MTL - The Existence of Harry Potter-v2 Chapter 25 that rain, that man

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Four thousand two hundred words, I was going to finish this paragraph, but my hands couldn’t take it anymore. There is no air conditioner or heating in the room where the computer is placed, and it’s not a laptop. After a while, my fingers were almost stiff, and I couldn’t continue. Write it down and do it tomorrow.

Alright, 25 chapters and more than 50,000 words have been written in the second volume. Hermione finally appeared again, Sahua, vote for those who recommend!


Mr. Granger said that he has been under a lot of pressure recently. As for where Alexander is, he will cry a lot. Anyway, the thing that Mr. Granger regrets the most now is that he sent his daughter to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry last year. After only one year, his daughter is like a different person after returning home.

Mingming used to be obedient, well-behaved, gentle and kind, but now the person who looks exactly like his own daughter, but has a much worse temper, often talks back to him, and is not well-behaved at all. Is that person really not someone else pretending to be?

With a dark circle under his eyes, Mr. Granger left home to go to work. He didn't sleep well last night because Hermione was doing a potion experiment in the basement last night, and as a result, he almost didn't order the house. Things like that happened almost every day, and Mr. Granger understood what it meant to be restless at home.


When Mr. Granger thought of this school, his teeth itch with hatred. This magic school that doesn't know where it is hiding seems to have the potential to train his precious daughter into a witch. The word witch doesn't sound like a good thing. In the Middle Ages, it was very popular to burn witches to death. Although there is no such practice now, the word witch has never been a positive word.

"I'll be a witch after graduation!"

Thinking of the letter Hermione wrote home when she was at Hogwarts for a month, Mr. Granger felt a headache. After graduation, he became a witch? Your father and my dentist's clinic are waiting for you to inherit and carry forward it! Besides, what about the job after graduation? What is the assignment of jobs after graduation from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Is it hard work? Salary is high, treatment is good or not...

"I'm so stupid, really..."

Thinking of this, Mr. Granger almost shed tears of remorse, **** Hogwarts, **** wizarding school, you are my gentle, well-behaved, lively and obedient baby girl! ! !

The summer sun rises early and spreads light, but Mr. Granger feels that the road ahead is dark and dark, just like the bowl of oatmeal that he ate this morning from the hands of his precious daughter.

Mr. Granger didn't notice because he had distracted thoughts about his daughter. An acquaintance was standing on the side of the road eating a hot dog with a map in his hand. After seeing Mr. Granger, he hid behind the telephone pole. Behind, watch him leave. If he notices, then he will find this man the source of all his misfortunes during this time.

"Well, I walked on time. It's 7:50 now, and I arrive at the clinic at about 8:15. I don't officially start work until 8:30. I don't go home for lunch, I take a nap for about two hours, and I work until 5 in the afternoon. It takes another twenty-five minutes to get off work at half past and then go home, which is about six o’clock…”

Biting the hot dog, Asker looked at Mr. Granger, estimated his schedule for the day, and finally got the answer, that is, he can have a lunch today, and if he is lucky, he can have a dinner. Better, maybe you can stay overnight, and there will be no such thing as running into the hotel and being disturbed by Boggart.

It is necessary to mention here that today is Monday, which is the fourth day after the bad events in Diagon Alley, and the third day that Asker started to set off for Hermione's house. In fact, the United Kingdom is so big, and Asker has only selected four or five locations. Plus he still knows some information about Hermione's family. He went to the Muggle government to find the address of Hermione's family. It took half a day to find the door, and he arrived here on Saturday afternoon.

Asker was a little self-aware, he knew that if he just came to the door like this, he would definitely be unlucky. Not to mention Hermione, just leaving Mr. Granger halfway that day has reduced the number of people who can say good things for him, because of this incident, Hermione's mother may not have a very good impression of her. it is good.

Well, this is common sense. First, you need to brush up your favorability. However, there are some things that need to be clarified before the favorability is obtained, so Ask now has a good understanding of the daily schedule of the Hermione family.

I looked up at the sky. It was only eight o'clock. The weather has been relatively good recently. Judging from today's situation, it seems that the weather today is also very good. However, Asker took the time to look at the weather forecast. It will rain at 10:37 this morning. Don't ask why it is so accurate. Who made this weather forecast given by wizards and must be accurate.

After the hot dogs were eaten, Ask opened the map in his hand, and some markings had been made on it. This was Ask's harvest for the day and a half. If nothing else, at 8:30, Mrs. Granger would go out to buy things. The supermarket she often goes to is only 15 minutes away from here, and it will take at most 45 minutes for shopping, which is nine. She would leave the supermarket at 15:30, and it would be 9:30 when she got home. In this way, from about 8:30 to 9:30 in the middle, only Hermione was at home for an hour.

The difficulty seemed to have suddenly dropped a lot. As long as Hermione's favorability was improved, her parents would not be a problem at all. But the question also arises, what can I do to make Hermione's favorability level rise to the required level within an hour? You know, the current favorability level is likely to be negative.

"It rained at 10:37... It's really nerve-racking. The next few days will be sunny, only today is the whole day of rain. If you want to wait for a good time, it will be next week... But Wait until next week..."

Asker suddenly hated the wizards' weather forecasts, because their forecasts were too accurate. In this way, the rain would only start at 10:37, not even a minute earlier. During the day and a half, Ask hadn't figured out what to do. He kept overturning the many ways he had thought of before. Maybe he thought a certain way was good yesterday, but when he got up in the morning, he found that this way was not reliable. spectrum.

"Frankness is lenient, resistance is strict... Well, or just send it to the door like this, anyway, it will be petrified at most and then thrown into the square to make a sculpture..." Ask began to calculate the effect of the simplest and most direct method, if Ask did not speak up Shit, I didn't kill myself, this method is actually not bad, but Ask knows himself better. At that time, he will definitely be cheap, and he will definitely kill him.

This is a disease, a terminal illness, and there is no cure. It doesn't matter if you give up treatment or something.

Originally, Asker had no good solution, but he never expected...

At ten thirty-seven, there were suddenly many dark clouds in the originally blue sky. Without any warning, the rain poured down, and the fine rain stream was like a water curtain, connecting the sky and the earth.

It is a very common thing to rain in summer. Because it has not rained for a period of time, people speculate that it should rain in these days. The weather forecast issued by the meteorological department also stated that there will be heavy rain in the next two days. Now it seems that the forecast of the meteorological department is not a problem, but the time is wrong.

Hermione went out once in the morning, and around nine-thirty she got a call from Ron, saying he was looking for her to hang out, Harry was with him, and those from the Weasleys. child. After thinking about it, there seemed to be no problem, so Hermione left a note at home and hurried to where Ron said.

There was no problem at the beginning, but later there was a problem. First, when Hermione arrived at the promised place, she found that there was no one there. After that, something that made Hermione angry happened. When she called to ask Ron, Ron's answer was terrible, so bad that no one would endure it.

"Hey, did you really go? No, you did go, then I lost miserably! ... Oh, it's actually like this, I bet Harry with me that as long as I make a phone call, you will Obedient, do as I say... Yes, this is just a joke, don't take it too seriously, but you're too mean, you believe everything I say, then I say..."

What else could Ron say, Hermione didn't know, she hung up the phone, and when she was about to go to Ron's house to settle accounts with Ron, the clear sky was covered with dark clouds, and then it was pouring rain.

Terrible, whether it's the rain or what just happened.

Take out the umbrella from his pocket, don't wonder why the umbrella can be hidden in the pocket, Asker gave Hermione a storage pocket last Christmas. Taking out the umbrella from the storage pocket, Hermione couldn't help thinking of Asker, and her already bad face was even worse. Stepping into the rain with a dark face, Hermione scolded Ron in her heart while secretly making up her mind that she would never believe any of Ron's words again!

Things went smoothly after that. Although it was raining heavily, some gadgets that Hermione bought from Diagon Alley were also very useful. For example, the umbrella she was holding was not only above, but even when the wind was blowing all around. The incoming rain can also be blocked. With the help of such gadgets, the way home was not very difficult, but the bad weather obviously made Hermione's mood worse, and there was no tendency to improve.

"Ask is a bastard, Ron is a bastard, and Harry is no better, you men are bastards!"

Hermione thought bitterly that she would be home in a few minutes, but Hermione was not happy at all. Stepping on the rain and smashing the rain curtain, Hermione's speed became faster and faster, and the anger in her heart slowly turned into grievance and sadness.

Anytime, being played with for no reason is the most irritating and uncomfortable thing.

"Hey, that's..."

Hermione stopped at an intersection, and she had to wait a little longer because of the red light. During this time, she saw a person who was still talking about it just now.


Hermione doesn't know what to say anymore. Language can express a lot of people's emotions, but sometimes, you will find that language is actually very weak, and there are many emotions that cannot be expressed in words. With a complicated heart and mixed feelings, Hermione stood quietly on the side of the road, looking at Asker, watching him hand over the umbrella in his hand to a little boy, but he was soaked in the rain and instantly turned into a chicken, watching the little boy leave, He was still standing there smirking.


Hermione whispered, but the grievance and anger in her heart had vanished. There was only one road between her and Ask, and as long as Ask turned around, he could see her, but Ask did not turn around, just raised his head and looked at the sky, opened his mouth as if to say something, and then shook his head Go forward.

It was raining heavily. Hermione didn't know if Asker only had an umbrella. She watched Asker walk in the rain, soaked all over. Hermione was guessing that Asker was going to go to her house. Who knew that it would rain heavily halfway, and then met a little boy who didn't bring an umbrella, so Asker gave the umbrella to the little boy, before he got drenched in the rain. Row.


Hermione whispered, for some unknown reason, she suddenly felt a little distressed when she looked at Asker, who was drenched all over and occasionally sneezed and coughed a few times. After thinking about it, in fact, Asker still has some advantages. At least he has a little sympathy and is willing to help others... Compared with his bad character, these advantages are especially valuable. And on the other hand, Ron and Harry...a thing happened at Hogwarts last year, that was Neville was cursed together by that pesky Draco Malfoy. Can only jump back to the Gryffindor common room. However, at that time, whether it was Ron or Harry, they all just laughed and watched Neville make a fool of himself, and no one went up to help unlock the spell, and in the end it was Hermione who did Sk's back suddenly grew taller...

Hermione is not as angry now as she was at first. After all, Asker has been punished, and she will catch a cold and get sick in the rain for too long, so she quickens her pace and prepares to use an umbrella to protect Asker from the rain, although it doesn't seem to make sense now. big.

"Hey, he is..."

Hermione stopped suddenly, because she saw Ask suddenly walking towards a house, went to the door and rang the bell. Hermione thought for a while, but she didn't catch up immediately, she wanted to see what Asker was trying to do. In her opinion, the biggest possibility is to borrow an umbrella from this family.

From a distance, Hermione only saw what Asker said to the owner of the house who opened the door, then the man shook his head, Asker said something, and finally turned to leave.

Didn't you borrow an umbrella?

Hermione was puzzled and continued to follow. She found that Asker knocked on the doors of four or five houses after doing the same thing, and left after doing the same thing, still not intending to borrow an umbrella.

"What exactly does he want to do?"

This question lingered in Hermione's mind all the time. She knocked on the door from house to house to ask questions, but did not borrow an umbrella. She let the heavy rain fall on her body, and she didn't realize it. What exactly did Ask ask?

On this road, there are houses on both sides of the road, and Hermione's house is on the opposite side of the road. She watched Asker walk all the way to the opposite side of Hermione's house without stopping, and knocked on a few more doors. A thought suddenly came to her. on the head.

"Could he have forgotten my address?"