MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1574 Above me

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Zhang Xu glanced at Qufu.

The sorrow and grief of the latter's face became more and more intense, but the eyes seemed to be very firm.

"Li Mu, not bad."

Quzi is slowly and authentic.

These four words, one word at a time, seem to be squeezed out of the cracks in the stone.

Inexplicable, there is a kind of stability and strength.

Zhang Xuyi, immediately hahaha laughed.

He entered the road with wild grass calligraphy, and he was the most bohemian.

In the early years, he was also a self-sufficient person, and he was extremely convinced of his instincts. He could say that he was disdainful for the kind of intrigue, but in order to handle the overall situation of the ascendant camp, it was inevitable to fall into all concrete things. Over time, some of the temperament of the body has not been wiped out.

On the contrary, Qu Zi, as everyone knows, is a person who has experienced great sufferings. His mind is determined and determined, but it is more decisive.

If you are indefinite, you can ask Qu Qu.

This is a sentence that many people believe in among the 36 pillars.

Today, Qu Yuan's 'Li Mu is not bad' four words and one exit, suddenly like a lightning, dispelling the haze of Zhang Xu's heart.

On the other hand, Li Bai, also a slight glimpse, immediately put down the jug in his hand, did not say a word, but hahaha laughed.

The faces of the Red Emperor and the Song Emperor are all slightly changed.

How delicate their minds are, from the expression of Li Bai's three people, suddenly understand the choice of three people.

The Red Emperor was angry.

These ascendants are really arrogant.

It’s not ridiculous that such a big event is decided by personal feeling alone.

The performance of the star-studded heavenly machine is unparalleled in the world, and it can be said that it is nothing.

For this time, the characters of the two emperors, the Emperor and the Emperor of the Stars, paid a lot of money.

It’s hard to come to a conclusion and be kind enough to remind the ascendant camp to avoid making a big mistake.

Who knows, these three people are so reactionary?

It’s really a summer worm that can’t speak ice.

For a vain fourth peer, I did not hesitate to take the whole three-day big game as a bet.

This is really a cure for the dead.

"Three, this matter..."

Red Emperor still wants to say anything more.

The Song Emperor waved his hand and motioned that he would not have to say it anymore.

He was worried that the Red Emperor's heart was impetuous and his temper was hot. He was afraid that he was anxious to say something heavy, but ultimately it was counterproductive.

"Three, I can only express regret for your decision. However, this matter is not for the three of you to decide. Tiandao League still insists on its own position. At that time, it will be with other pillars of the ascendant camp. Discussing this matter," Song Huang took a deep breath and said very frankly: "Because this matter is not only related to the ascendant camp, but also to my Tiandao League, this is our attitude, I hope you can understand."

Words are very straightforward.

It is also very calm.

Three people, Li Bai, naturally there is no objection.

"Before the two camps, before making a real decision, I hope that the three will not be stunned. This is the respect for the best of the allies. How do the three think?"

Song Huang added another sentence.

Li Bai, three people, looked at each other and said: "Yes."

Of course, nothing is wrong.

One is as the Song Emperor said, but it is the respect for the ally of Heaven.

The second is the trust in the robe.

The ascendant camp can struggle to survive for three days, and it continues to this day. The biggest point is unity.

Not just the ordinary ascendant unity.

The thirty-six pillars of God, as the backbone of the support for the ascendant camp in a long period of darkness, are also extremely united.

There have never been things between each other, fighting for power, and conspiring to calculate.

At most, the ideas are not consistent, but they are all controlled within the scope of internal contradictions.

Li Bai and three people have the confidence to convince others to accept Li Mu.

"it is good."

Song Huang arched his hand and said: "The matter of today, I will discuss it here, and I will ask you not to leak it."

The last sentence, of course, is to say to Sun Fei.

Li Bai and the three have promised before, will certainly be confidential.

However, the attitude of the emperor Sun Fei is the most headache for the Song Emperor.

This live treasure, if not out of the rules, leaked the news to Sun Fei, I am afraid that it will be abandoned before the time.

Therefore, when Song Emperor spoke, he was facing Sun Fei, and he did quite a solemn ceremony.

Sun Fei was still lying on the lounge chair, and his right hand was lifted up, like a fly.

When the Song Emperor saw it, he was relieved a lot. With the Red Emperor, they turned and left.

In the hall, the atmosphere is still calm, but there is more life, not as depressed as before.

For Li Bai, once the decision is made, there is no remorse.

The three people thought that the atmosphere would be happy.

A snoring came.

Sun Fei on the lounge chair, this time seems to be really asleep.

The corner of the mouth is slightly tilted.

On the same day, the Red Emperor came to Ningping City with a rush of fire.

The Song Emperor stayed.

In the evening, when Sun Fei came to Li Mu for drinking, he actually took Li Bai and three people.

Quzi didn't drink alcohol, but he looked at Li Mu quietly. It was like a father looking at his son. The wrinkles and gullies on his face seemed to have been wiped out a lot.

Li Bai and Zhang Xu are both famous and unrestrained figures. A few pots of celestial wines are under the belly, and more and more waves are formed. Li Mujian dances poems, Zhang Xu mentions pens, and one piece relaxes and complements each other. (The author Jun really can't write the poems of Li Bai's level, and can't let Li Baizhen's old poems. Everyone pretends that the poems here are greatly shocked and new works appear.)

Sun Fei also cares about the other, that is, pulling Li Mu and wine.

This kind of wine is brewed by itself, and I don’t know what to add to it. The wine is terrible.

Soon, a peerless, two gods, plus a Li Muzhe peerless, a total of four people, drunk four.

Quzi drunk is not touched, sitting in the gazebo.

He looked at Li Bai Li Mu Zhang Xu Sun Fei all lying on the stone, screaming like thunder, did not mean to send the four people back to the room, just sitting on the stone bench in the gazebo by the pool, watching quietly.

The moonlight is cold, like silver.

Qu Zi sat quietly, I don't know when, his face turned out to be a smile, very soft, very gentle, in the night, under the moonlight, the clear and thin face, as if Young and old.

One night, it passed quickly.

On the second day, after Li Bai and Zhang Xu hanged up, they said goodbye to Li Mu and left Ning Pingcheng.

Quzi is staying.

Li and Zhang are going to the headquarters of the ascendant camp, and passing this matter to the other three of the 36-column gods is better than letting the Red Emperor and other people of Tiandao League say better. Strive for more definite support.

However, Qu Zi is a whisper, so he stayed in Ningping City.

After Sun Fei sobered up, he slipped away and didn't know where he was going.

Li Mu’s life in Ningping City has become quiet.

He meets with his parents every day, and then he cultivates in his own small courtyard to improve his strength.

On several occasions, Li Muben wanted to ask Sun Fei, what can be done to let the flowers want to recover the memory, but there is no good opportunity, and how the goods look is not very reliable, so that Li Mu is difficult to talk about.

Two days passed.

This day, into the night.

In the small courtyard, Li Mu was practicing, suddenly feeling, and opened his eyes.

But in the yard, under the laurel tree, a pretty woman in white, standing on the screen, beautiful, unparalleled, not a flower, but who?

Li Muyixi was immediately surprised.

"How come you are here?"

He grew up.

In this city, there are Qu Zi and Sun Fei sitting in the town.

Flowers want to be mixed into the city, once found, others are okay, Sun Fei, one of the three peers, is extremely difficult to deal with, the strength of the flower, not necessarily the opponent.

Flowers want to stand under the tree, quiet and beautiful.

It is not just a look, it is a breath, and it is exactly the same as the fairy world.

Only the temperament of the whole person is quite different from the past.

She looked at Li Mu's eyes, which was a bit complicated.

Li Muyi raised his hand, the invisible array of volatility, swaying out, shrouded the entire small courtyard, and isolated all the peep and breath.

"Why don't you talk?"

Li Mu asked with a smile: "So, are you coming to assassinate me?"

Dao Zun League suffered heavy losses.

Do you want to use the flowers to think about it, to secretly assassinate?

The flower wants to gently shake his head and opens: "Follow me."


Li Muyi, unclear.

The flower wants to say: "You said, we used to be husband and wife."

Li Mu nodded.

I want to continue with the flowers: "Then go with me, I am willing to be your wife."

Li Mu’s heart was happy, said: “Really?”

The flower wants to calm down and nodded, saying: "I never lie."

Li Mu’s look suddenly calmed down.

Because he saw it, the flower thought did not restore the memory.

"Where to go?"

Li Mu asked.

Flowers want to admit: "Go to the road to Zunshan."

"You want me to vote for the Dominion?"

Li Mu understood.

Flowers want to admit: "The husband and wife are one, I am a Taoist ally, shouldn't you be with me?"

"So, are you coming to persuade?"

Li Mudao.

I thought about it seriously and said, "You can understand this."

Li Mu smashed his eyebrows and said: "You should know, because I, Dao Zun League suffered heavy losses, the three kings died in battle, and one ancestor was seriously injured. It took so much energy and cost to assassinate me. If I went to Tao Zun Alliance, isn’t it a sheep, you can’t protect me.”

He said, he smiled and said: "The husband and wife are integrated, so you can also come to the ascendant camp. I will find a way to restore your old memories and ensure your safety."

Hua wants to admit: "The previous things, Dao Zun League will no longer care about it, as long as you go back with me, your status is above the four ancestors and ten kings."

Li Muyi.

Is this high specification?

I hate to smash my own body before.

Now I have built a ancestor and three kings. The loss is heavy. Instead of retaliation, I am directly at a high position.

Above the four ancestors and ten kings, this status is really too high.

At this time, Hua Xiangrong added another sentence: "On top of me."

Make up yesterday