MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 15 let's fight

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Asking for help was the last thing Lu Zhixia wanted to do, let alone this aspect.

It was the first time I was flustered and at a loss, so I asked for it.

Today, Shen Wanqing slapped her in the face for 5 minutes, and her sense of shame was about to explode.

What is aroused at the same time is the desire to win and lose, and it is also accompanied by the desire to conquer.

After getting along with Shen Wanqing for a few days, she was always at a disadvantage, losing the game, losing concentration, and losing her limited body... Lu Zhixia said that she would settle with her, but at this time her limited body woke up.

"Did you do it?" Lu Zhixia didn't notice, but the extra light fragrance in the air might be Shen Wanqing's pheromone, "Since you did it, you have to be responsible."

"Please, I will take responsibility." Shen Wanqing lay there, showing no signs of losing momentum.

Lu Zhixia's body was burning with fire, and even the bottom of his eyes were hot.

Those dark eyes were shining with a sinister light, staring at Shen Wanqing firmly, as if looking at his prey.

Shen Wanqing's most frequent expression is the current indifferent, unmoved expression.

She wasn't overly happy, nor was she obviously angry. She didn't seem to care about it, and just looked at her indifferently.

Lu Zhixia suddenly pinched her chin, leaned over slightly, and paused every word: "I beg you, it's impossible, but I can..." She leaned into her ear and said two words fiercely.

Shen Wanqing's body suddenly became hot, and she was separated. A rough character is just a verb; a pronoun is just the word you, which is very common.

The two words "integrated into one", said from the limited body of the awakened alpha, even if it is suppressed, there is a ruthlessness.

Shen Wanqing raised a smile and said provocatively: "That depends on whether you have the ability."

She is still provoking her, like a rabbit hiding in a hole, running back and forth in her three dens to tease Leng Sen's wild wolf.

The wolf cub stared at her viciously, waiting for an opportunity to move.

The moment Shen Wanqing was about to get up, Lu Zhixia threw her down and held her in his arms.

The rabbit was caught by the wolf, and when it was struggling, it was suddenly and violently stopped.

Shen Wanqing's collarbone was so painful that it almost broke, and the hand that was intended to slap Xia was finally embedded in Lu Zhixia's black hair.

Shen Wanqing underestimated Lu Zhixia's tolerance for pain, even if she pulled her hair, Lu Zhixia would not let her go.

As if finally finding the lifeblood of its prey, the beast tried to deal her a fatal blow.

Lu Zhixia tightened her grip on the back of Shen Wanqing's neck, lifted her body into her arms, and buried her head directly to break through the confinement of the back neck.

The reason why Lu Zhixia didn't plan to post it last time was that his body didn't wake up during the toss.

Now that the body is limited and waiting to be fed, the more she suppresses it, the more that thought will rebound.

Shen Wanqing's hands had nowhere to rest, and the large scars on her back were still fresh in her memory.

But the restlessness in her bones prevented her from being content with this, Shen Wanqing put her legs together with her long legs, and hugged the back of Lu Zhixia's neck, pressing firmly to the limit of her body.

Lu Zhixia's body fell down suddenly, Shen Wanqing pushed the person aside, and patted the lower part of the back of the neck.

The number of body restrictions is 2:6, and now the result is 1:1. Both of the back necks and bodies are broken.

Lu Zhixia's thoughts of wanting to post were clamoring wildly in her heart, and she didn't have the patience to post one by one.

To capture the thief first, capture the king, Shen Wanqing and Lu Zhixia's thoughts coincided with each other.

You come and go, flying up and down, the two are really fighting on the bed.

In the end, the two stood on the side of the bed, Lu Zhixia breathed slightly, wondering: "Why are you an oga like an alpha, always thinking about being on it?"

Shen Wanqing said coldly: "You don't have the ability to send it to me, hope I let you? Please beg me."

"Shen Wanqing, I'm saving face for you. Otherwise, I'll send it to you, and you will feel uncomfortable in the future." This is not false, and of course there is part of the reason. Her back hurts and she dare not exert herself. .

"Lu Zhixia, if it wasn't for your injury, I wouldn't be merciful." Shen Wanqing was also sympathetic, "Otherwise, you would have been pinned down by me a long time ago."

The two refused to give in to each other, and Lu Zhixia didn't ask for it, and his body was uncomfortable.

As for Shen Wanqing, she seemed to be fine, and she looked even angrier.

Lu Zhixia muffled: "I don't believe it. There is really nothing to do. The hospital can't do it. There must be folk remedies."

Isn't it just a limited body? It can also suffocate the living.

Shen Wanqing ignored her, put on her bathrobe and sat beside her. Seeing her looking through her phone for a while, she went to look through her medicine box.

Taking out a needle from it, Shen Wanqing was startled, twisted her ear, with a trace of sullenness: "Put it down!"

Lu Zhixia was suffering from pain, so she kept her temper and said coldly: "Don't worry about it, I won't beg you if I die anyway."

Shen Wanqing unceremoniously screwed on both ears and pulled them to the sides, Lu Zhixia grinned in pain.

"Put down the needle." Shen Wanqing pulled the needle in her hand, "You need Biao to send me to appease the body, at least you have an attitude?"

That's right, Lu Zhixia stiffened her neck and didn't speak.

"Who will you show you that you would rather bend than bend?" Shen Wanqing said in a cold voice with resentment: "Why are you playing with me here rather than smashing jade? Beg me, let your bones be broken or less Meat?"

"Then why don't you ask me?"

"Do you have the ability to ask me to ask?"

"I...huh!" Lu Zhixia was angry, she doesn't have that ability now, she can't compare in terms of self-control and physical strength.

"Humph?" Shen Wanqing pushed her, "Go to Xizao!"

When Lu knew Xia Xizao, her mind was in chaos, and her feelings for Shen Wanqing were so complicated that she couldn't figure it out.

Because it was too disturbing, Lu Zhixia wanted to just forget about it.

It doesn't matter, she doesn't ask, this time the body restriction has been appeased, she will stay away from Shen Wanqing in the future, it's too troublesome.

Her back hurts, she can only simply rinse, Lu Zhixia frowned almost the whole time.

When Lu Zhixia came out, the lights in the room were turned off, the wall lamps were dim, and the atmosphere was full.

Shen Wanqing was waiting for her on the bed, her tone was colder than before, and said softly, "Come on, get out when you're done."

Lu Zhixia didn't adjust her mood well, and became even more irritable.

Shen Wanqing looked like she let her slaughter her, but also had a cold and aloof expression, which looked more like charity.

She was not convinced, why should she be tortured by pheromone alone, Lu Zhixia pressed her shoulder, and said ruthlessly: "Aren't you strong in self-control? Then I will destroy your self-control today."

Lu Zhixia stared at Shen Wanqing's face while Biaojiu, she didn't let go of every restriction, and saw that her face was finally getting swollen.

She laughed wantonly, and deliberately asked frivolously: "Shen Wanqing, are you comfortable?"

His hot back was scratched again, the pain was so painful that Lu Zhixia Huxi almost broke.

She vented out the recent backlog of anger over and over again, Shen Wanqing's cheeks finally became more and more swollen, and her huxi was also messed up.

It is really hard to resist a person with flawless white jade, who is infected with scarlet color.

The very faint fragrance in the air gradually became more intense, and Lu Zhixia finally recognized that it was the pheromone she had read in a book called Youtanhua.

It is said that how many times of reincarnation can there be a person with Utanhua pheromone.

The book has done a lot of analysis on You Tanhua, and Lu Zhixia only remembers two things: it is extremely difficult to wake up from the restricted body; once the restricted body wakes up, it will last for a long time.

How long, no one knows.

Lu Zhixia laughed even more presumptuously, and said with a smirk: "Shen Wanqing, let me see how long your body-limited awakening will last."