MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 16 That's the top O against the sky

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There is a saying: There is no plowed land, only exhausted cattle.

Lu Zhixia's back pain was partly the reason. In the final analysis, her physical strength was indeed inferior to Shen Wanqing's.

In her eyes, Shen Wanqing is the top oga against the sky, and even the top alpha is incomparable. Combined with her Utanhua pheromone, Lu Zhixia thinks it is normal.

To avoid follow-up questions, Shen Wanqing threw her a small box, which was exactly the PeauDive she bought earlier, and Lu Zhixia never thought of sending it to Cheng Jiebiao.

It was the first time to use PeauDive, and Lu Zhixia was not very good at it, so he couldn't figure it out after a long time of fiddling.

Shen Wanqing pulled it over and helped. She was actually nervous, but she didn't forget to pay attention to how to use it.

After that, I will change one every time, and I will change it by myself.

Every time she reaches a critical point, she will distance herself from Shen Wanqing.

For one night, the two of them didn't rest. One box of PeauDive was used up, but in the end it wasn't enough.

Youtanhua's pheromones gradually became stronger, putting Lu Zhixia in a state of being on top.

But her physical strength couldn't keep up, and she finally fell asleep on Shen Wanqing's body.

Shen Wanqing's body was already injured, but now it was even more serious.

Lu Zhixia wasn't much better either. When Shen Wanqing couldn't calm down, she scratched her back.

Shen Wanqing lay down for a while, her body was still awake, her legs were shaking a little when she got out of bed and walked.

After treating Lu Zhixia's wound a second time, Shen Wanqing didn't have the strength to clean it up.

Instinctively craving ambergris, Shen Wanqing lay beside Lu Zhixia's long legs to prevent her from turning over.

As the weather turned cold, Shen Wanqing briefly fell into a light sleep, only to be awakened by a familiar nightmare.

She sat up abruptly, with the sound of sleeping breathing beside her, Shen Wanqing wiped the sweat off her forehead.

Lu Zhixia was like a stove, it was so hot that Shen Wanqing was too lazy to move it.

The hot but reassuring temperature, this is the first time that someone is by her side after waking up from the nightmare.

The phone vibrated, Shen Wanqing saw the time clearly, it was 10 am.

Together with Lu Zhixia, time passed quickly, and she stayed up all night again.

Yan Menghui sent a message asking her to meet.

After Shen Wanqing returned the message, she lay there not wanting to move, her whole body was about to fall apart.

It will take a long time to restrain the desire and return the limited body to its original state.

Shen Wanqing felt uncomfortable, the instigator was sound asleep, she turned slightly sideways with the back of her neck and restrained her body, and she was fully awake as expected.

She thought of something, dragged her tired body to get up, and lifted the quilt. As she expected, Lu Zhixia's limited body was affected by her pheromone, and there were signs of awakening.

Shen Wanqing turned on the internal circulation ventilation, and fixed Lu Zhixia on the bed by the way, she got up and went to another room.

When Lu Zhixia woke up, the room was dark, she was relieved, she only fell asleep for a while.

The room was empty, and she moved, feeling heavy on her legs.

She struggled to push off the heavy quilt on her legs, lay there and listened holding her breath, the room was very quiet.

It took a long time to realize that this was not her house, but Shen Wanqing's.

Lu Zhixia got up, her body still had the feeling from before.

Picking up the phone, she realized that it was already the evening of the next day, and she had slept all day.

The T-shirt was cut into pieces and was worrying when Lu Zhixia caught a glimpse of a brand new white T-shirt beside the bed.

Lu Zhixia wanted to slip away, but felt that it was not good. If they didn't slip away, they had nothing to say.

Shen Wanqing also said last night, get out when you're done.

She put on a T-shirt and came out of the room, the slight cool breeze blowing towards her face with the fragrance of flowers.

Those luxury cars were still echoing in Lu Zhixia's mind, so there was no chance to take pictures.

She sighed, and followed the memory path back. It took a while to drive, and it took more than half an hour to walk. It might be because of her back pain.

At the door, the four bodyguards saw that she was no stranger to it.

Knowing that she was leaving, the bodyguard opened the door and said: Don't feed Boss Shen any more strange things in the future, Boss Shen felt sick to his stomach and vomited last night.

Lu Zhixia felt guilty. When she came out of the gate, she turned around and saw the sign hanging high above: Yunshui Manor.

She walked towards the city center along the quiet street, her figure was gradually overwhelmed by the crowd, and when she finally turned around, she could no longer see the large luxury world.

Lu Zhixia's brain was muddled and he couldn't think.

Taking a taxi home, her mother was not at home, so she lay on the bed and sent a message to Shen Wanqing.

She wrote: 200,000 will be returned to you, and the money for the wedding dress, I will slowly repay you, other than that, we have no other contact. As for the marriage between you and my parents, since it is an agreement, everyone knows that the interests are combined, and it is enough for us to act on the surface.

Lu Zhixia transferred the 200,000 back, she thought for a while and added: You are injured, and I am also injured, so we will be even. I still want to remind you that the people around you need to be careful. good luck.

In the end, she remembered the bodyguard's instructions to her, and she wrote another one: Don't eat those strange things like Malatang in the future, don't change yourself for anyone, and be yourself happily.

After Lu Zhixia sent the message, she changed the nickname Shen Wanqing wrote to her before to her name: Shen Wanqing.

Throwing away the phone, Lu Zhixia fell into a drowsy sleep lying on the bed, and soon woke up because of the pain in his back from turning over.

The light in the living room was reflected in the crack of the door, Lu Zhixia was lying on the bed too lazy to move.

The door was gently pushed open, Lu Zhixia looked up subconsciously, Yan Fanghua pressed the switch: "You are really awake."

It was inevitable to be nagged about what happened last night, so Lu Zhixia lay there obediently and listened.

Yan Fanghua glanced at her, found her listless, and couldn't bear to ask, "Are you angry? Because Mom said you're not happy?"

"No." Lu Zhixia just had a backache and was very tired.

"That's why my mother didn't tell you about the marriage in advance." Yan Fanghua sat by the bed and asked, "Do you want to know? I want to know that my mother will tell you."

Shen Tingyun used to be Yan Fanghua's teacher. She learned painting from him, and she also admired this man full of breath.

"You love art so much, why did you marry a dubious person?" In Lu Zhixia's memory, his father was away all year round and would cause trouble when he came back.

Yan Fanghua let out a long sigh: "Anyway, Mom is very happy to be able to marry him. As a sister, Wanqing is quite capable, and I can help you more in the future."

Lu Zhixia grinned and didn't answer, but said, "The Shen family has a great career, why did they marry our family?"

"Our Lu family is not small." Yan Fanghua said seriously, and under Lu Zhixia's suspicious eyes, she went out to get a leather bag with a lock and came back.

"What?" Lu Zhixia endured the pain and sat up.

Yan Fanghua reached out to signal her to open it, but she was stunned after reading it, it was all room books.

"Our family has so much real estate?" Lu Zhixia couldn't believe it.

"Is it a big family business?"

"Mom, you," Lu Zhixia flat-mouthed disapprovingly, "You told me that your family was poor since you were a child, and that when I was studying abroad, I relied on myself to earn tuition fees. I dare say you are a rich woman!"

Yan Fanghua smiled. In fact, it wasn't all her property, part of it was left to her by Yan's father, part of it belonged to the Lu family, and part of it was invested by her when her family was in a good position.

"Our family has land, and the Shen family needs land. If I'm not married, I don't plan to sell it." As soon as Yan Fanghua said this, the Shen family actually had no hope.

Shen Tingyun, who is married for the third time, has a good skin and a family background. Fanghua is not short of money, and the Shen family's background is not reliable.

As for the skin, he was getting old and had grown a beard, which also depreciated in value. No matter what Mr. Shen said, he didn't even shave.

The two got in touch like this, and Yan Fanghua agreed directly, but she didn't tell Shen Tingyun that he was her first love.

Shen Tingyun was also very honest, explaining clearly the two past relationships, and advised Fanghua to be cautious.

"Xiao Xia," Yan Fanghua turned her head, "I heard from Tingyun that it was not easy in the late Qing Dynasty. Although they are married, they are still sisters. You should get along well with her."

Lu Zhixia snorted and said, "Rich mother, am I the second generation rich?"

"No." Yan Fanghua said, my money is mine, you have to earn it yourself, Lu Zhixia also deliberately said unfeelingly: "Then you and Wan Qing get along well, I am too lazy to meddle in your business."

Yan Fanghua patted her head, and Lu Zhixia covered her head and shouted, "I'm sleepy."

Before Yan Fanghua turned off the lights, she remembered something, turned around and said, "Late Qing sent me a message last night, saying that you live at her house, how is her house?"

"That's it." Lu Zhixia muttered, she even sent a message to her mother, she didn't even know.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry."

Yan Fanghua turned off the lights and went out. Lu Zhixia was lying on the bed, still in a dream.

There are so many house books in the family, at least dozens of pieces of land, and she is the only poor person around.

God probably heard her call, and the next day, she received a call from a headhunter.

The recommended company is Haijingsenhua, the Asia-Pacific headquarters of Rheinland Group. The specific position depends on Lu Zhixia's job application intention and the company's needs.

Judging from the conditions of the headhunting evaluation, her annual salary of one million is not a problem. As for the working environment and benefits, Haijingsenhua complies with the standards of the Rheinland Group headquarters, and those who leave the company will never forget this.

Lu Zhixia searched the Internet, and was indeed surprised by Haijingsenhua's supporting benefits.

Food, clothing, housing, transportation, leisure and entertainment, health care... All the benefits that she thought of, unexpected, are included.

Lu Zhixia sent a message back to the headhunter, expressing his willingness to go for an interview.

Haijing Senhua replied quickly, and the first test is scheduled for tomorrow.

Lu Zhixia's back was aching, but Alpha's self-healing ability was strong, most of the wounds healed, and the serious injuries also scabbed over.

Shen Wanqing didn't send her any more messages. Every time Lu Zhixia flipped through WeChat and swiped to Shen Wanqing's profile picture with her fingertips, her gaze would always be fixed on it.

Inexplicable irritability surged up, Lu Zhixia simply deleted the dialog box.

The initial test was smoother than expected, and the second test was a written test plus an interview.

The written test will be arranged according to Lu Zhixia's time, after the preliminary test is over.

Lu Zhixia is the youngest in the circle of friends, but she graduated earlier than them because she skipped a grade in the middle and has a smart head.

The written test was completed, the paper was clean and tidy, and the words looked like printed lead, the examiner praised it.

Soon, Lu Zhixia received the retest notice, which lasted for an hour, and she answered it fluently.

After the re-examination is the final review, which will be conducted online, with two people from the Rhine Group headquarters and two from the Asia-Pacific headquarters.

Lu Zhixia stood in the room, with cameras all around her, and a huge LED screen in front of her.

The rule is: the interviewer writes down the questions, and Lu Zhixia is responsible for answering them.

There are four lights above the big screen, and three lights are red, which means that there is still one who is not present.

Soon, the fourth light also came on.

Throughout the whole process, the first three asked questions, and the last ones were just spectators.

At the end, the top of the fourth light shows that it is typing.

Seeing that the input time is getting longer and longer, Lu Zhixia is a little frightened.

The examiner held back his big move, how many questions did he write?

A row of questions popped up, Lu Zhixia was speechless, the chief examiner, something is wrong with you!

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