MTL - Two-dimensional Seeding System-Chapter 59

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Chapter 119 Are you an old woman trying to seduce my second father?

Ye Feng scoffed at Rumia's idea, and wanted to eat herself? Simply whimsical! The huge gap in strength between the two sides has no chance at all, and it is definitely the other side who starts to die.

He also won't show mercy because the other party is a cute girl. Apart from this beautiful body, he is a man-eating monster. This is a very realistic situation. The current Rumia is not the Rumia who will be sealed in the future.

In her opinion, human beings are food to fill their stomachs, just like human beings eat pork. Ye Feng cannot refute this, nor will he deny it. Nature selects the fittest to survive, and strength is the umbrella of life.

But the villagers here are protected by him and are temporary shelters, so Rumia will not be left alone.

Seeing that the villagers were nervous, Ye Feng laughed out loud, "Xiao Huiye, what do you think of this monster trying to eat me?"

"Do I still need to ask this kind of question privately?" Penglaishan Huiye gave the other party a white look, "Of course, the treatment will be withdrawn. Could it be that the second father is attracted to the other party's beauty and intends to subdue it later?"

However, at this moment, Rumia suddenly buried her head, stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, "Big brother, Rumia is going to eat!" He wrapped the whole person in between, and from a distance it looked like a mass of 797 black blocks.

Seeing this scene, the villagers present were frightened and trembling with fear. They almost couldn't hold the farm tools in their hands.

But the next moment, his eyes fell into darkness, and he couldn't see anything. He couldn't help but panic and ran around.

This is Rumia's ability. Once it starts to create darkness, anyone who breaks into the field will have their vision reduced, which is equivalent to blindness. Ye Feng is no exception, but he is not panic at all.

"Calm down and don't mess around!" He shouted loudly. Ordinary villagers are not Rumia in the eating state at all, and I am afraid that they will all be wiped out in one encounter.

"It's useless, you are all food, just provide me with enough darkness!" Rumia's plain voice came from the thick black mist, followed by a "hu" sound, and she was about to pounce. on the back of a villager.

However, at this moment, a sword light flashed, like the light of dawn piercing the night, slicing the black block in two, falling from the air and rolling into the grass, revealing Rumia's body.

It was Ye Feng who shot, holding the tear-stained sword in his hand to deliver a fatal blow at this critical moment, fast, accurate, ruthless, merciless, a fatal blow!

Although he couldn't see it, the energy fluctuations emitted by Rumia's body were like black dots on a piece of white paper. It was too obvious. As long as you attacked in the direction of induction, you could also hit the target.

At the same time, everyone's vision returned to normal, and the dark realm was destroyed. Only then did the chaotic villagers calm down.

"Master Onmyoji!"

"The monster is dead!"

"That's great! As expected of Lord Onmyoji, it's easy to get rid of this little monster."

However, just when everyone thought that Rumia was dead, they saw that the corpse in the grass actually moved!

Fingers first, then eyes open. Not only was there no bleeding at the wound, but also black silk threads were connected, slowly pulling the two stumps together.

Facing the strange scene, everyone present took a deep breath, a chill rose from their hearts, and goose bumps appeared all over.

Chapter 119 Are you an old woman trying to seduce my second father?

Facing the strange scene, everyone present took a deep breath, a chill rose from their hearts, and goose bumps appeared all over.

"Master Onmyoji, be careful!"

"This monster isn't dead yet!"

Ye Feng frowned, he felt a stronger darkness around Rumia's body, and it was this dark force that tried to repair the body of "death", "It's really tenacious vitality, since that's the case, this time Let you perish completely!"

The dense sword qi emerged from the palm of the hand, and quickly gathered into a group of red sword balloons that contained terrifying power. If you can't die if you divide it into two sections, then it can't be recovered if it's shaved into powder (bbfe), right?

With a loud shout, it was thrown out, carrying the momentum of wind and thunder, almost tearing the air apart, forming fluctuations visible to the naked eye.

However, at this moment, a lazy female voice came from the air, "Little brother over there, how about I owe you a favor for letting this woman go for our sake?"

This sentence seems to be asking for the other party's opinion, but its owner doesn't care about Ye Feng's opinion at all, and then a hole suddenly opened in the flight path of the sword balloon.

This opening is like an open mouth, with bows tied on both sides, and there are countless eyes inside, rolling their eyes to stare at everyone present, and the emotions contained in them are also different, ranging from evil, purity and mystery.

The next moment, there was no doubt that the sword balloon was swallowed by the gap, like a stone falling into the sea, disappearing without a trace, not even a single wave.

Yakumo Purple!

Ye Feng was startled, and then his face brightened. He was worried about how to find each other, and he actually came to the door on his own initiative. So he sneered: "Are you taking yourself seriously, why should I buy your face!"

"Ah, don't be angry, little brother." The lazy voice came again, and then the upper body of a woman peeked out from the gap before. It was Yakumo Zi, the key character of the side mission.

As in the impression, with a white round hat on his head, golden hair, a stunning face, and a strange Taoist robe, he also holds a folding fan in his hand.

"Let's talk about being a well-known big monster. To save face, I can help you with anything next time. Besides, you see that we are so beautiful, can't we just give in?"

She squinted her eyes and spread out a folding fan to cover her mouth, lips and chin. Even so, she could feel that smile, "This time it was our friend who did something wrong, so I apologize first."

At this moment, Penglaishan Huiye made a "cut" and looked at Yakumo Zi with contempt, "Hey, old lady over there, are you trying to seduce my second father?"

In an instant, the air seemed to freeze, and Ye Feng could clearly feel the black air rising behind Yakumo Zi. This was the prelude to blackening.

I saw Yakumo Zi's mouth twitched, and the folding fan in his hand twitched and closed again, "What are you talking about, we are forever seventeen years old, and we have nothing to do with the old woman."

And Penglaishan Huiye smiled and said, "Seventeen years old? If you say it, you'll be laughing at other people's teeth. Don't pretend. You are very sensitive to time. You are already..."

After she finished speaking, Ye Feng covered her mouth, "Save some face for others.".

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight Clouds Purple

Ye Feng understands that Penglaishan Kaguya's ability is forever and for a moment. Simply put, it is an advanced use of time, and even Izayoi Sakuya, who has the same ability, can't compare.

So it's not surprising that Yakumo Zi's real age can be sensed, but Ye Feng won't let her say it. This secret should be kept for later guesses.

At this time, Yakumo Zi couldn't calm down anymore, her face turned gloomy, but she still forced a smile, "The age of a girl is a secret, it's very unreasonable to say it directly~"

"Little brother over there, you can see that Rumia-chan has also been taught a lesson. Let it go, I will take it back and educate it strictly, and then I promise you - how about the conditions?"

As soon as Ye Yefeng's voice lit up, "you said this. I want to talk to you later, as long as you don't get angry."

"It's that simple?" Yakumo Zi asked.

"It's that simple!" he responded.

The next moment, another gap appeared at the feet of Rumia, who was about to recover, and swallowed it directly.

Then Ye Feng turned around and evacuated the villagers who were still gathered at the scene, because facing Yakumo Zi even if they were all put together would be useless, and staying at the scene would get in the way.

Hearing the order of the respectful Onmyoji, the villagers were a little unwilling, but they did not dare to disobey.

"I think we should find a place to talk."

"Alright, we're also very interested in the new powerhouse."

A gap appeared beside Ye Feng, the next moment he stepped into this strange place without hesitation, turned a blind eye to the eyes around him, and then the gap closed.

And just at this moment, a beautiful woman walked out from the vicinity, it was Yayi Erin, who was hiding in the dark and did not show her face, frowning when she saw the gap disappearing.

Ever since she entrusted Penglaishan Huiye to Ye Feng, she has been by her side, no matter whether the other party found out or not, she quietly guarded her like this, and she couldn't help showing up until Yakumo Zi appeared.

"What kind of crazy idea is this woman fighting? With that kid's strength, there will be no danger." Said here and shook his head, "It's really daring to bring Kaguya in together for an adventure, and you must instigate it after you come out. ." After that, the figure was hidden in the dark.


In the gap, the lost home.

"Welcome the two of you to our residence!" Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

Ye Feng glanced at it and saw that this was a Japanese-style hut. It was clean and tidy, and a quilt was neatly folded on the tatami. Apart from that, there was no one else, only the other party. Live alone.

There is no figure of the good wife Foxba Yunlan who is proficient in housework and runs the affairs for her master for free. Depending on the situation, she has not been accepted as a Shikigami.

"I never imagined that a famous monster sage would live in such a place. Speaking of which, your ability is really convenient. You can go wherever you want with just a wave of your hand."

Being praised, Yakumo Zi said with a smile: "Although our ability is convenient, it is also a kind of shackle. It is even more difficult to break through. Looking at my little brother's ability, it should be cultivated the day after tomorrow, right? Similar to the big country over the sea. monks."

At this moment, the two of them were lying on their knees, and in the middle was a small square table with a tea set on it. Penglaishan Huiye got off Ye Feng's shoulder, moved freely, staggered, and looked at the surrounding environment with a pair of round eyes curiously.

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight Clouds Purple

At this moment, the two of them were lying on their knees, and in the middle was a small square table with a tea set on it. Penglaishan Huiye got off Ye Feng's shoulder, moved freely, staggered, and looked at the surrounding environment with a pair of round eyes curiously.

"My ability did not come from cultivating Taoism." Ye Feng shook his head at Yayunzi's guess. He was cultivating sword qi, and he was more inclined to martial arts, but it was one level higher than martial arts.

"Speaking of which, the monster sage was able to take over my sword qi unscathed. Such strength is really embarrassing."

After entering the gap, he found that the other party was not injured, and even the peculiar runner on his body was not damaged at all, so he came to this conclusion, but he saw Yakumo Zi's face changed slightly, "Brother's sword energy is really powerful, light In terms of power, we dare not touch its edge, so we used the gap to lead it to other places."

At this moment, Ye Feng felt a little bit of something wrong in his heart, but he didn't know what went wrong, and he said, "The gap is really amazing."

At the same time, on a plain somewhere, in the endless sunflower field, a girl with short green hair in a red checkered skirt was walking in the sea of ​​flowers with a parasol.

Suddenly she frowned, because a gap appeared in the sky, "What the **** is this woman doing?"

oo ask for flowers oooooooo

As soon as he finished speaking, a powerful momentum rose from the gap, and then a red sword balloon appeared in sight, and the next moment it landed on the top of his head.


Like the explosion of a nuclear bomb, the terrifying force first compresses sharply, and then blooms with beautiful petals like a budding flower.

The shock wave spread out around this center, and contained countless tiny sword qi that ravaged the flower field. The sunflowers it touched were turned into pieces one after another, and even the soil that took root was shattered.

The aftermath of the sword qi lasted for a full ten seconds, and a deep pit appeared in the center of the explosion. The next moment, a hand was slowly stretched out from the dust, and the girl just now was revealed, but at this time, she was in a state of embarrassment, and her clothes had already been covered up. Only a few pieces of cloth were left to block the key parts, and the parasol in his hand was only the skeleton.


"Eight Cloud Purple!"

It seemed like a voice from hell, she gritted her teeth and spat out the name, the parasol skeleton in her hand made a "cluck" sound, and the next second it was twisted and deformed into a pile of scrap metal.

At this time, Ye Feng's face in the lost home was full of surprise, and just now he heard the system prompt.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully destroying the Sunflower Field and completing the main mission. Please make persistent efforts to complete the second main mission."

What's the situation? When did you destroy the sunflower field? He saw Yakumo Zi rolling on the floor with laughter in front of him, and he immediately knew the reason, only to see the other side wipe away the tears from the corner of his eyes, "That guy should be busy now, so she likes to find me at ordinary times. Trouble, take this gift well, it's really relieved."

"Eh... little brother, what's your expression like?"

At this time, Yakumo Zi regained her original expression and said with a smile, "The one we mentioned just now is a good friend, so don't be afraid."

Ye Feng, on the other hand, was in a complicated mood. He didn't know whether to be angry or to thank the other party. He originally wanted to complete the second of the two optional side quests, but Yakumo Zilai did it indirectly, but he also offended Feng. Fragrance between.

There is no way, God knows when this violent maniac who loves flowers will come to the door, now we can only prepare in advance. .

Chapter 121 The prayer of Fujiwara sister red

Leaving this aside for now, since one of the side quests has been completed, the other will naturally not be missed. Although I don't know what the quest reward is, the system produces absolutely no garbage.

So Ye Feng coughed slightly, "Then the conditions proposed earlier..."

He was referring to what he said before to make the other party not angry. Although age is a taboo for Yakumo Zi, Penglai Shan Hui Ye had already said it on his behalf, but it was invalid. He didn't hear it. system beep.

Yakumo Zi is also very curious about what this young man with tyrannical strength will say to her at such a young age. Could it be a confession?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but burst into joy. It seemed that I still had the ability to attract young handsome men, "Ala~ What do you want to say?"

I saw Ye Feng took a deep breath, and shouted out "Seven One Zero", "Yayunzi, you old woman!"

This shocking speech turned into a tsunami as soon as it exited, hitting Yakumo Zi's ears unstoppably, and then reverberated in the room for a long time. After a while, the final sound gradually subsided.

At the same time, there was a system prompt, "Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the second optional main quest. So far, all main quests have been completed!"

The next moment, the broken aunt's heart was scattered all over the place, and then a terrifying momentum surged out of the other party, but this momentum came and went quickly, and it was only a flash in the pan and then dissipated.

"That... Yakumo Zi, are you alright, you agreed not to get angry." Ye Feng reminded "kindly".

At this time, Penglaishan Huiye was also shocked by his second father's sudden speech. He agreed to save face? In the end, he also scolded the old woman, which was simply a slap in the face.

"Second father, you seem to have lost something." She glanced at each other.

Ye Feng naturally knew what this thing was, so he replied with a smile: "It's okay, just pick it up when it falls." Then he turned to Yakumo Zi, whose face was terribly calm, "Well... it's nothing to do next, Can you take us home?"

But she saw Yakumo Zi unfold her folding fan to cover her cheeks, "Let's talk, but before that, don't you introduce yourself?" She narrowed her eyes and seemed to be thinking something.

Ye Feng was terrified when he saw this scene, knowing that offending a person is not scary, but if the offending is a woman, it would be miserable, especially this kind of careful woman who likes to hold revenge, I am afraid that she is thinking about how to take revenge.

Even so, you can't lose in terms of momentum, and you mustn't show timidity. Ting raised her waist and raised her head, and faced it with the attitude of being the overlord of the same party. Not someone who hasn't seen the world.

"Do not change your name, do not change your surname, you will be in the wind of the lower leaves, the leaves of fallen leaves, the wind of the storm." Ye Feng introduced in detail, and then pulled Hui Ye of Penglai Mountain, "This is my daughter, Hui Ye of Penglai Mountain."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yakumo Zi smiled slyly: "Ye Feng, right, let's write it down. From today onwards, you can also call us Zi."

Seeing that the other party allowed him to use such an intimate name, Ye Feng expected it. After all, dragons don't live with snakes, and he has enough strength to become the other party's friend.

However, at this moment, a gap suddenly appeared at his feet, and before he could react, he fell in, "Yakumo...!"