MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 43

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Prince Zhongshun listened to what the slave on the ground said, and picked up the letter paper to look at it again.

Sure enough, there are some large-scale marching movements and grain purchase records on the standard.

Although these data can be collected as long as you use your heart, they cannot be used as valid evidence.

But it also depends on who, if it is done by other people, at most it is abnormal,

But if it's Wu Sangui, don't think too much! This fellow must want to rebel!

"What a bold dog slave, with two ends of a snake and a mouse, I knew this fellow was a fickle villain!

In the past, he was begging for mercy like a dog in the prison, but now he dares to rebel against us when he is powerful! "

As he spoke, he looked at the servant on the ground,

"Forget it, you are also meritorious... Even if your merits and demerits are equal, get out!"

The servant was overjoyed when he saw this, and left the study in a hurry, not caring about rewards or not.

Keeping this life is the most important thing, but such a moody master who doesn't know rewards and punishments,

He won't serve him wholeheartedly anymore, and he doesn't mind taking a bite in the back as long as he has the chance!

Prince Zhongshun looked at the letter in his hand and asked Elder Wang.

"Old Wang, what should this king do now? Since Wu Sangui dared to rebel, he must have something to rely on!

If it doesn't work, should I ask for my life, let's go back to Shengjing first. Just go to worship the ancestors.

Xuan Ye would not reject this king even if he thought about it! "

When Wang Lao heard what Prince Zhongshun said, he was shocked! said:

"Your Majesty, you must not! Not to mention that Wu Sangui has not yet rebelled,

Even if the army has already been raised, won't the emperor and the ministers stand up for the sky falling?

But Wu Sangui is definitely not a random person, the prince should make a plan early!

Yes, my lord, don't you have a grudge with that first-class Bo Yechen? In this world, is there anyone who is stronger than him in terms of force?

At that time, if the battle situation is not good for us, we will let him go to the front to lead the army to fight,

In this way, if you win, the Qing Dynasty will have no worries, and the prince can continue to be your prince.

If we lose, we can have Shengjing as a retreat, but in 5.6, Ye Chen can only apologize with death. "

If Ye Chen heard this, he would definitely strangle this old thief to death!

When did being a human being be so despicable! But he still underestimated Ye Chen's face,

If he failed, he took his family to hide in the worm valley, who cares about the flood outside.

Prince Zhongshun was also overjoyed when he heard this.

"Hahaha! Good! Miao! Mr. Wang is indeed my king's think tank. You have all the talents and learning in this world, Mr. Wang.

Zhang Liang and Xiao He in ancient times were probably nothing more than this. This plan takes seconds!

No matter how Ye Chen jumps around, he can't escape this king's calculations.

snort! snort! Ye Chen let you know that this is the end of going against the king! "

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078 Final Rebellion!

Spring 1673

The first big court meeting after the Spring Festival break. Kangxi sat on the dragon chair as usual.

Looking at the officials and generals at the bottom of the steps. Can't help but burst into high spirits.

After many years on the throne, the stormy Qing Dynasty finally rejuvenated in his hands.

In addition to Aobai's complete boarding of Dabao, he established the state capital, selected officials, dealt with the old politics, and recast the currency.

Lower tax rates. During the entire Kangxi period, the population growth rate was several times that of his father.

All these piles are the contributions he has made over the years, and he also actively balances the status of Manchus and Hans,

Promoted the harmony of the nation, it can be said that he had done a lot of deeds in the life of an emperor when he was young,

But now he still has one heart problem, that is, the vassal king of the opposite **** who can't lose his tail.

Such as Wu San 16 Gui, Shang Kexi, Geng Jingzhong and others...

The existence of these people has always been stuck in his throat like a fishbone!

Eunuch Li standing at the bottom shouted in a sharp voice:

"If you have a book to play, you can't leave the court without a book!"

Below, an official wearing Usha Akamaru and unicorn tattoo official uniform got up and stood aside.

"My lord, there is an inscription from the Minister of Rites!"

Seeing this, Eunuch Li looked at Kangxi who was on the side, saw Kangxi nodded, and said


"I drink for your majesty, and for the common people in the world. Last year, there were more than 4 million newborns in the country.

There are more than 200,000 people over 60 years old, far more than all dynasties. This is all thanks to His Majesty! "

After the Minister of Rites finished speaking, other officials in the court also got up and drank:

"Drink for His Majesty, drink for the people of the world!"

Just when Kangxi was about to refuse to say something out of the scene, a red figure rushed into the Golden Luan Hall directly from the outside!

"Report! Eight hundred miles, hurry up! Eight hundred miles, hurry up! The emperor will give you a gold medal, and those who resist will die, and those who oppose it will die!"

There was an instant chaos in the hall, and the expedited document of Babaili could directly face the saint without reporting.

Often this kind of news is usually issued only after a serious rebellion in various places or a foreign invasion.

In ancient times, file transmission relied on post stations, and generally there was a post station every 20 miles.

Once the words "immediate delivery" are marked on the official documents that need to be delivered, they must be delivered at a speed of 300 miles per day according to the regulations.

In case of an emergency, the transmission speed can reach 400 miles, 600 miles, and the fastest 800 miles per day.

When passing urgent documents, each post station uses a fast horse, so that,

Although it is not a thousand-mile horse, every horse can run a thousand miles a day.

And they all change horses but not people, so this is a job that tests the postman!

Even bandits and horse thieves along the road would not **** this kind of imprinted document when they saw it.

It is conceivable how important this kind of document is since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, and there have been no such documents twice!

"What is the rush of eight hundred miles, where is this information!"

"Could it be that some vassal kings rebelled!"


"Speak carefully! Calm down! Where have you read all the sage books!"

An old man with white hair and beard drank it. This old man is the Secretary of the Imperial Academy and a famous Confucianist.

There are a large number of students, and many officials in the dynasty are his disciples and grandchildren. Although they are Han Chinese, but he drank it,

The Manchu and Han officials in the court hall dare not make a sound no matter what position they occupy!

On the dragon chair, Kangxi looked at the letter passed by the postman, the more he looked down, the more he frowned.

At this moment, Eunuch Li beside him whispered:

"Your Majesty, the postman is dead."

Only then did Kangxi raise his head and stood up. Sure enough, the postman above the lobby had fallen to the ground.

He walked forward quickly, stopping the guards beside him. He bent down and pressed his hands on the postman's chest,

It was cold at the beginning, and there was no ups and downs in the chest. Then he stood up slowly,

He staggered and nearly fell, but fortunately he was supported by Eunuch Li,

Otherwise, you will lose the king's gift in full view.

Kangxi who returned to the dragon chair did not sit down, but kept looking around and said:

"The postman has meritorious deeds for expediting, and died for the country. Since ancient times, those who have made great achievements will be rewarded!

Reward his family with first-class status, and give the eldest son a yellow jacket! A thousand taels of silver, a mansion! "

After all, there was another sound of flattery from the court,

"The emperor is considerate of the 657 people, this slave is also worthy of death"

"That's right, that's right, the emperor will be rewarded for his merits, he's really the Holy Lord!"


When Kangxi heard these words, he sneered!

"Hahaha! Holy Master! Be considerate of the servants! Hahaha! Then tell me why this damned Wu Sangui rebelled!

Didn't you say that my destiny belongs to me, and heaven and earth bless me! Take it all to see,

Your colleague, Pingxi King Wu Sangui rebelled, oh! Not only that but Shang Kexi, Geng Jingzhong,

There were 13 rebels in total throughout the country. The banner is anti-Qing and Fuming!

Ha ha! Fuming, I just don’t know which company’s Ming it is! "

All the officials below were drenched in cold sweat from being frightened by Kangxi, especially the Han officials,

Kangxi's murderous eyes seemed to be fixed on their necks!

Throwing down the letter in their hands, the officials dared to pass it on to each other.

Supported by free flowers and monthly tickets,

It's time to fight.

Go, go, go! If you have any ideas, you can leave a message! .

079 Decide on a Decisive Battle!

Now it's just the beginning of spring, and the cold wind is blowing on the bodies of every prince and minister like a piercing knife.

But the pain from outside is not worth the shock from inside!

I never thought that the urgent letters brought by Babaili could be so explosive.

Originally, it was just thought that Wu Sangui and other feudal lords rebelled. At most, they will cooperate with some bandits and bandits.

This looks like a large number of people, but in fact the combat effectiveness will not be very strong.

But after reading the letter, the ministers realized that the situation had reached the point of no delay!

Such a large-scale uprising made the Qing Dynasty look like a country of subjugation!

It was recorded in detail in the letter that just after the Spring Festival, Wu Sangui raised his troops to revolt.

There are a total of 500,000 land and water soldiers, and it is said to be 3.6 million. Starting from Yunnan, attack on two fronts.

In just four days, Cao Shenji, the governor of Guizhou, raised his flag to respond to Wu Sangui, and the entire territory of Guizhou fell.

Two days later, which is half a month before the Great Court Meeting, Guangdong is still gratifying, Fujian Geng Jingzhong,

Knowing about Guizhou's affairs also responded to Wu Sangui's army.

In less than ten days, Guangdong and Fujian provinces fell one after another, in order to prevent the news from leaking out.

They also guarded the main traffic roads in various places, intercepted and killed those who sent orders and spread news.