MTL - Two-dimensional Seeding System-Chapter 57

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At the same time, Hequan Shawu was like a frightened little white rabbit, "Damn it!" He quickly got out of Ye Feng's embrace and looked around to find a place to hide.

Ye Feng was greatly surprised by this. Are the three girls really planning to attack him tonight? It's just that the first two are going to do something indescribable, and what is the latter going to do? It seems that the relationship between them has not progressed to this point!

Seeing the footsteps getting closer and closer, Hequan Sagiri became more and more panicked. In the middle of the night, a girl slipped into the boy's room. Even if the two sides were brothers and sisters, it was not clear. How can you keep your head up? In a hurry, she lifted the sheets and got under the bed.

When Ye Feng saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched. There was a Yamada Goblin hidden under the bed. He couldn't imagine what it would look like when the two met. The scene must be very embarrassing.

However, things went beyond his expectations. After Heizumi Sagiri got in, there was no sound. The two got along very well. Could it be that they have reached a consensus?

The next moment, the door was pushed open for the third time, and the person who came was Qianshou Village Zheng. The other party seemed a little shy, "...Ye... Teacher Ye Feng..."

"Then, what is Muratai doing here?" He said with a smile.

Seeing the other party's expression, Qianshou Murai was as shy as Izumi Sagiri before. "Because...because I can't see Mr. Ye Feng's work, I can't sleep at night."

It turned out that he came to borrow a novel to read. Ye Feng was greatly disappointed. He thought there would be a big quilt tonight.

"It's a pity, I didn't bring a computer when I came, and all the manuscripts are kept at home." Seeing the disappointment on the other side (Zhao Hao), he added: "However, if you want to see us, you can hold a candle Night talk."

"Then... that's so embarrassing!"

Qianshou Cunzheng's face was flushed, the other party's "Bingzhuye Talk" contained too much information, which was a little difficult for her to accept, but another voice in her head kept urging her to agree.

At this moment, Ye Feng coughed, "Don't think about it, I'm a serious person, I'm just telling stories."

"No... It's not like that, I didn't mean it, it's just... just..." She explained anxiously.

At this moment, footsteps came from the door for the fourth time, but this time it was a passing servant. However, Qianshou Village Sei didn't know about this and thought it was the Yamada fairy.

Like Izumi Sagiri's idea before, she also chose to drill under the bed in a hurry, but when she entered, three pairs of eyes stared at each other in the dark.

This is embarrassing...

Chapter 115 The final chapter, the carnival before the return

All in all, everything is going as usual.

After returning from the Yamada Goblin's private island that day, the other party wrote another good daily love light novel based on the material from that day, and the sales volume was twice as high as the previous one, "Dark Flame Goblin".

At the same time, the sales volume in the first quarter came out. There is no doubt that Ye Feng's "Five Transformations of the Golden Body" ranked first, reaching a total sales volume of 30 million copies. At the same time, I have never been a writer. Be the No. 1 writer on the list.

This can be said to be a book of gods, and naturally it has reached the standard of animation. It is currently in production, and I believe it will set off a new wave of climax soon.

In order to celebrate this event, I invited all the people I know to have a celebratory dinner at home.


The sound of "Boom" sounded one after another. Since he couldn't drink and Izumi Sagiri used fruit juice instead of wine, the rest of them were chatting while eating vegetables.

All the food and drinks are arranged by the Yamada Fairy and Ye Feng together, so it is very appealing to all women.

"I never imagined that your servant would become an animation author one day, but don't be too happy, my next new work will definitely beat you." The Yamada Fairy said with a smile.

"Ah Feng, congratulations, congratulations, I have finally made it through writing for so long, and new works don't need to be placed in the corner to eat ashes."

"Big brother 513, do you already have an idea for the next new work?"

Everyone present offered sincere blessings, and Ye Feng also responded one by one.

This time, the banquet ended very late, it was almost midnight. He didn't use his sword energy to get rid of his drunkenness. He was so drunk that he said, "If there's no way to go home, I'll sleep here first tonight." Get up.

It's just that Ye Feng didn't know that Hequan Shawu, who was sitting on the sofa after he fell asleep, had a strange smile on the corner of his mouth. The hand behind his back was holding a bottle with the words "Qi. rejoice".

This is a potent aphrodisiac she ordered from the Internet. It can be used by both men and women. It is said that it was passed down from the Chinese side. If it gets a little bit on it, even an old monk can't hold it.

"Brother...don't blame me...for the happiness of my sisters, that's all I can do."


In the middle of the night, Ye Feng only felt an evil fire rushing up from his body, and was about to drive his sword qi to suppress it, but then another naked body was thrown into his arms, and it was like adding fuel to the fire (bbfi) in an instant. The roaring flames ignited, and could never be extinguished again.

Immediately afterwards, exclamations sounded in the darkness...

The next day, when he woke up, he was stunned, because there were not only six naked bodies on the chuang, but also six shocking red plums.

In addition, the ground is full of shredded clothes, and the clear tooth marks on the body, showing how fierce the battle was last night.

Ye Feng was a bit embarrassed for having shot all the girls at once, but Ye Feng was as thick-skinned as a city wall. Although he didn't know what was going on, the perpetrator was obviously him.

At this time, the girls were still in a drowsiness, with tears on their faces. He crawled out of the crisscrossing limbs with difficulty, took out the clothes from the cabinet to change, and was about to flee the scene, but at this moment his ears The cold words of the Yamada Fairy came.

"Just run away like this?"

He turned around in a hurry, but saw that the girls had woken up and looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Okay, I confess..."


Three days later, standing at the door of his house, Ye Feng silently shouted, "System, return!"

Chapter 115 The final chapter, the carnival before the return

Three days later, standing at the door of his house, Ye Feng silently shouted, "System, return!"

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of the second world, and I am counting the harvest for you."

"In addition to the main quest, you also sowed six seeds of love, one seed of culture, and X seeds. A total of 16,000 seeding points have been harvested!"

"This system is rated as overdone!"

"The basic reward has been sent, please check it, and an additional lucky draw opportunity will be awarded."

System space, Ye Feng's villa.

"Welcome back to the master!"

The two maids approaching were the two girls, Bai Xue and Marama, who came out of the world of "One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes". They were given to him by the system as a "surprise", and they looked good.

"Is this the system space my brother said? It's amazing." Izumi Sagiri said with a surprised look, while the other girls also had the same expression.

Ye Feng smiled when he saw this. He confessed about the system three days ago. The previous women were a little surprised but quickly accepted the news.

Later, when I heard that the time in this world would stop after I left, I felt relieved, and after saying hello to my parents, I chose to follow each other to the system space.

As for why Ye Feng chose to return at this time, because the tasks in Teacher Eromanga's world have been completed, there is no point in staying any longer. The daily life has been silent for too long, and the adventurous heart is restless again.

But there is still a month before the next shuttle, so I will first live a life without shame and impatience in the system space with the girls, and occasionally return to my original world.

The girls didn't have any opinion on this kind of life, but Ye Feng, the animal, sometimes made them unbearable, and every time they were slept together, the relationship between them became deeper and deeper.

A month passed by in an instant. This time, he did not rush to plant seeds in other worlds, but went to the dungeon to increase his authority level as planned.

"The copy is about to open, the target world Gensokyo."

"There are three difficulty levels: easy, hard, and hell. Please make your choice!"

Ye Feng was puzzled when he heard this: "What is the difference between these three difficulties, are they all elevated?"

"The higher the difficulty, the richer the rewards, and the higher the authority." The system replied.

"So that's the case. Since the dungeon is Gensokyo, when is the specific time? Before or after the establishment?" He asked again.

"The time and place are uncertain, it all depends on the luck of the host!"

"In that case, I choose Hell difficulty!"

Easy or difficult? As a person with pursuit, Ye Feng decisively chose the latter, and it was the most difficult difficulty of hell.

"The difficulty has been determined, the crossing begins!"

The next moment, a black hole appeared out of thin air and swallowed Ye Feng's whole body...

(End of this volume)

ps: There is no point in staying in the world of Erromanga-sensei any longer. Everything that should be collected has been collected, and everything that needs to be completed has been completed. As for the rest of the pit... I'll fill it in later _(:_"∠)_.

Chapter 116 Be a dad from today!

There was a village in the Nara period of the island country. There was an old man in the village named Sanuki Zaomaro. This man made a living by cutting bamboo and making baskets and selling them, so the villagers also called him a bamboo cutting man.

Probably because he was used to calling him for a long time. Many people forgot his name and called him by this nickname.

The folk customs of the whole village are simple, and the villagers sweat and harvest the crops in the fields. Because of the good governance of the onmyoji in Kyoto, big demons are rarely seen, and only some small demons that are not good enough, only the middle-aged and strong men in the village can expel them.

On this day, the bamboo cutter was looking for suitable bamboo in the bamboo forest, and by chance saw a bamboo knot with the thickness of an arm shining brightly. Out of curiosity, he split it with an axe, but he saw a three-inch baby lying in it.

He was stunned at the time. Because he was old and had no children, he thought it was a child given to him by God, so he hurriedly took the baby out, but at this moment he suddenly stretched out a hand from the side to hold it. Live ~ with him.

"Wait a minute!"

A young man in a white robe appeared next to the bamboo cutter, "The old man should open his eyes and see clearly, this is a monster change to confuse you - yours!"

The young man in white robe was Ye Feng who came from the shuttle, and at a critical moment, the story that was about to be carried out according to history was interrupted abruptly.

At the same time, there was a system prompt in his head, "Prevent the bamboo cutter from adopting Kaguya, and the completion rate is 50%!"

"Ah... So it's Lord Onmyoji!"

The Bamboo Cutter did not dare to neglect, because the Onmyoji had a very noble status in this era, and the young man in front of him, dressed in luxurious robes, knew at a glance that he was a nobleman, and he also revealed his identity as a monster. A noble onmyoji.

Seeing that the other party was in the trap, the corner of Ye Feng's mouth evoked a slight arc. He did not deny the identity of Onmyoji, and since the other party thought so, he would go with the flow.

"The old man was also carried away by the thought of "old age without children", think carefully, how can an ordinary baby be three inches in size? "

"I'm afraid it's an illusion of a monster. After you take it away, you'll dig out the raw liver."

After Ye Feng's explanation, the bamboo shooter turned pale, his body softened and he almost fell over. I was really dizzy, and I didn't recognize it for a while. Fortunately, I met the Onmyoji Master, otherwise this old life would be lost here today.

At this time, the baby in front of him was no longer cute in his eyes. Instead, he looked like a monster with a **** mouth. He quickly took a few steps back and knelt on the ground, "Master Onmyoji, help!"

Seeing this, Ye Feng secretly laughed in his heart, but his face showed a righteous look, "Don't worry, I am here today, this monster can't hurt you!"

"There will be a big battle later, and it will inevitably affect you, so go to the distance and hide first."

When the bamboo cutter heard this, how dare he stay longer? Thank you, "Then Onmyoji, be careful!" After saying that, he left without a moment's hesitation.

Seeing that the other party left, Ye Feng smiled and said sorry again, because in the original story, Bamboo Cutter had a happy old age after adopting Kaguya. , this wealth is missed with the other side.

Shaking his head, he put his eyes on Kaguya Ji, the later Penglai Mountain Kaguya, but now his body is only three inches in size, and he still looks like a baby.

However, just as he stretched out his hand to take Kaguya out, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine, as if he was locked by a sharp weapon.

Eight Intentions Erin!

He immediately thought of the woman's name. When Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was exiled to the ground, the other party also followed the lower realm, but stayed in the dark and did not show up. Is this not trusting yourself?

The next moment, the tear-stained sword appeared in his hand, and it was slashed horizontally with the momentum of wind and thunder. The clash between the arrow and the blade sparked. The long sword was unscathed, but the arrow was cut in half.

"Who are you? What's the purpose of approaching Kaguya?"

Bamboo was pressed to both sides, and a beautiful woman with a nurse hat and a white single ponytail appeared in the air. The other party was dressed very strangely. It was clearly a nurse's uniform, but half red and half black. He also put on an arrow and pulled the bow in his hand to full string.

Chapter 116 Be a dad from today!

Bamboo was pressed to both sides, and a beautiful woman with a nurse hat and a white single ponytail appeared in the air. The other party was dressed very strangely. It was clearly a nurse's uniform, but half red and half black. He also put on an arrow and pulled the bow in his hand to full string.

As expected!

"Don't worry, there is no purpose. Anyway, we are looking for someone to raise him. It is better to leave it to me than to entrust it to an old man." Ye Feng said with a smile.

However, Bayi Yonglin said with a cold expression, "I'm sorry, I will not hand Kaguya to someone from unknown origin, so please leave. Just a warning just now, I will never show mercy this time!"

At this time, the atmosphere on the scene became tense, and a fight could break out at any time, but at this moment Ye Feng laughed.

"A person's thoughts cannot determine the wishes of others. How do you know that this child is not willing to go with me?"

Bayi Yonglin's heart trembled when she heard this, and at this moment, she remembered the matter of inviting Penglaishan Kaguya to study the elixir of death together when she was on the moon. Is this just a personal opinion? Maybe Kaguya wasn't willing at all at that time?

oo ask for flowers oooooooo

It was because of her own will that Kaguya was punished and exiled to the filthy ground and forced to come into contact with the filthy people on the ground.

Then she sneered, "If Kaguya voluntarily follows you, I have nothing to say!" As she said that the bow and arrow in her hand continued to be fully charged, it seemed that if the other party did something excessive, it would be fired.

Successfully set in! Ye Feng smiled, "Okay, don't go back."

On how to abduct a cute Penglai Mountain Huiye? It is estimated that everyone thought of the game for the first time.

Yes, as the famous home squat in Gensokyo, who stays at home all day and plays games all day, this is definitely a fatal temptation.