MTL - The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby-Chapter 24

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Marshal Tang En can naturally see what Ludwig can see.

He turned his head and glanced at Ludwig: "Are all the cubs in your empire so squeamish? You will cry if you knock them down."

There was no emotion in Ludwig's golden eyes, he just stated the facts lightly: "Even with such a delicate cub, your Wagner will still lose to him."

Tang En chuckled: "Really? Your Majesty, you are very confident."

The fight between the two cubs in the arena was not over yet. Ning Cub, whose forehead was red from being knocked down, clenched his fleshy fists and greeted Wagner with all his might.

He used both hands and feet in fights, and even bit his mouth at critical moments!

Wagner had never seen a cub who was so careless in a fight. He put one hand against the cub's white and soft face, and tried his best to push the cub's seemingly harmless face back.

No push.

This cub doesn't even bite anyone!

"You can't compete with me like this!" Wagner said with a sullen face, to the cub who didn't show martial ethics in fighting: "You are using all dirty tricks!"

Jian Ning didn't understand what tricks were not tricks. His eyes were filled with tears, and he hugged Wagner with his fat arms like lotus joints, and his little fat legs kicked hard like a rabbit kicking an eagle.

Wagner scolded him angrily, and when the training was over, he held back his tears, but the little milk voice let out a cry: "Zizai can't understand."

Wagner's words that don't talk about Wude are all idioms.

Ning Zai is still learning to write new characters, and has no research on idioms.

Wagner trained him so much, but the little milk cub strangled him and said he didn't understand.

Physically and psychologically traumatized, Wagner almost pouted on the spot.

Ning Zai, who hugged the person and kicked his legs vigorously, noticed Wagner's slackness for a moment with tears in his eyes. He got up and violently pushed the man down the ring.

There is a mat under the arena, and the mat is very thick.

Wagner was caught off guard and was finally pushed down.

Seeing this scene, the children shouting slogans all applauded and cheered: "Ning Zai has won!"

This group of children who had been shouting slogans just now was the biggest highlight outside of the group arena.

The teachers watching the game couldn't help asking each other: "Is this what Teacher Lili rehearsed in advance?"

This group of cubs, regardless of their size or age, are so cute with their chubby faces upturned and loudly shouting patriotic slogans.

It might be a little embarrassing for an older child, or an adult to call this out.

But these cubs who haven't lost their milk fat shouted together, and the situation was different.

If Teacher Lili hadn't stopped her, these excited little carrot heads would have rushed to the bottom of the ring to cheer Ning Zai up close.

at the same time.

Ning Zai, who had won the fight on stage, was so tired that he had no strength at all.

He sat on the ground with his buttocks puffed up, his eyes looked higher.

The children below were anxious to death: "Ms. Lily, why doesn't Ning Zai look at me? I want to send him flowers!"

"I want to send candy to Ning Zai!"

"I, I want to give Ning Zai a hug, he was so good just now!"

The children wanted to celebrate with Ning Zai, but Ning Zai, who was sitting on the ring, just didn't look at them.

Not long after sitting on the ring, Jian Ning turned towards her brother and opened her little hands to hug her.

Seeing this, Huo Lin wanted to get up immediately. But there is one person who wants to get up earlier than him.

is the father.

Father was walking with Marshal Tang En. According to etiquette, Huo Rin was not allowed to walk in front of them.

The goal of the two adults is also the ring.

They have all been fighting on the battlefield for many years, and there is an indelible aura of blood on each other.

Tang En walked over naturally for the sake of the child.

He walked to the ring and looked down at Wagner who fell on the mat. There was no trace of warmth in his handsome eyes: "Wagner, stand up."

When Wagner fell down just now, he accidentally twisted his arm. He didn't make a sound, only enduring the pain, and slowly stood up under his father's gaze.

Tang En not only asked him to stand up, but also asked him to stand in the ring again.

While the Marshal and his son were still talking, a shadow was cast in front of the chubby boy sitting on the ground.

Ludwig looked down at the little cub with red eye circles. If I hadn't witnessed the whole process just now, just looking at the appearance of this little cub on the ground, I would have thought he was the loser.

Jian Ning originally wanted her brother to hug him, but Ludwig came to him first.

Zai Zai, who really didn't want to walk, took Ludwig's trouser leg with his hand: "Uncle Lu Lu, hug me!"

Ludwig heard Xiao Zai Zai begging for a hug, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

"Don't you always think I'm fierce?"

Ludwig bent down and asked him in a low voice the moment he picked up the cub.

Jian Ning sniffed, and said honestly, "It's fierce."

Hearing this, Ludwig raised his eyebrows slightly: "I'm so fierce, why do you want me to hug you?"

Jian Ning: "..."

Jian Ning lowered her head, picked the metal buttons on his clothes, and stopped talking.

Uncle Lulu is fierce, and so is Uncle Mance.

Uncle Mance picked him up to play with him in the morning, and he wanted Uncle Lulu to pick him up to play with him too.

Seeing that Uncle Lu Lu still wanted to ask Zai, Ning Zai didn't know how to answer, so he simply put his chubby face on it.

Sticking a chubby face, this is a skill Jian Ning learned on the barren star.

Sometimes he made his father and other uncles angry, so he would stick his chubby sticker on it, and after that, his father and uncle would stop being angry.

Ludwig who was stuck on the chubby face: "..."

Ludwig has never felt such softness before. When he was raising his son, occasionally when no one was paying attention, he would want to be intimate with his son for a moment.

But the son who was only a few months old at that time, when he saw him approaching, either slapped him directly, or kicked his face directly with his foot.

All in all, Ludwig has never been close to a cub.

"Uncle Lulu, don't be fierce in the future."

Jian Ning hugged Ludwig's neck, and after rubbing his little face, he took the opportunity to make his request.

He thought he had "coaxed" Uncle Lu Lu, so he turned his attention to Marshal Tang En.

Marshal Tang En asked his son to come up, as if he was giving an order.

Ludwig was tall. Sitting in his arms, Jianning could clearly see Wagner below.

He frowned, his little face was full of displeasure.

Ludwig thought he didn't want to see Wagner, after all, the two cubs fought so fiercely just now. Unexpectedly, the cub in his arms didn't want to see Wagner, but he saw Wagner's injury.

"Uncle, is he Wagner's Marshal father?"

Jian Ning's chubby finger pointed to Marshal Tang En, who heard his voice and turned to look at him.

Jian Ning met the eyes of Marshal Tang En, and he had no fear at all.

The scariest Uncle Lulu was hugging him, so Jianning felt that even if Uncle Mance stood in front of her now, he would not feel afraid anymore.

"Hi, I'm Ning Zai."

Say hello to strangers before talking to them. Ning Zai followed his father's instruction and greeted Marshal Tang En politely.

After saying hello, he continued to ask the question he asked just now: "Are you Wagner's father?"

Marshal Tang En gave a "hmm" and claimed the identity: "I am his father."

After Jian Ning confirmed the other party's identity, her eyebrows frowned even tighter. His little voice was full of emotion: "You are his father, so why don't you hug him?"

Although Jian Ning didn't like Wagner, he still spoke for Wagner: "His arm hurts, you are his father, you should hug him and coax him at this time."

The educated Marshal Tang En: "..."

Wagner who had just reluctantly climbed onto the ring: "..."

Both father and son fell silent.

Jian Ning was leaning in Ludwig's arms, still talking to Marshal Tang En about how to coax his cub. In his opinion, to be a father is to love your cub more!

Jian Ning seemed to be educating Marshal Tang En, but as his words continued to hop out, Ludwig gradually heard something strange.

This kid is educating two fathers at the same time.

Standing behind Ludwig, Huo Lin had already heard that his son was educating his father. He didn't speak, and he didn't remind his father.

After a while.

After finishing speaking, Jian Ning took a long breath, as if she was too tired to speak. His little head leaned back, against Ludwig's neck.

And a few steps away, Wagner was picked up by his father who walked two steps away.

Wagner's little face was a little astonished when his father bent down to pick him up. After the astonishment passed, he was a little helpless and flustered.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I lost the fight."

Wagner didn't know what to say to his father, so he chose to apologize.

Jian Ning, who heard this sentence with her small ears pricked up, looked at Wagner: "Did your father ask you to fight?"

"of course not."

"Then why are you apologizing to your father?"

Jian Ning thought about his father Zhanxi, who provoked the marshal again: "My father said that good cubs should not fight casually. Wagner, your father should learn from my father."

Wagner pursed his lips, trying to say something but he swallowed it down again.

After the group arena, it was already noon.

Sitting in Ludwig's arms, Jian Ning didn't have much prestige before her stomach growled.

"Zai Zai is hungry."

Cub Zai, who was hungry at that point, reached out and touched his stomach.

Ludwig put him down and said in a low voice, "Go and say goodbye to your children, we're going back to lunch."


Ning Zai, who was very active in cooking, hurriedly ran down when he heard this.

The children who had been waiting for him for a long time, after waiting for him, all surrounded him.

"Ning Zai! Let me hug you!"

"I want to hug too, I want to hug too!"

"You are not allowed to grab me, I want to hug Ning Zai!"

Ning Zai, who wanted to tell the children and leave, was hugged by the children one by one.

He was dumbfounded.

The little friend was satisfied after hugging him: "His Majesty hugged Ning Zai, and I also hugged Ning Zai. Rounding up, it is His Majesty the Emperor who hugged me!"

A group of patriotic children worshiped His Majesty the Emperor very much.

Jian Ning, who had finally finished the hug, stood there in a daze, the hair on the top of his head was rubbed in a mess, at first glance, it looked like he had just woken up from the bed.

Headmaster Hardy also came over. He asked Teacher Lily to send the other children to dinner, while he stood still and handed an envelope to the messy little boy in front of him.

"Here you are, the admission application form. Ask your parents to fill out this application form, and I will approve your application after reviewing it."

"At that time, you can come to school."

Director Hardy was really surprised by the little chubby cub's performance. Maybe he really shouldn't judge a cub by its cover, he thought.

Jian Ning reached out her little dirty hand from the fight just now, and took the snow-white envelope into her hand.

Hardy patted him on the shoulder again, and said, "Let's go eat."

He didn't ask Teacher Lily to take the cub to the cafeteria, just now his position was not far from His Majesty the Emperor. He could clearly see the interaction between His Majesty the Emperor and this cub.

With the favor of the imperial prince and His Majesty the Emperor, he doesn't need to worry about the future of this cub.

Under Hardy's gaze, Jian Ning turned around and ran back.

He handed the envelope to Huo Lin: "Brother, look!"

"Given by Principal Hardy."

Huo Lin took the envelope and wiped his face: "I'll put it away for you."

Several people ate lunch together, and Wagner and Ning Zai inevitably came into contact again.

Under the eyes of the adults, the two cubs were able to maintain a little harmony at first, but they quarreled again within a few words.

The adults did not intervene in the noise of their two cubs.

In the afternoon.

Huo Lin didn't continue to send Jianning to the kindergarten. He sent Zai Zai there in the morning to get a place for Zai Zai to enroll. Now that the quota has been obtained, he will bring Zai Zai back to fill out the admission application.

When returning, Marshal Tang En suddenly made a request: "I think Wagner and Ning Zai are very close, Your Majesty, can you allow Wagner to stay in your palace for two days?"

Ning Zai who was "followed by fate": "?"

Ning Zai looked blankly at Marshal Tang En who was speaking, the latter had an open face, without the slightest bit of guilt of opening his eyes and telling nonsense.

Tang En's request was not a big deal, and Ludwig did not refuse.

He told Huo Rin: "Cesar, take Wagner back."

Wagner, who didn't want to go to the palace, had an unpleasant expression on his little face. But in the end, he did not disobey his father's words.

There were two cubs when they came out in the morning, but now there are three cubs.

Andre looked at the cubs, one big, two small, and three, with the same smile on his face. After asking Wagner's identity, he gave Wagner a welcome hug.

Wagner is not used to getting close to people, and when he was hugged by Andre, his little face was a little uncomfortable.

On the other hand, Ning Zai, who was used to being hugged, refused to take a single step. After he was carried back to the palace by Huo Lin, he hugged the queen's calf again.

"Auntie, hug cubs!"

Ai Wei looked at the cub below who was begging for a hug, she was taken aback for a moment: "Ning Zai, what's wrong with you?"

As Ivy said, she picked up the cub and looked at her son puzzled.

When he went out in the morning, Ning Zai was still a clean little one. Why did it only take one morning, and his hair became messy, and his face and clothes looked dirty.

Huo Lin looked at the cub in his mother's arms, and suddenly understood what the cub was thinking.


After a while, Xiao Zai Zai started talking to his aunt.

Why did Zai Zai fight in the morning?

When he was talking, he pointed to Wagner and said that this was the target of the fight.

Ivy: "..."

Ivy looked at Wagner with a dark face, and then at the cub in her arms, she was quite dumbfounded.

"Xiao Lin, I'll take Ning Zai and Wagner to take a bath before coming back, please wait for me for a while."

Ivy took both cubs with her, and then led them to take a bath.

Huo Lin was afraid that she would be too busy alone, so she also followed her.

And when Wagner was sitting naked in the bathtub, watching the curly-haired cub in front of him playing with ducks in the water, in the hotel in the distance, the Marshal who was alone in the room pressed his face palely. forehead.

He slowed down for a while, and only slightly relieved the pain caused by his mental strength.

The room was quiet.

Tang En thought of his own Wagner, and when he thought of Wagner, he couldn't help but think of the curly-haired cub just now.

For the first time in his life, he was taught by a little cub how to coax him.

Thinking of the serious appearance of that cub, Tang En closed his eyes, but unfortunately—

He is out of time.

He has no time to study the cub raising guide taught by Xiao Zai Zai.