MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2036 I don't know women?

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"Have you ever seen a wife who pushed her husband to another woman? Asuna... I really don't understand what she is thinking."

In a bar in alo, Li Yalin is complaining softly to someone who is wearing a cloak and can't see the look.

Although others can't see the person's appearance, Li Yalin knows the identity of the person in front of him. If not, he can't even say anything.

"Of course you don't know what Yasna is thinking. To put it bluntly, you are a person who doesn't understand women at all!"

Listening to Li Yalin's complaints, sitting across from him, the man in the cloak scorned, and the words were full of disdain, which suddenly caused countless black lines on Li Yalin's head.

"I don't know a woman? Are you kidding me?"

If you say anything else, Li Yalin may not refute it, but if he does not understand the woman, then he will have to talk to the other person well.

Just by his Li Yalin, the demon king who has spent a lot of time in the flowers, will not understand the woman's heart? How can this be?

"Don't use your superficial understanding to try to figure out the thoughts of our women. You can never guess the heart of a woman, because a woman is a kind animal. When you think you know a woman, actually All you know is her side. She has more thoughts hidden in the dark, so you can't find it."

Well, after hearing this, Li Yalin was speechless, because he found that this was really justified. He was speechless.

"So Argo, what do you mean by this, are you actually a very fickle woman?"

When it comes to this, Li Yalin really doesn't know how to vomit. The woman in front of him is also an intelligence businessman, Argo, who he knows in the world of Sao. Does she describe her as a woman and describe herself?

"Do you think I am not fickle?"

Li Yalin spoke in a row, in exchange for Argo's counter-question, and this question is also completely irrefutable.

"Forget it... The woman is really complicated, I can't study it."

All along, Li Yalin feels that she actually knows women very well, but it turns out that he definitely thinks too much.

In the past, he was able to understand women so well, because the vast majority of his sisters were very simple. He rarely encountered such a deliberate girl. Even if it was a villain, he could be innocent and cute.

But in fact, women's minds are extremely complicated, especially as their age increases, their minds will be more diverse.

He couldn't guess the thoughts of Asuna, and he couldn't see Argo's thoughts. This is really a headache.

"Right, have you got Asuna's mother?"

Looking at Li Yalin's helpless face, Argo was very timely and did not continue this topic. The words turned and brought up Asuna's mother.

Regarding the incident of Yasna and her mother's arrogance, the girl around Li Yalin did not know. After all, she was the second person to marry Li Yalin, and naturally became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Although it is a bit of a hassle, I still get it. In fact, Asuna is also stubborn. If I solve the problem earlier, why should I drag it to the present?"

Listening to Argo mentioning this matter, Li Yalin finally got a little comfortable. After some ‘unremitting efforts’, some time, he finally took Asuna’s mother and successfully won the approval of his wife’s mother.

Don't say anything else, at least seeing Asuna's mother in the future, no need to be blinded again, this is a great improvement.

The most crucial thing is that after the relationship with the family has eased, Asuna’s pressure has plummeted, and more smiles can be seen on weekdays, which proves that Li Yalin’s efforts have not been in vain.

In the future, it will definitely make Asuna more happy. This is the ending that Li Yalin really wants to see.

"It turned out that after I saw Artena again, I must say a congratulatory to her."

Seeing Li Yalin’s words, although there are complaints, he can completely block the look of joy. Argo knows that this is definitely a perfect solution.

Since this is the case, she does not need to ask more questions.

"The situation of Asuna is solved. What are you going to do with Lizbet? She has never given up."

"Don't mention it, I think it hurts to think about it now..."

Being able to fix the mother-in-law, this definitely makes Li Yalin very happy. After hearing the name of Lizbet from the mouth of Argo, he suddenly hurts.

Yes, it is Liz Bate!

Speaking of this girl, Li Yalin, who had known the original story for a long time, certainly would not feel strange, because she was one of the heroines of the original, but when she was in Sao, Li Yalin did not have much contact with her.

Even so, the inertia of the plot is very strong. Lizbet first made friends with Asuna, and then succeeded in knowing Tongzi and Cilika, and eventually became the chief forge of the "Rebirth" Guild. Entered the management of the guild.

When returning to the original world, Lizbet was also selected as one of the top leaders of the guild who can retain memory and strength. After all, her ability is indeed there, and with the friendship in the weekdays, Li Yalin naturally cannot say Two words.

Originally, he thought that his communication with Lizbet was in business affairs. He had never said more than half a sentence in private, and there will be fewer future intersections.

However, I did not think that Lizbet would like to like myself in the end. Although like Lan, she did not take the initiative to express anything to Li Yalin, but her careful thoughts are clear to everyone.

On this point, Li Yalin really has some headaches.

Speaking of conscience, Lizbert is also a lovely girl. Li Yalin also likes her very much, but if she promises too much to her immediately, it is too much to play.

It is not that he is indecisive, but that he hopes to bring happiness to all, and happiness requires time.

Now what he can do is only a little bit slower, let Lie and Asuna be happy first, and then slowly continue to everyone.

"You don't like Lizbet?"

Argo didn't know what Li Yalin thought in his heart. He saw Li Yalin's headache. He thought he was because he hated Lizbet. He didn't know how to get rid of people. This suddenly made her brows pick up.

"Who said it? I am just thinking about how to face Lizbet, and you should know that I am married."

Li Yalin certainly can't dislike Lizbet. It just because of the current situation, he can't explain anything to Argodo. He can only find a reason to smother it. After all, he can't say that it still takes time to go. Respond to Lizbet's feelings?

"Yeah, you are married, and they are already married for the second time. Since there are two times, then you don't have to worry about the third time?"

Li Yalin’s words directly attracted Argo’s eyes. He’s already married for the second time. It’s already a well-known thing in the circle. If you do it all, is it still a third time?

"What you said is light, I always have to worry about the feelings of Lieer and Asuna?"

Very silent looking at Argo, Li Yalin found that she had some ideas that could not keep up with each other.

"It’s good to say, worry about the feelings of Lieer and Asuna. As you said, are you actually a good husband?"

Although I don't know what Argo is thinking about, Li Yalin can feel that the sister is facing herself.

It’s hard to be... When did you offend her?

"Cough... If you want to say this, I don't object."

Regarding whether he is a good husband or not, how does an outsider evaluate Li Yalin? Regardless of himself, he feels that he is doing his duty.

Although in the aspect of Huaxin, he did make a bad job.

"I really want to be a grown-up, this face is really thick, but it is precisely because of your cheeky that it brings hope to everyone."

Looking at Li Yalin in front of him, Argo couldn't help but be speechless, but what she said next was to let Li Yalin squint a little.

"Bring everyone hope? What do you mean by this?" Argo’s words, Li Yalin did not understand.

"Don't you understand? After returning to the world, you can save your memory and strength. This is a very happy event for everyone. But in the same way, everyone will no longer be an ordinary person, but also a life away from normal people. ""

"Even if we are telling ourselves every day to live like an ordinary person, then we can't hide the fact that we are different. We are different from ordinary people. We are actually the most lonely."

"So, we don't have a lot of choices, but we can only bring us the future."

"Since there is no choice, what are we still struggling with? Our mind, don't you really understand? My president is an adult?"

It wasn't until Argo had said such a thing, Li Yalin finally sighed, and it turned out to be like this... This is really a tangled and exciting answer.

But... now is not a good time to respond.

"Well, I think I understand what you mean, but I need time..."

Sighed, Li Yalin felt that he had to perfuse the matter and slowly solve it.

But did not think about it, his words have not finished waiting, and then look at the opposite Argo, she is directly on the front to explore, very overbearing kiss on his lips.

Lying in the trough!

When was Argo so active?

Argo’s kiss directly made Li Yalin stupid until the end of the kiss, and then look at Argo, her face is already full of red tide, although she is active, but her girl’s heart still makes her shy .

"Time? There is no time! You have to give everyone an account!"

So overbearing? Don't even give time?

But why... I always feel that this feeling is also very good?