MTL - Two-dimensional Seeding System-Chapter 58

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But here comes the problem. Although Penglaishan Huiye is a nerd, she was also cultivated in Gensokyo. Now this aspect is still a piece of blank paper. Can the game work?

It's not that he didn't think about directly fighting Bayi Yonglin and then taking Penglai Mountain Kaguya away, but it is really irrational to provoke a strong enemy when he first came here.

Now that the other party has made concessions, he is too embarrassed to come and rob civilians in front of his guardian.

However, at this moment, Hui Ye of Penglai Mountain in the bamboo tube let out a "wow", and Bayi Yonglin's expression tightened as she was about to go to comfort her when Ye Feng stretched out her index finger and said "shh".

Then he came to Penglai Mountain Huiye and began to sing.

"From a distant foreign country, a beam of light shines, extremely dazzling, tempting to go, come here, from the sky, I hear the voice calling me, my thoughts are a little quick, want to take me back, look up at the extremely gray sky, Look for the voice that calls me..."

This is the song "Flying with Bamboo" that Ye Feng had heard before, and now it's a wonderful feeling to sing it in front of Hui Ye of Penglai Mountain.

The crying stopped. It seemed that he understood the song. The baby opened his eyes and looked at Ye Feng in front of him and laughed.

Kaguya's choice was very clear, the bow in Bayi Yonglin's hand had already been put down, she took a deep look at Ye Feng, and then hesitantly turned around and left.

"Does this agree with me?" Ye Feng looked at the figure leaving and turned to the baby in his hand with a smile.

Be a dad from today! .

Chapter 117 The family grows up at the beginning of the night

"To stop the bamboo cutter from adopting Kaguya, the completion rate is 100%!"

"Main quest: Raise Kaguya to grow up."

"Main quest: Complete Kaguya's five puzzles."

"Completing all the main stories will reward you with a thousand seeding points, and the title "Ghost Father" will be promoted to three levels in a row. "

"Optional side quests: Burn the sunflower field, get the book "Flower Eater" if you fail, and get "The Parasol of the Fragrance in the Wind" if you win.

"Optional side quests: Find Yakumo Zi, and shout an old woman in front of the other party, and you will get the reward "Yakumo Zi's Folding Fan" regardless of success or failure.

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing bitterly when he recalled the system prompt in his head. This is really worthy of the "Hell" difficulty, just involving the two big monsters is enough to scare people to death, not to mention the main quest, which must be completed, and the optional side quests also need to choose "five-eighty zero".

At this time, he was a little regretful that he had chosen the "Hell" difficulty because of his overheated mind. This task was simply a big death.

Where is the sunflower field? That is the place where the fragrant fragrance of the big demon is in the wind. Everyone knows that this big demon loves flowers like his life. Isn't burning the sun flower field to kill himself?

Not to mention the fact that she has to shout an old woman in front of Yakumo Zi, a girl who claims to be forever seventeen years old, she will definitely... she will definitely be dropped by the gap!

Although Ye Feng is not afraid of them in terms of strength, it is really irrational to provoke such a powerful enemy. Youxiang Fengjian is a close combat madman who occasionally shoots two magic cannons to deal with it, but Yakumo Zi is in trouble.

In addition, the rewards are also confusing, and the failure reward "flower eater" doesn't matter, this is a fragrant fan book, and it is estimated that it is the bad taste of the system.

But what are the "folding fans of Yakumozi" and "the parasol of the fragrance in the wind" at the back? This thing doesn't seem to be used at all.

"It's really a headache." Ye Feng tapped his head. These are not the most important, the most important thing is that he has no idea where the two big monsters are.

People don't know where they are, how can they complete the task?

After thinking about it, I can only temporarily put down the two side quests and complete the main quest first. Raising Penglai Mountain Kaguya is easy, but the five problems are a little more difficult.

Having said that, the five problems are the excuses Kaguya uses to send off the suitors. Why does the system let itself do this? Are you planning to develop to the ghost father?

At this moment, the sound of "wow" sounded, and Penglaishan Huiye, who was in a baby state, began to cry.

"Honey, don't cry, don't cry~" Ye Feng hurriedly started to coax the child.

At this time, the Penglai Mountain Huiye was bigger than before, from three inches to five inches. He was not surprised by this, because in the story, the other party only took three months to grow. Be slim.

"Strange, why do you keep crying?"

Ye Feng, who has never brought a child, is one big and two big. In my impression, it seems that the child will cry if he urinates or is hungry. Could this be the reason? So he stretched out his hand to remove the swaddling wrapped around the baby, but at this moment he hesitated again.

Why do you feel guilt inexplicably?

This is serious business! He meditated for a few more words in his heart before gradually fading away.

The next moment, the eyes were filled with shocking whiteness. It was clean and not wet at all. It didn't look like it was urinating. After that, I couldn't help but take a second look.

I saw that there was not a single hair on it, the flesh was pink. Tender pink. Tender, and there was a slight invisible gap in the center...

At this moment, Penglaishan Huiye cried more and more fiercely, kicking out a foot and stepping on the other's face.

Chapter 117 The family grows up at the beginning of the night

At this moment, Penglaishan Huiye cried more and more fiercely, kicking out a foot and stepping on the other's face.

Cough cough!

Ye Feng couldn't help blushing, and quickly wrapped the swaddling clothes, then turned around and looked around, he was relieved that no one noticed what he had just done.

"It doesn't seem to be about peeing, so the little guy is hungry?"

Ruled out the first thought, it's the latter problem, except that if you're hungry, food for babies is hard to find in the wilderness, it looks like you'll have to go to the village to get something, and settle if it's appropriate It's not bad to come down.

It's just that Hui Ye of Penglai Mountain is still crying non-stop. If he doesn't think of a way, he'll be killed by noise before he reaches the village.

"Don't cry, don't you just check it? I'll take it off for you to see if it's a big deal."

Regardless of whether the other party has the original memory or not, Ye Feng stretched his hand to the waistband of his trousers and took off his trousers in the next second, but Penglai Shan Huiye stared at him with round eyes... .....

"Eh... Are you really conscious?"

He was shocked, because this look was not as pure as a baby should be, but full of resentment, and then he couldn't help laughing, "It seems that Kaguya really has the original memory, but because she can't speak, she uses crying to express it. ."

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding! I really didn't mean it."

However, Ye Fengyue explained that Penglaishan Huiye cried more and more fiercely, not only that, but also dancing, the next moment he suddenly felt his palms wet, and at the same time, the crying stopped, and the other party's little face was flushed.

"You really pee..."


Dazang Village, a small house.

At this time, three days have passed since the adoption of Kaguya. Before that, Ye Feng found this mountain village, settled down, and cut some bamboo to build the hut.

The mountain village is not big, and the total number of all the villagers does not exceed 200, and it still maintains contact with the outside world. He basically does not go out except to buy necessities, so few people know that there is an extra household in this remote bamboo forest.

At this time, Hui Ye of Penglai Mountain has grown a lot, and is almost the size of an ordinary human baby.

What he told was nothing else, it was the fairy tale of 2.2 in the original world, and it was also the story of a mermaid.

"Finally, the mermaid looked at her beloved prince, her body turned into colorful bubbles under the sun, and slowly flew up to the sky."

Ye Feng ended this tragic story with a sentimental tone, while Penglai Shan Hui Ye listened quietly, his face full of sadness.

"Okay, that's all for today's story, it's time to go to bed."

He smiled, stretched out his hand and pinched the other's small nose, but the next moment he was bitten by two rows of deciduous teeth.

"I really can't do it any more. Good stories will be saved for tomorrow. That's it for today. Go to sleep!"

He pulled out his fingers and flicked the little guy's forehead, covered the quilt, got up and lay down on his own chuang, and then blew out the candle.


Chapter 118 The Monster Lumia of Supper

Unconsciously, a month has passed. At this time, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye has grown to be a year old. He is no longer a baby lying in a cradle, and can walk on the ground reluctantly.

When Ye Feng brought the animal milk he had bought, a tender baby voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Second... Dad!"

The next moment, his mouth slowly opened, with an incredible look on his face, "I heard it right, Xiao Huiye can speak?"

In order to confirm the news, he turned around quickly, but met Kaguya who was standing in front of him in the shape of a child. At this time, he was looking at him with his small head raised, and those big round eyes that twinkled like he could talk.

"Second... Dad!" Another call came from the other party's mouth. Ye Feng smiled when he heard this, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with the name.

Originally, he adopted Penglai Shan Hui Ye to complete the mission of the system, and second, he planned to take it home as a daughter to raise, but now this "second father" sounds a bit weird and sounds like a happy father, but this does not hinder 19 of his favorites. So he picked up the other party, held up high and turned in circles.

However, at this moment, Kaguya said again, "Let it go private!"

It seems that it is because of the skill of speaking, this sentence is very smooth, but it sounds milky, "Second father is really, he still treats himself as a child."

Putting the other party down, Ye Feng said with a smile: "My daughter doesn't want her father to hold her when she grows up. Besides, you are still just a little girl, still a child."

As soon as the voice fell on Penglai Mountain, Hui Ye snorted softly, and at the same time, his face flushed, "How can you be a father like this, and you actually do that kind of thing when you have no way to resist!"

Ye Feng's guess was right at all. Penglaishan Huiye kept his memory when he returned to his infancy. From the moment the bamboo was split, he remembered everything afterwards.

Originally, she planned to choose to be adopted by the old man, all of which were arranged by the master, but the other party rushed out and used the despicable excuse of "cannibal monster" to deceive the old man, and even competed for her custody.

Originally, she didn't believe the other party, but that song changed her mind. Although it wasn't very good, it expressed her heart and finally made such a choice.

Unexpectedly, this nominal adoptive father looks gentle on the outside, but in reality he is a beast in clothes, and he actually did such a thing to her when she was a baby.

At that time, I was so ashamed that I could not wait to find a hole to burrow in, because my own ability was sealed by Yue Yejian Zun, so I had no ability to resist at that time.

Later, he brought her to settle in this mountain village, and he would tell a story every night. After a long time, he gradually accepted the other party. Although this person is very hateful, he also has a good side.

Ye Feng naturally understood what Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was referring to. At that time, there was no way to do it. The conscience of heaven and earth was just doing his duty as a nanny, and using the word "dirty" to describe him was simply unfair. !

At this moment, there was a burst of hurried footsteps outside the door, and then a villager rushed in in a panic, his clothes were damaged in many places and looked very embarrassed.

"Master Onmyoji, please help... help! Yes... Yes..."

The villagers were so tired because they ran too fast, and they were so nervous that they couldn't convey the information completely for a while.

"Don't be nervous, talk slowly."

Onmyoji is Ye Feng's disguised identity. He was unknown when he first came to the village, but he occasionally helped the villagers to drive away some little demons during the month, so he received the respect he deserved. Everyone knew that there lived in this bamboo forest. The mighty Onmyoji Master.

"There is a big monster! There is a big monster! The big monster has broken into the village!"

Chapter 118 The Monster Lumia of Supper

"There is a big monster! There is a big monster! The big monster has broken into the village!"

Taking a sigh of relief, the name of the village said the word "big demon" three times in a row. It seemed that the matter was very serious.

Is there a big demon? Ye Feng couldn't help frowning after hearing this, and was suspicious of the villagers' words, because in this era, big demons rarely show up, let alone attack a little-known small village, not to mention that he came to settle here. From time to time, he took action to fight back the little demon, and his reputation had spread long ago. Who would dare to come here to do things without long eyes?

"Take me to see."

Since you can't confirm it, you can only see it with your own eyes. At this time, he felt his sleeves being pulled, and when he looked down, he saw Xiaohui Ye said in a milky voice, "I want to go see it privately."

Seeing this, Ye Feng smiled and said, "Okay, good girl, let's go!" After that, he picked up the other party and let him sit on his shoulders.

Although the villagers were a little puzzled by the Onmyoji master's way of treating monsters and taking children, it was not something he considered.

Soon Ye Feng took Xiao Huiye to the center of the village, and saw a group of young men with farm implements surrounding a young girl, each with a vigilant look on their faces.

"It's Lord Onmyoji!"

"Master Onmyoji is here, we are saved!"

"Lord Onmyoji, quickly get rid of this monster!"

At this time, someone noticed Ye Feng's arrival, and the crowd suddenly became noisy.

"What happened?" Ye Feng asked seriously.

At this time, a village name stood up and pointed at the girl: "Master Onmyoji is this monster. He injured many of us, and even shouted that he wanted to eat people."

The girl in front of her has short blond hair and is wearing 660 European clothes with black as the main color. "Big brother, are you going to hurt Rumia too?"

Ye Feng stepped forward and rubbed the other person's head, "Is your name Rumia? What a lovely child, tell me, why did you come to a human village?"

He learned from the induction that the opponent's strength is only a little stronger than the usual little demon. In addition, there is a strong dark fluctuation around his body, which seems to be a dark container in itself, but it can't be seen from the outside when it converges.

"Rumia is so hungry, she really wants to eat."

Ye Feng couldn't help shaking his head after hearing this. He couldn't do anything about this kind of thing. Rumia is a monster in the dark night. She feeds on the darkness in human hearts.

"I'm sorry, you can't eat the people here." He rejected the other party's request, because this place could be regarded as his blessed territory. If the villagers were eaten, where would they put their face?

"But Rumia is really hungry. Big brother looks good, can you take a bite?"

The girl's words sounded innocuous, but the content was terrifying. If they disagreed, they would eat people. Compared with this cute appearance, it formed a sharp contrast.

Immediately afterwards, everyone on the scene was tense, holding the farm tools in their hands. As long as the Onmyoji-sama gave an order, they would fight to the death! .