalin quite speechless. After waiting for a while, he could only come to the front door of the courtyard to greet him, and vomited to them unceremoniously.

"Your home... live here?"

In fact, it is no wonder that the wilderness sisters hesitated. They are not born into a wealthy family. They have never been exposed to any high society. This kind of mansion located in the urban area is not something that ordinary people can have at first glance. The image of Li Yalin and Asuna recognized is inconsistent!

They can't think of it anyway, these two friends, in reality, are such a local tyrant!

This is too incredible!

"I just moved in, don't stupidly stand up, come in quickly, and Asuna can't wait."

Looking at the look of the wilderness sisters, Li Yalin almost laughed, but fortunately, he held back and waved to the sisters, inviting her to come in.

"Oh... um..."

Until this time, the Sisters of the wilderness finally returned to God, stepping through the door with a very rigid step, and after entering the courtyard, the surrounding scene made them exclaim.

This is too beautiful! This should not be the scenery that should be in the city at all!

God, is this still transcript?

"Yi Ji! Lan!"

Fortunately, there was not much time to surprise the sisters of the wilderness. After entering the house, Asuna soon met her two friends. It was a relative’s hand holding one, but she was prepared for this for a long time!

"I have long wanted to play games with you in a room! Come on, I have already prepared the host for you, and I must have a good time today!"

Hello, my wife, adult, you are too house girl!

Looking at his wife can't wait to pull the wilderness sisters to play the game, Li Yalin couldn't help but vomit in his heart, but fortunately, he didn't really say anything, otherwise he would definitely be consistent with the sister in front of him. denounce.

Since the people are so interested, let them enjoy the next time.

As a master, Li Yalin certainly has to be prepared to welcome the guests. Today, Asuna is not expecting it. Although she is a good wife and a good mother on weekdays, her excitement is increasing.

Therefore, it is better to welcome the work of Li Yalin himself.

First take out the snacks and tea, and then prepare a sumptuous lunch for the girls. Li Yalin said that he is a perfect husband, super invincible.

However, because of this, he feels that the blue eyes of the wilderness look at his own eyes and seem to be more emotional.

Not only is Lan, who is a sister, but even a discipline, it has become weird when I look at Li Yalin.

I always feel that... this rhythm is not quite right...

"Lan really likes you very much."

After playing all day, after dinner, Li Yalin personally sent away the sisters of the wilderness. Although they wanted to stay overnight, they really had to leave because of their academic relationship.

However, after Li Yalin came back, Asuna did not come to say such a sentence, and suddenly made a lot of black lines on his head.

What does it mean?

"I also read it out. I will try to avoid contact with her in the future."

Pressing the temple, Li Yalin, although he did not know that Asuna mentioned this matter, was to remind himself of what was going on, but he also knew that he should keep a distance from the wilderness.

"Why? If you are hiding from Lan, isn't it too unfair to her? And I told you that not only is Lan, but there is also a good feeling for you, but she is a hidden and proud, about She doesn't want to say more about this aspect of her feelings."

Li Yalin’s attitude was good, but he did not think about it. Asuna’s eyes turned over and she was upset for Lan.

And this is also to make Li Yalin stunned.

"Asna, you are..."

"I like your girls more. Can I still limit them? Since they can't be restrained, why can't I give Lan... even a chance?"

"Although what you said is very reasonable... but I always feel that this is not right, hello!"

In this case, how should Li Yalin spit out his wife?