MTL - The Portal of Wonderland-Chapter 1008 Patch avatar

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There was a dull and low sigh in Wu’s mouth, and the eyes of the soul violently pulsating, which seemed a bit painful.

The face of the smoke is like water, and I can't see any joy of victory and the thrill of revenge. The cold-faced night of the night is gone.

Wu night looked at this scene, the soul of the fire in the eye, could not help but blink a few times.

Yan Luo quickly came to Wu night, and as soon as he raised his hand, he fell to the side of Shentai, which fell to his side, and grabbed the past.

Wu night was still flashing soul fire, suddenly stabilized, and the throat could not help but move up and down.

Not far away, Shi Mu saw this and his heart moved.

This is a swallowing action that people often make when they are nervous. It is made by a half-human and half-corpse monster like Wu Ye. It is a bit weird.

Yan Luo did not notice this little action. At this moment, in her field, Wu night was seriously injured. She naturally did not believe what the other party could make.

However, at this time, the change suddenly occurred.

It was clearly not on the fairy platform of Wu night, but it was a sudden ray of light, and a strong breath came from it.

"The late stage of the gods"

The thought of the smoke in the sea has just emerged, the subconscious will have to dodge backwards, but it is too late.

I saw two black shadows, suddenly bursting out from the sinking of the Sendai, one left and one right toward the smoke.

The two shadows were so fast that they held a blue-lighted bend in their hands and squatted toward the smoke.

Yan Luo leaned back and couldn't escape the two handles, but suddenly felt tight, and a strange wave of spiritual power came along. She suddenly felt the spirit of the body, and the soul was a bit embarrassed. What is bound?

Between the two bends, there was a blue bone chain, and when the two men passed by the smoke, they smoked.

The two men borrowed a force to return, and the two men went to the smog.

The hand of Yan Luo holding the Qibao Miaoshu was bound by the bone chain at the waist, while the other hand was empty, lifting his palm, but he could only defend one of them and could not block the other.

The two bends fell together, and the appearance of the owner was also revealed at the same time, but it was two white cymbals wearing black cloaks.

It looks exactly the same as the ordinary scorpion, but the body is completely different. Each hand holds a wide bend, which is similar to the death in the world.

A bang was heard.

Yan Luo grabbed a sharp edge with a lightning bolt, but he could only look at the other handle and drop toward his own eyebrows.

At the beginning of the millennium, a gray light suddenly burst from the distance, but it was discovered by Shi Mu, and the real body of the giant scorpion was picked up and quickly rushed over.

Shi Mu’s palm was gray and bright, and the palm of the “啪” was shot. The deadly bend was broken into two pieces.

It points back to the previous point, and a gray light immediately bursts out from the fingertips, directly shooting one of the gods to forehead.

The gods know how powerful they are, and they want to leave.

However, in the hands of the smoke, he still clenched his bend and refused to let go.

Only a momentary delay, a sound of "sudden" sounded in the air.

The gray light was like a steel nail, and it was nailed into the eyebrows of the gods.

Necrotic creatures, the soul fire inhabits the cranial cavity, the most important thing here, but it is also the weakest point of defense. Even in the later stage of the gods, it is difficult to reach the gray light formed by the fusion of the five elements of the stone.

I saw that the gods were immediately stiff, and the hands were bent and loose, and the steps stepped back a few steps backwards and fell straight.

In the skull and bones of his skull, he suddenly shot a glare.

A bang was heard.

The skull was broken into pieces, and even the soul fire was cut into powder, which was dissipated in midair.

Shi Mu leaned over and lifted the cigarette, and he heard a "giggle" laugh from the night.

"You have invested in the net, I wanted to get rid of you in one fell swoop, I never thought that you would bring a helper. Giggle... We are tall and long, and there will be a period later."

In the words of Wu Ye, the hands of Shentai stunned and fluttered out of the air, and they swung in the air, and they plunged dozens of times, and released countless lines of suction.

In an instant, among the hundreds of thousands of dead spirits scattered around the mountains, one third of them were turned into a group of smoke, and they were sucked away by the fairy.

Shi Mu and their faces changed. When they wanted to shoot, they saw that Wu Ye had already fallen into Sendai. Then, under the help of another god, the ambiguous disappeared from the place, and even the fairy tales One of them disappeared.

The smoked face is a bit ugly.

"What is the sudden death of the gods?" asked Shi Mu.

"The two guys have never appeared before, and I saw it for the first time." Yan Luo shook his head and seemed confused.

"There are these dead spirits, what are you going to do?" asked Shi Mu.

The smoke of the smoke swept over the ice sheet, and it was already a mess.

Only after a fierce battle, more than half of the ghosts of the Ghost King class have been smashed by the smashing of the stone stalks, and the rest are nothing but the undead and the beasts. It is only half of the original.

At this time, due to the departure of Liu'an and the death of Sendai, he was once again in a state of chaos, moving in place or leaning around.

"I have a solution, but it takes some time." Yan Luo said.

Shi Mu nodded and did not speak.

Yan Luo suddenly closed his eyes, and his mouth was filled with words. The next moment, a little glaring light illuminates from his eyebrows, and quickly spreads around, quickly covering all the dead creatures present.

In the eyes of these undead creatures, the fire of the soul suddenly became bright, and then they gathered together to the smoke.

The number of these remaining necrotic creatures is almost 200,000, only about one-third of the original army.

Shi Mu saw this and relaxed a little.

"Wu night took away most of my strength, but I have been operating for so long in the interface of the Necromancer, and some of the troops are in other places." After half a mile, the smoky cockroaches opened their eyes, saying so.

"What about the fall of Sendai? Without it, how do you summon those forces?" asked Shi Mu.

The smoker summoned a large number of the dead army outside, and he needed to help the Sendai to help him. This is what he knows.

Otherwise, the summoning of the army to the world of the star world requires great consumption.

"With my current cultivation as the realm, I can completely refine a treasure to replace the fairy platform, but the effect may not be as good as the death of Sendai, and does not affect the overall situation." Yan Luo said lightly.

Shi Mu is silent, smoke is seemingly random at the moment, but things will not be as easy as she said, but these things, he can not help too much.

"The next thing I have to deal with these things, you will return to the league first, and I will contact you when I arrive." Yan Luo said silently and said.

"Well, I have some things to deal with here," said Shi Mu.

"That's it, I will send you back." Yan Luo said, he would wave his hand to send Shimu to leave.

"Wait a minute, I have something to ask for your help." Shi Muxue said.

"What?" Yan Luo asked a little strange.

"It’s about my incarnation." Shi Mu waved and took out the broken body.

This body has been broken for a long time, but Shi Mu has not been able to find a suitable material to repair.

The best material to repair the body avatar is the body of the strong, this thing has the most dead interface.

"How can your body avatar be broken?" Yan Luo was a little surprised.

Shi Mu gave a wry smile and simply said that the body was incarnate and was smashed by the fire.

"I always wanted to fix this avatar, but I couldn't find a good material, so I want to ask you," he said.

"Your body incarnation absorbs the power of the remnant field of the Red Tears, and has great potential. Unfortunately, you have not been able to play it out. I will give it to me." Yan Luo smiled and confidently Said.

"That please, you." Shi Mu heard loudly and said.

He also feels that the power of the field of the Red Tears is not the same.

After the incarnation of the body, Shi Mu has repeatedly let him know the power of the field of red tears in the body, but unfortunately has not been successful, only use some fur.

Yan Luo waved his hand and made a slap in the face. The tens of thousands of dead creatures in front of him suddenly crouched down, and many of them directly fell into the ground.

"Follow me." She immediately waved a silver light, rolled up her body and flew away.

Shi Mu saw this and quickly flew to keep up.

After half an hour, the two came to the top of a huge black mountain.

There are tens of thousands of feet in the mountains here, and there is a huge lake on the peak.

There are hundreds of miles in the lake, and the lake is red, like blood. It is a lake of water.


Bubbles in the **** lakes are constantly coming out, making a squeaking sound.

Wherein the strong shui is the shui of the water!

The blood color in this lake is far more than the lakes of water that he has seen before.

"The energy in the water is the blood moon commonly absorbed from the sky. Here, the lake of the water is extremely high, so the blood and energy absorbed is very much." Yan Luo said.

Shi Mushen nodded with a deep thought, and he also thought of this.

However, the smoked Luo brought him here, is it to use the power of water to repair the body avatar?

Yan Luo said a word, he no longer pays attention to Shi Mu, sat down on the edge of the lake and waved his sleeves.

The broken body avatar flew out and was covered in silver and suspended in the middle of the lake.

With a wave of smoke and a hand, the lake suddenly rolled up, and a large stream of blood flew out of the lake, covering the body and incarnation.

Shi Mu was connected with the body and mind outside the body, and immediately felt a pure power, crazy into the body and incarnation.

The nature of the water and the power of the body's avatar seem to be inconsistent. The ruins of the body are automatically repaired, and the breath immediately soars.

Shi Mu saw this and suddenly rejoiced.