MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 178 Cultivators against the modern army!

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  Chapter 178 Immortal Cultivators Fight Modern Army!

  Under everyone's gaze, Su Yun came to the helicopter step by step, and pushed the coffin on his back into the cabin.

  The helicopter pilot standing next to him looked at him in astonishment. Obviously, like everyone else, he didn't know what road number Su Yun was on.

   "Su Yun, what are you going to do?

  No one wants Jiajia to be like this, but this is the truth. Do you really want to make things like this? "

  Xu Kui's tone was full of repressed emotions. In his opinion, Su Yun had fallen into madness.

   And what's the point of this madness?

  Xu Jiajia is dead, this is an unchangeable fact in the hearts of Xu Kui and others.

  Su Yun's doing so will only add more troubles.

   But Su Yun didn't give any response to this, but he looked at Xu Kui with complicated eyes.

  The pilot of the helicopter froze in place in astonishment. Without receiving an order, he would definitely not be able to take off.

  But Xu Kui, the team leader, had the most say on the scene. If Xu Kui didn't let go, he naturally didn't dare to start the plane.

  However, when the scene became more and more anxious, a voice suddenly came from everyone's headsets.

   "The chief has an order, act according to what Comrade Su Yun said!"

  After receiving the order, the driver immediately turned around and entered the cabin, and quickly launched the helicopter.

  But Xu Kui and the others looked at each other in blank dismay at this moment, and they all turned their heads to look at a military vehicle parked on the side of the road not far away.

   At this time, the helicopter has slowly lifted into the sky, gradually leaving the sight of everyone.

   It was at this time that the door of the military vehicle opened, and the wolf warrior who had dealt with Su Yun a lot was walking towards this side wearing a military uniform.

  The order just now was conveyed by Zhan Lang, and the rank of colonel on his shoulders did indeed give him this right.

   Zhan Lang came to Xu Kui, and after paying a salute, he said:

   "Lieutenant Colonel Xu, I am conveying the meaning of the military department. I can understand your feelings, but the chief thinks that Su Yun must have his reasons for doing this. We should give him more trust."

  Hearing this, Xu Kui looked at Zhan Lang excitedly and said:

   "Comrade Colonel, that is my daughter, I hope she can live well more than anyone else.

   But the fact is already the case, my daughter is dead, Su Yun can't change anything by doing this, why can't the chief understand this? "

  War Wolf looked at Xu Kui seriously, and sighed softly:

   "The chiefs you mentioned are also clear, but because of this, he is even more confused about what Su Yun wants to do.

  The chief told me, please rest assured, he will be responsible for this matter to the end, just hope you can give some time. "

   Xu Kui sighed deeply after a while. At this moment, he seemed to have aged a lot.

  He turned around without saying a word, and staggered towards the home. All the officers present were speechless.

  No one thought that the matter would develop like this, let alone that even the top management would be involved in it because of this matter.

  The high-level military department that Zhan Lang said was naturally Zhao Guofeng.

  At this moment, he was frowning in the military office, looking at the screen sent back from the helicopter cabin.

  In the screen, Su Yun has been sitting quietly beside the coffin, talking softly to Xu Jiajia.

   "Jiajia, hold on a little longer, I will definitely have a way to save you when we arrive in Yinfan Country..."

  Xu Jiajia didn't respond at all. Even in the picture at this moment, Xu Jiajia still gave people a feeling of lifelessness.

  Zhao Guofeng was full of thoughts, and he felt a little hard to understand Su Yun's decision.

  Su Yun is going to Yinfan Country, this is what he just learned, but what is there in Yinfan Country that can make Su Yun take Xu Jiajia there at all costs?

  Xu Jiajia is obviously dead, so why did Su Yun do this?

  Zhao Guofeng didn't believe that Su Yun had fallen into madness in his heart. In his opinion, Su Yun would definitely not be like this.

   It is precisely because of this that Zhao Guofeng made such a decision and ordered the helicopter to take off.

   Only in this way can we know what Su Yun is thinking.

  In fact, when Su Yun decided to take Xu Jiajia on a trip, Zhao Guofeng had already issued an order to make Wolf Warrior pay more attention to Su Yun and Xu Jiajia's movements.

  In order to respect Su Yun's ideas, Zhan Lang did not follow them at the beginning, and gave Xu Jiajia and Su Yun enough personal space as much as possible.

   But Xu Jiajia's condition worsened later, and after Su Yun sent him home, Wolf Warrior rushed to Xu Jiajia's home immediately, hoping to grasp the information about Su Yun as soon as possible.

   What Wolf Zhan didn't expect was that the day when Su Yun came back was actually the day when the news of Xu Jiajia's death came.

   What made him even more unexpected was that so many major events actually happened.

  So Wolf Warrior immediately reported these matters to Zhao Guofeng. After thinking for a while, Zhao Guofeng quickly made a decision.

  He is willing to trust Su Yun and help Su Yun to the greatest extent.

   But Zhao Guofeng didn't know what the result would be. He only hoped that Su Yun would never cause any more trouble.

  But soon a new problem appeared in front of Zhao Guofeng, that is, if Su Yun really went to Yinfan Country, it was very likely that nothing would happen, and no relevant news was sent back.

  After all, overseas is no better than domestic, Zhao Guofeng has no way to see the sky, and the news is blocked, which makes it difficult for him to know what Su Yun is doing in Yinfan in time.

   This made Zhao Guofeng feel a little uneasy, so he was also thinking about how to solve this matter.

  But soon, Zhao Guofeng's eyes lit up, and he thought of something that he had ignored before.

  Not long ago, under the protection of the military, the martial arts delegation sent by Daxia went to Yinfan Country.

  Although this is just a coincidence, it can indeed come in handy now.

  The Chinese martial arts delegation is going to India to participate in the wy international competition in the Asian division.

  This matter has already started a few days in advance, and it has been warmed up through news reports.

  Originally, the team sent by the military was to **** the martial arts delegation according to the usual practice, but now in Zhao Guofeng's view, this is a pair of eyes in Yinfan's country, which can provide him with more detailed information about Su Yun.

  After making up his mind, Zhao Guofeng quickly issued an order for people to try to contact the person in charge of the military team.

   While waiting for a response, the helicopter slowly landed in the Himalayas.

  Su Yun carried the coffin on his back without saying a word, and walked towards the snow mountain on foot after getting off the helicopter.

  There has never been any formally demarcated border between Daxia and Yinfan, but a traditional customary boundary has been formed according to the areas covered by the administrative jurisdiction of both parties.

  The snow-capped mountain that Su Yun is walking towards at this moment is one of the three borders. After crossing this snow-capped mountain, he has formally entered the boundary of the India-Vatican Kingdom.

  The environment here is very harsh. Not only is the temperature extremely low, but the altitude is also above 6,000 meters on average. It is impossible for ordinary people to come here.

  But Su Yun is expressionless at the moment, and there is no fear in his eyes.

  Carrying the coffin on his back, he stepped on the road to the snow mountain step by step. Even the well-trained helicopter pilot couldn't help but worry about Su Yun at this moment.

   "Release the drone immediately, I want to see the real-time picture of Su Yun."

  Zhao Guofeng's voice quickly came from the headset, the helicopter pilot quickly maneuvered, and a small military drone quickly flew out of the helicopter and went straight to Su Yun.

  When Su Yun reappeared in the screen, Zhao Guofeng's gaze also became more serious.

  The location of Su Yun is the snow line, which is the balance between the accumulation and melting of ice and snow in snow mountains, and it is also the lower limit of permanent snow accumulation.

  On this snow-capped mountain, there are thick snow accumulations in four seasons. In fact, the temperature here is around minus 30 degrees all year round.

  At this moment, Su Yun was only wearing single clothes, and set foot on this snow-capped mountain range.

  Even though Zhao Guofeng knew that Su Yun was not very human, he couldn't help but worry about it.

  It is difficult for him to judge whether Su Yun is maintaining his sanity now, or has really fallen into madness as Xu Kui and the others guessed.

  But Su Yun's eyes remained firm all the time. He stared ahead, unswervingly stepping on the knee-deep snow, and headed towards the top of the mountain.

  The freezing wind above the snow-capped mountains, and the temperature of minus 30 degrees are enough to make anyone lose consciousness within 20 minutes without finding any warm items.

  Some perennial mountaineering enthusiasts also have a common practice, that is, especially on the snow-capped mountains, they must never fall asleep, otherwise they will never wake up after falling asleep.

   But at such a temperature, Su Yun didn't seem to be affected in any way. His speed was very fast, as if the perennial snow and frost couldn't hinder him in any way.

  Although the sun above the head is dazzling, it seems to have lost its effect here, which makes Zhao Guofeng, who is only watching through the screen, feel shocking.

  The picture of the helicopter is very unstable, which means that the snow-capped mountains are still in extreme weather such as strong winds.

  If an ordinary person was in this situation, he would probably have fallen under the snow at this moment, without the strength to get up again.

  But Su Yun carried a coffin on his back and walked forward against the wind and snow. Every step he had to step into the knee-deep snow, but this didn't seem to affect Su Yun's speed.

  Looking at the picture in front of him, Zhao Guofeng seemed to have forgotten to breathe. He subconsciously clenched his fists and stared at Su Yun, fearing that Su Yun would collapse in the next second.

  But Su Yun was still walking towards the top of the snow-capped mountain. This coffin, which looked very heavy, seemed to be as light as a feather on Su Yun's back.

   From the screen, it can be seen that Su Yun's eyelashes are already covered with frost, but even so, it does not change Su Yun's goal.

  He gradually disappeared from the screen, which means that the drone has reached the limit distance it can fly.

  Zhao Guofeng returned home like a dream, frowning.

  He was very worried about whether Su Yun would encounter any accident on the snow mountain, but the matter had developed to this point, and it was no longer under his control.


   At this moment, Zhao Guofeng heard a prompt sound, followed by a soldier's voice:

   "Report to the chief, Liu Jiannan, head of the Sword Regiment of the Third Division, reports!"

  When Liu Jiannan's voice came from the headset, Zhao Guofeng also felt overjoyed.

   Liu Jiannan is the head of the military who escorted the martial arts delegation to Yinfan Country to participate in wy international competitions.

   After officially getting in touch with Liu Jiannan, Zhao Guofeng quickly issued a new order.


   At the same time, Wy international competitions are being held in full swing in KS Plaza, Hull, Yinfan.

   This is the largest and most famous central square in the entire India-Vatican Kingdom. So far, only wy international competitions have the qualification to hold it here.

   In this competition, representatives from the national martial arts and the military will participate in the competition. In addition to Yinfan, other Asian countries will also send representatives to participate in this Asian competition.

   Yinfan Kingdom itself does not have the opportunity to host this competition. The main reason is that the top management of Yinfan Kingdom spared no effort to fight for it, and only hope to have more popularity and exposure in the world.

   Through this point, it also shows that various countries attach importance to wy international events.

  The high-level executives of the Yinfan Kingdom finally got the right to host the wy international event as they wished, and he specially scheduled this event to be held during an important festival of the Yinfan Kingdom.

  Khumbh Festival!

  Whether you know Yinfan Kingdom or not, almost everyone has heard of the Big Pot Festival, because it is the gathering of the largest religion in the world, Yinfanism.

  At the same time, this is one of the festivals with the largest number of participants in the world. Its name comes from the ancient myths and legends of Yinfan Kingdom.

  The Big Pot Festival is held every 6 years and lasts for 6 weeks.

   Every time, more than 70 million believers come to participate in this festival, and millions of believers go to the Ganges River and the Akshardham Temple for bathing and sacrifice on the occasion of the festival.

   And this Hull KS Square is a large international square closest to the Akshardham Temple.

  Obviously, the high level of the India-Vatican Kingdom is so outrageous, just to seize the opportunity to promote their own country.

  After all, they have always wanted to enter the "International Gene Federation" in recent years, and they have been very proud to express how powerful their country's genetic technology is through various channels.

   But in fact, only they themselves feel that their country is strong.

  Internationally, what Yinfan Kingdom provides to everyone is more of a joke.

  This is a place that everyone recognizes as magical, and this magical is not a commendatory term.

  Since almost everyone here believes in Yinfan religion, even the high-level officials of Yinfan Kingdom must follow the teaching form.

  So strictly speaking, the Great Elder in Yinfan Sect is the one who really has the right to speak.

  The so-called high-level is more like a diplomat facing the outside world.

  This is also the reason why so many believers come to the Akshardham Temple during the Kumbh Festival, because it is only on this day that they can see the Great Elder with their own eyes.

  The worship of the great elder by these believers is very fanatical.

   At this time, it is the first day of the Kumbh Festival, so the whole Helgash Square is crowded with people.

   This also makes the arena in the center of the square look even more dazzling.

  At this moment, rest areas for representatives of various countries have been set up around the ring. The representatives sent by several other countries are mostly genetic people. Even Yinfan, the host country, chose to send genetic people to fight.

   Only Daxia sent martial arts practitioners who had not undergone any genetic modification, and Lin Guodong was in charge of it.

   It sounds like the fight is going to be a no-brainer, as discussed by many around the audience.

   "Other countries are all genetically challenged. Isn't Daxia making fun of himself?"

   "That's right! No matter how powerful their martial arts are, how could they beat the Gene Man?"

   Not only these audiences, but even the reporters from various countries who came at the same time also discussed this matter in a low voice.

  These journalists will conduct domestic live broadcasts for the delegations of their respective countries.

  The voices they talked about would reach the ears of Lin Guodong and others from time to time, but they still had a somewhat contemptuous smile on their faces.

  In the rest area where idlers cannot enter, Lin Guodong looked at several large boxes with a sense of technology on the ground, and then raised his head and said to the people beside him.

   "Is everything ready?"

  The man next to him was five big and three thick, and his whole body was fleshy. At first glance, he looked like a long-term practitioner of foreign boxing. He nodded immediately, and said in a buzzing voice:

   "It's all ready, eight sets of exoskeleton mechanical auxiliary armor, enough for us to teach these genetic people a lesson!"

   The person who spoke was none other than Wu Shuo, the only successor of the famous Iron Line Fist in the Daxia martial arts circle.

  Before the arrival of the genetic era, Wu Shuo also enjoyed a certain reputation internationally.

  The most famous battle is the one-minute KO boxing champion battle, which made everyone redefine Iron Fist.

   It's just that after the arrival of the genetic age, like all martial arts practitioners, he suddenly couldn't find the goal to work hard for.

  Trying hard without avoiding the severe cold, and practicing without fear of the scorching heat for more than ten years, it is not as happy as others can take a potion in five or six minutes.

   This caused countless people to fall into confusion for a while, until Lin Guodong found him with a suitcase.

   What was contained in the box was the exoskeleton mechanical auxiliary armor made for him alone. After just a little testing, Wu Shuo immediately agreed to Lin Guodong's request and came to participate in the wy international competition together.

  The same is true for the other representatives, they were all the Big Dipper Taishan in various boxing styles.

  At this time, they challenged the genetic people with mortal bodies, but they were not seeking their own death.

  The fact is just the opposite. Their hearts are full of confidence and the source of their confidence is the boxes in front of them.

  The box contains the auxiliary armor deliberately built by the country for them. They are confident that with the blessing of the auxiliary armor, they will be able to win this battle beautifully.

   "Old Lin, why is it so lively outside, it feels like all the people from Fan Kingdom in India have taken to the streets.

  They all wore strange clothes, and the Ganges River, which occupied all the elements in the chemical element table, was full of people. "

  The little man who spoke at this moment is the contemporary descendant of the Neijia Baguazhang.

  He complained about what he saw and heard along the way with some doubts, and Lin Guodong couldn't help but laugh at this:

   "It seems to be saying that they are performing some kind of Kumbh Festival ceremony, after bathing in a place called the Holy River and being promoted, they will go to some temple to pay homage to the elders.

  This kind of thing is not uncommon in Yinfan country, don't they always talk like this? "

  Another representative of Hong Quan waved his hand carelessly:

   "I also checked specifically, and it is said that the gods of the Yinfan religion and the group of demons fought for a pot.

  The reason is that the pot was filled with the elixir of life, but the pot was accidentally knocked over, and 4 drops of the elixir fell on 4 cities.

  So these 4 cities, on average, take turns to celebrate the Big Pot Festival every three years.

   It’s true if you want me to say, are the gods of Yinfan country so out of tune? "

   Several people burst into laughter upon hearing this remark, as if they were not at all worried about the upcoming game.

   But at this moment, the curtain of the lounge was suddenly lifted, and then a man in military uniform walked in.

  After Lin Guodong glanced at it, he asked with some concern:

   "Comrade, are you okay?"

   It was Liu Jiannan who entered the lounge. After Lin Guodong's question, Liu Jiannan asked curiously:

   "Mr. Lin, I heard that Hero Su Yun has a good friendship with you. Is this true or not?"

  Seeing Liu Jiannan suddenly mentioning Su Yun, Lin Guodong's face suddenly became a little strange.

   "We are sworn brothers, but why did you suddenly mention him?"

  Liu Jiannan nodded in thought, then sighed and said:

   "I don't quite understand the specifics, it seems that Hero Su Yun came to Yinfan with a coffin on his back.

   Also asked me to determine Su Yun's location as soon as possible and report to the chief in time. "

   "Huh? Carried a coffin?"

  Lin Guodong looked at Liu Jiannan puzzled, but Liu Jiannan's expression was almost the same.

  If anyone heard of this kind of thing, it would probably be like this. Who has seen people walking around with coffins on the street?

   "Brother Su Yun, what happened again?"

  Lin Guodong thought about it, then looked at Liu Jiannan and said:

   "Comrade, since this is the case, have you found Su Yun's position?"

   Liu Jiannan sighed helplessly:

   "The incident happened suddenly, we have no time at all, the game will start immediately, and now we can only talk about it after finishing the game!"

What Liu Jiannan said was also true. Lin Guodong glanced at his watch. There were less than 15 minutes left before the official start of the competition. The accompanying reporters sent by delegations from various countries had already started warming up, and the people of Great Xia had already been waiting for it. In front of the screen, ready to watch this live broadcast.

  At such a time, no one can put aside the matter here and go to look for Su Yun.

  Because Lin Guodong was puzzled, but he quickly nodded and began to urge others to prepare to wear mechanical auxiliary armor for the next game.

  However, neither Liu Jiannan nor Lin Guodong thought that Su Yun mentioned in their mouths had already entered the territory of Yinfan Kingdom.

  After crossing the snow-capped mountains, Su Yun formally entered the border of Yinfan Kingdom. After walking for a long time, he saw the first city.

  However, how could the cities near the border of India and Sanskrit be any better?

  Su Yun seemed to have entered a slum, looking around, it was devastated.

   There are nearly 1 million civilians living here, but the living area is very small, with an average of less than two square kilometers, so the population and density are very high.

   As far as the eye can see, the buildings here have no bricks or decent houses, just simple piles of wood scraps.

   After walking for a long time, Su Yun didn't see any basic public facilities, except for public toilets that need to be shared by an average of 1,500 people.

   But even so, the people here still seem to have no intentions. They gather at the door to chat in the sun, and all of these people are young and strong.

  But their conversation stopped soon after seeing Su Yun. These people looked at Su Yun suspiciously, their eyes full of surprise.

   After all, the coffin that Su Yun is carrying is dazzling no matter where he goes.

  But Su Yun didn't care about the eyes cast from all around at all, and just walked forward quietly.

  In Su Yun's mind, he kept recalling the information he had investigated before. At this moment, he was moving closer to the central area of ​​Yinfan Kingdom based on the information recorded in his mind.

  It was the place where Lao Tzu turned into a barbarian, and it was also the only goal of Su Yun who came all the way.

   "What is this man doing? Why is he walking around with a coffin on his back?"

   "Today is the Big Pot Festival, is he going to take his dead relatives to bathe in the holy river?"

   "It is possible that the direction he is going in is indeed leading to the holy river. It is really pious..."

   Or say that the India-Vatican Kingdom is a magical place, such an unreasonable thing, don’t be rationalized in their discussions soon.

   Of course, through this, one can also imagine what the water of the Ganges, which they call the holy river, has experienced.

  But when Su Yun came to the vicinity of the Ganges along this road, he was still shocked by the scene in front of him.

  Whether it is in the river or on the bank, a large group of people are crowded with humming.

   These people kept kneeling towards the water of the Ganges, and those in the Ganges kept pouring black water on themselves.

  That's right, the water of the Ganges is about to turn black, and you can even see unknown waste floating not far away.

  The smell here is even more unpleasant, which makes people think of the iconic closing sentence of the Daxia Internet celebrity who used to live in Yinfan country.

   "Clean and hygienic!"

   Fortunately, the coffin carried on Su Yun's body caused the people around to get out of the way in a hurry, no one wanted to have bad luck on such an important day today.

  Everyone looked at Su Yun with doubts in their eyes. Even in this magical country, this kind of phenomenon of walking around with a coffin on their backs is very rare.

  They said that Su Yun could not understand the national language of Yinfan Kingdom, and some curious people would even follow Su Yun and look at him curiously.

  But Su Yun didn't care about all of this. He only had one goal in mind, and that was to get to the place where Lao Tzu preached as soon as possible.

  Finally, after walking for several hours, Su Yun finally arrived at the destination he was looking for. The scene in front of him surprised him very much.

  This place is different from the poverty and suffering he has seen before. Looking around, there is actually a magnificent temple here.

  Su Yun didn't expect that the place where Lao Tzu preached was actually here, and he didn't even know that the temple in front of him was the famous Akshardham Temple.

   This temple, which was built by 11,000 craftsmen over a period of 5 years, even won the Guinness Book of World Records.

  This surprised Su Yun very much. He frowned and looked at the temple with people coming and going, wondering if he had found the wrong place.

   But the information about Lao Tzu in his mind kept reminding him.

  Continue to walk forward, in this temple, where Lao Tzu once preached.

  Su Yun walked forward with doubts, but at the moment the temple door was not opened, so countless believers gathered outside the temple, and no one could enter.

  After seeing Su Yun who was coming forward with the coffin on his back, everyone avoided to make way, and some of them had expressions of disgust on their faces.

   This day is very important to them, they hope to be able to maintain their purity and see the god-like elders.

  The coffin on Su Yun's back was filthy in their eyes, so no one dared to stand in front, and quickly gave way.

  Su Yun walked forward step by step, and soon stood in front of the closed door.

  Besides were noisy talking voices. Although Su Yun couldn't understand their Yinfan language, he knew that they must be talking about himself.

  But Su Yun doesn't care now, he just wants to be able to enter the temple to verify his guess.

is it here?

  If this is the case, doesn’t it mean that many of the ideas of the largest Yinfan religion in the entire India-Vatican Kingdom originally came from Lao Tzu?

  This idea appeared in Su Yun's mind, which also made him feel very shocked.

  But now Su Yun didn't have the heart to think about it so much, he quickly raised his hand and slammed it heavily on the stone gate.

   "Boom boom boom..."

  The heavy stone gate made a deafening sound, which immediately silenced the believers outside the temple.

   "How dare he disturb the quiet place of the gods so arrogantly?"

   "Great Lord Shiva, please forgive this ignorant person, and don't bring down the disaster of destroying the world!"

   "Brahma God, open your eyes and look at your believers. We didn't intend to disturb your tranquility, but this arrogant person brought disaster!"

  Su Yun looked back at these people who were kneeling on the ground in a weird way, and he didn't understand it.

  According to Daxia’s philosophy, isn’t it just knocking on the door when entering a house and asking people to enter the temple to worship gods? What's the big deal?

  But what Su Yun didn't know was that for these fanatical believers, the boundary between belief and superstition had long been broken.

  In their view, mortal hands cannot touch such a sacred place, otherwise they will anger the Lord God and bring down disasters.

  But even if Su Yun knew, so what?

  He is not from the Yinfan religion, and he does not believe in or fear these red tapes.

  So soon, Su Yun raised his hand again and knocked heavily on the stone door.


   A few seconds later, the stone door opened slowly. When he saw the person who opened the door, Su Yun's eyes flashed a puzzled expression.

  The two stone doors weigh at least a hundred and ten catties, but the person who opened the door pulled them open very lightly.

  After seeing the person who opened the door, everyone fell to their knees, praising names that Su Yun couldn't understand.

   Obviously, these believers have regarded the person who opened the door as the attendant of the god, but Su Yun can see the real identity of this person at a glance.

   This is a genetic person!

  Su Yun was a little surprised by this. Why did a genetic person appear in such a Yinfan temple?

  But when Su Yun looked behind this person, he realized that besides the person in front of him, there were actually many genetic people behind him.

   And by visual inspection, his strength should be higher than the 01 series of genetic people he had fought against before.

  Looking at Su Yun who was carrying the coffin, the gene man who opened the door showed an expression of disgust unabashedly.

   "Get out of here quickly, or you will anger the Lord God, and the anger will be difficult to extinguish!"

  The gene man pointed at Su Yun and said unceremoniously, but Su Yun couldn't understand what he was saying at all.

  Su Yun's attention was not on the gene man, because at the moment when the stone door opened, Su Yun sensed the familiar aura that made him ecstatic.

   Sure enough, this is indeed the place where Lao Tzu preached, and left a remnant of his extraordinary aura!

  Su Yun was delighted, this at least meant that he had come to the right place, and it also meant that Xu Jiajia still had a chance.

  So Su Yun didn't pay any attention to this genetic person at all, striding forward with the coffin on his back, ready to enter the temple.

  However, at this moment, the gene man grabbed Su Yun's shoulder unceremoniously.

   At this moment, Su Yun's eyes turned cold.

  He looked at the hand on his shoulder, then at the gene man in front of him, and then his shoulder shook violently.

  In an instant, the gene man took a few steps back, then looked at his hand in astonishment, and then looked at Su Yun.

Su Yun himself doesn't have a good impression of these genetic people. Even though he still doesn't know why there are so many genetic people in this kind of temple, he can also read from the attitude of the genetic people just now that they are not I won't let myself enter so easily.

  But Su Yun has made up his mind, no one can stop him.

  Xu Jiajia has her last breath left, don't care if this place is good or evil, if you encounter obstacles, kill them all.

  Su Yun has never been the Holy Mother.

  So at this moment, Su Yun looked around, and then unhurriedly picked up the wicker on the side table that was going to cleanse the believers after the four doors were opened.

  With a flick of Su Yun's wrist, the wicker that was originally drooping and powerless suddenly stood up, like a blue sword in Su Yun's hand.

  All the believers behind him looked at Su Yun in astonishment, and what's more, they still knelt on the ground, repenting and praying constantly.

  However, many genetic people in this temple folded their arms and looked at this side without emotion, as if they felt that they didn't need to take action at all.

  The Gene Man, who had been knocked back a few steps by Su Yun just now, suddenly clenched his fists, and then stepped forward with an extremely fast speed, appearing in front of Su Yun in the blink of an eye.

  This scene is like a miracle in the eyes of many believers, but Su Yun can use this to know that this genetic person must be an existence above the 03 series.

  But now Su Yun doesn't intend to get entangled with the gene man, he urgently wants to enter the depths of the temple to absorb the residual extraordinary aura.

  The genetic man in front of him obviously didn't intend to let Su Yun go, so he slammed a pair of iron fists at Su Yun's face.

  However, in the next second, Su Yun's figure disappeared in place, and when he was seen clearly by everyone again, he had already appeared behind the gene man, with his back facing him.

  The astonished expression of the gene man was seen by all the believers, who had no idea what happened just now.

  But in the next second, a **** suddenly appeared in the neck of the genetic man, and a large amount of blood continued to flow out of the wound.

  The gene man covered his neck, and made some meaningless syllables from his mouth.

   A few seconds later, he fell to the ground, eyes wide open, lifeless.

Su Yun's speed was so fast that none of the tens of thousands of believers outside the temple could see clearly how he did it. At this time, the wicker in Su Yun's hand was already stained with A little blood.

  For a moment, everyone was astonished. It was hard for them to believe that Su Yun had defeated what they thought was a servant of the gods.

   And what killed this person was the weak wicker in Su Yun's hand.

   This scene made everyone present a little overwhelmed, and the gene people who were going to watch the show also straightened up one after another, looking at their companions who were lying in a pool of blood in astonishment.

   "How did he do it? What the **** just happened?"

  All the genetic people didn't see Su Yun's movements clearly at all, which made them feel incredible.

  However, Su Yun didn't look back at this moment, and walked forward step by step. The coercion emanating from him also made many genetic people feel great pressure.

  Who is this person?

  This question filled their minds and lingered for a long time, but soon a slightly frightened voice came from the genetic team.

   "I think he looks familiar, it seems to be the Su Yun that Dongfang disclosed before!"

   "What? He is Su Yun?"

   This news made all the genetic people vigilant. Although they deliberately hid it, there was still a bit of fear in their eyes.

  But Su Yun is approaching at this moment, and the mission of these genetic people is to become the temple for each other, so at this moment, they have to bite the bullet and block Su Yun's way.

  As Su Yun guessed, those genetic people are all of the 03 series, and they are also the main level of Yinfan country's genetic power.

  Due to the limited resources and financial resources of the Yinfan Kingdom, the speed of their research and development of the 04 series and even the 05 series is much behind that of other countries.

  But the 03 series of genetic people are already the existence that the entire Yinfan country looks up to, just like the attitude of those believers outside. In their view, these genetic people are apostles serving the gods.

  However, even these 03-series genetic people can't stop Su Yun from moving forward.

  They couldn't survive a single move in Su Yun's hands, and the wicker in Su Yun's hand also became a frightening weapon.

   Within a short time, the corpses of 03 series gene humans were already lying behind Su Yun.

  The survivors in front of him are retreating hurriedly at this moment, trying to distance themselves from Su Yun.

   "Quick, go find someone, and never let him discover the secret here!"

  A genetic person quickly shouted to the person behind him, the person nodded, and quickly left the place at a very fast speed.

  They didn't know what Su Yun's purpose was, but because of a guilty conscience, these genetic people were very disturbed.

  Even though the stone gate is wide open at this moment, none of the tens of thousands of believers outside dare to step into this holy place.

   They kept kneeling on the ground, kowtowing toward the temple, speaking words of repentance.

  At this moment, Su Yun is like killing a god. Wherever he passes, not a single blade of grass grows.

  Only the gene man fell silently in a pool of blood, his eyes widened, as if he was questioning why the gods hadn't appeared yet.

  These beings who are regarded as gods by the people are like paper in front of Su Yun.

  The corpses all over the ground also explained Su Yun's path forward, and soon he entered the temple hall unimpeded.

  This temple does not enshrine any statues about Laozi, but instead enshrines the three main gods of Yinfan Kingdom.

  But the extraordinary aura remaining here couldn't fool Su Yun, which made Su Yun quickly ascertain that this was the place where Lao Tzu once preached.

  Su Yun gently put the coffin aside, and then quickly began to absorb this extraordinary breath.

  The vast amount of information filled Su Yun's mind, making Su Yun seem to have stepped back through the millennium and returned to that era.

  Lao Tzu traveled all the way west and came here. At that time, there were no temples here, and the place where Lao Tzu preached was only on a mound.

  At that time, the Yinfan people were in poor clothes, and they were even living a life of bare hair and drinking blood.

   It was the arrival of Lao Tzu who introduced Tao to this land.

  Even in the end, Lao Tzu dedicated his life here, just to be able to fulfill the lofty mission in his heart.

  Westward Transformation into Barbarism!

  The final result did not disappoint Lao Tzu. These barbarians began to have faith and began to improve their own civilization.

  This temple was established by Laozi's disciples in the place where Laozi preached, but it gradually evolved into a holy place of Yinfanism in later generations.

  No one knows the origin of Yinfan religion, which originated from Lao Tzu's Taoist thought.

  After Lao Tzu passed away, the sect passed down from generation to generation, and gradually changed its taste.

   They created Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

  They attribute everything in this world to these three main gods, and even all the gods in the world are incarnations of these three main gods.

  They brought in the arrogant thoughts in their hearts, derived the Yinfan religion, and influenced the entire country through the teachings.

  Lao Tzu once again entered the extraordinary state during his preaching, and it was in this state that he seemed to see the future development.

   This made him die in depression, and he didn't even leave a statue here.

  Su Yun sensed this emotion, and at the moment he felt mixed emotions.

  The remnant of this extraordinary aura is larger than Su Yun imagined, and it is also because when Lao Tzu entered the extraordinary state again, it lasted for half an hour!

   Among the ancients Su Yun has come into contact with, this is the one who stayed the longest after entering the extraordinary!

  During the past few hours, Laozi has been introspecting himself, and he has realized something, which makes him feel even more regretful.

  He felt sorry for himself, but in the end he failed to lead these barbarians on the right path according to what he thought in his heart.

  He regretted that there is no Dao in the world, so many sects in the world will be born.

  All sects are stuck at the lowest level of persuading people to be good, but that's all, and there are still many people who can't do it.

  Lao Tzu lamented that he was born at an untimely time, and lamented that there is light in the world but it is difficult to understand it, and it is difficult to exist in the world.

   It was also in this extraordinary state that Lao Tzu collapsed.

  No one knows where Lao Tzu's body ended up, but a temple was erected here soon after, and the embryonic form of Yinfanism began to appear.

  Su Yun is sitting cross-legged in the middle of the hall right now, next to Xu Jiajia's coffin.

   Directly in front are the three main gods, as if looking up at Su Yun.

  Su Yun is completely immersed in the extraordinary state, and he needs time to integrate these extraordinary breaths.

  The feeling of being only one step away from the world above the extraordinary reappeared.

  Su Yun was unavoidably anxious. He just wanted to absorb this extraordinary aura as soon as possible. Only in this way can Xu Jiajia be saved.

  But what Su Yun didn't know was that the world outside the temple could be said to have turned upside down at this moment.

  The escaped gene people spread the news about Su Yun's intrusion into the temple, and because of this, the high-level officials of Yinfan Kingdom couldn't sit still.

   On the surface, this temple is a holy place revered by all believers in the entire Yinfan Kingdom, but in fact it is the place where Yinfan Kingdom conducts human experiments and creates genetic humans.

  And under the brainwashing of the public by the Supreme Elder, everyone believed that the genetic man was created by the gods.

  Many people took the initiative to enter the temple with a pious attitude, and when they came out, they were already genetic people whose memory had been erased.

   Underneath this temple is the secret genetic laboratory of Yinfan Kingdom. In order to develop genetic technology, Yinfan Kingdom even invited consultants from overseas laboratories at high prices to help them develop vigorously.

  The senior officials of Yinfan Kingdom didn't know what Su Yun came here suddenly for?

  But his act of breaking into the temple has seriously threatened the layout of the high-level Yinfan Kingdom.

  Infan Kingdom is a country deeply influenced by religion, and almost everyone in the country has faith.

   Because of this, people in this country themselves do not accept genetic technology.

   It wasn't until the elders of the Yinfan religion beautified it as the product of the main **** that more people yearned for it.

  But Su Yun's intrusion is likely to threaten this point. If the underground secret laboratory is exposed, then all the dirty things they have done will not be hidden.

  The disadvantage of controlling the country through doctrine lies in this, beautifying a god-like, general existence to make everyone admire.

  But thousands of years of history have been telling mankind that no one can be perfect like a god.

   Therefore, after learning about this, the high-level attitude of Yinfan Kingdom was very fierce, and they quickly issued an order.

  No matter what Su Yun discovered, what was the purpose of breaking into the temple.

  But he has seriously threatened the interests and layout of the top management, and this move is too provocative, so an army must be dispatched immediately to kill Su Yun!

   If they were in Daxia, they would naturally not have this ability, but since they have all come to their own territory, obviously they will not be relentless.

   After the high-level officials of the Yinfan Kingdom issued an order, various military bases began to mobilize the Yinfan Kingdom's troops.

  Due to the previous exposure of Su Yun, they have already realized that Su Yun's ability is unusual.

   Therefore, no one dares to take it lightly at this moment. In addition to a large number of Indian troops, fighter planes, tanks and other heavy-duty murderous forces are also dispatched one after another, preparing to besiege the entire temple.

  At the same time, the guard group closest to the temple has also been dispatched quickly.

  Military vehicles pushed through the crowd and passed by at high speed on the avenue, quickly attracting the attention of many people.

   "What happened?"

   "I heard that a person carrying a coffin broke into the temple!"

   "My God, this is a mortal sin of blasphemy, Lord Shiva will be angry!"

  The voices of these Indian-Vatican people are getting more and more intense, and there are more and more military vehicles not far away, and they are rushing towards the temple.

   At this moment, Lin Guodong, who was about to go on stage, suddenly stopped in his tracks!

  (end of this chapter)