MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 108 Dream back 04: You're here, it's too much trouble.

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After leaving contact information with each other, Zhou Yue then separated from the doctor He Chou. After He Qiu left, Zhou Yue was still sitting in the cafe, holding his cell phone, and looking at the new numbers in the phone book thoughtfully.

The newly added numbers in Zhouyue's phonebook, in addition to He Qiu's mobile phone number. There is also a number given by Xu Lin, her brother Xu Haoyu.

Think of He Qiu just now saying that Mu Qin's comrade-in-arms surname is "Xu". Of course, Zhou Yue thinks that this comrade-in-arms of Xu may only be Xu Haoyu.

After all, there were only Xu Haoyu who was also a comrade-in-arms with the same name as Mu at the same time as Mu Qin.

Coincidentally, Xu Haoyu's sister gave Xu Haoyu's mobile phone number to Zhou Yue. Zhou Yue began to think about how to get Mu Qin's whereabouts from Xu Haoyu's mouth. He groaned for a moment, and turned his attention to the bodyguards who were sitting at the next table.

These 24 hours follow Zhou Yue's bodyguards without interruption. The better one is the bodyguard, and the worse one is the watcher. Instead of Xiezhu, he came to monitor Zhou Yue's actions.

Every move of Zhou Yue, they will inform Xiezhu with little detail.

Therefore, Zhou Yue then called Xu Haoyu, and if he learned of Mu Qin's whereabouts from Xu Haoyu, he would definitely know about it when he intended to go and find Mu Qin.

Based on her personality, she will certainly try to stop Zhou Yue by all means. If she couldn't stop it, she would pass the matter on to Zhou Yue's father, Zhou Qiyuan, and let Zhou Qiyuan handle it.

Xie Zhu is easy to deal with. She is Zhou Yue's biological mother. Although her feelings toward Zhou Yue are alienated and indifferent, in most cases, she will choose to tolerate and tolerate some of Zhou Yue ’s extraordinary behaviors.

Her tolerance is actually very obvious ... Even if Xie Zhuming knew that Zhou Yue liked a male who was also male, she didn't tell her husband Zhou Qiyuan about it for the first time, because she knew that once Zhou Qiyuan Knowing that his son is a homosexual, then he would certainly not hesitate to "control" Zhou Yue.

Yes, this statement is not exaggerated, Zhou Qiyuan will "control" Zhou Yue. Much like imprisonment in disguise, Zhou Qiyuan will take all extreme measures to restore his son to "normal". In Zhou Qiyuan's world, he thinks normal is normal.

Zhou Qiyuan has done this before. It was Zhou Yue primary school. It was still a child's Zhou Yue who was naughty and lively. He was not cold about the various tuition classes that Zhou Qiyuan arranged for him. , To run away from home like other children, trying to get parents' attention in this way.

But Zhou Yue left less than a few hours and was quickly found by the Zhou family. Then he was locked up for half a month. He was really locked in the bedroom and he could n’t go anywhere. .

Zhou Qiyuan piled a pile of learning materials in front of him and asked five or six tutors to teach him in turn. If Zhou Yue didn't listen to the class well, he would have no food that day.

Since then, Zhou Yue has developed a fear of the Zhou family and Zhou Qiyuan.

He knew at that time that Zhou Qiyuan did not treat Zhou Yue as his own flesh completely and at all. This man's indifference was terrible and even made Zhou Yue doubt whether Zhou Qiyuan had human emotions.

Many times, Zhou Qiyuan looked at Zhou Yue's eyes as if he were looking at an object, or something else ...

By the way, his eyes seemed to be looking at a monster.

This look is uncomfortable, and Zhou Yue still remembers it.

Thinking of these messy things, Zhou Yue took a sip of untouched coffee and looked out the window of the cafe, pretending to be very melancholy.

After a while, the bodyguards next to the table couldn't sit still. One of the bodyguards came up and asked Zhou Yue: "Mr. Zhou, Madam told us not to let you stay outside for too long. Your health is bad, so Should we go back? "

Zhou Yue did not speak, he remained silent. Silence is actually very easy to give people a sense of oppression, especially when others are asking for you, your silence will multiply this sense of oppression, Zhou Yue is very clever about this kind of psychology.

Even though the bodyguard is a warrior with many battles and rich experience, in the face of such a weak Zhou Yue, his nerves are still unnaturally tense, and he dare not relax at all.

After a short while, Zhou Yue slowly walked back, not ill, and said, "Yes, but before that, I'm going to the bathroom."

When the bodyguard heard Zhou Yue's remarks, somehow he was relieved and his tense nerves slowly relaxed. He immediately smiled and said, "I'll push you to the bathroom."

The bodyguards were very attentive, and immediately went around behind Zhou Yue, pushed his wheelchair and walked to the coffee shop toilet, and greeted them when passing the remaining bodyguards at the adjacent table.

Then the bodyguard pushed Zhou Yue to the coffee shop's washroom. The coffee shop is very high-end. There are actually toilets for the disabled to provide special groups with limited mobility.

So Zhou Yue pointed to the single room for the disabled and motioned for the bodyguard to push himself in.

The bodyguard did, and after pushing Zhou Yue forward, he resigned respectfully, saying "Please call me if necessary" before leaving, and waited at the door of the bathroom.

Zhou Yue didn't even want to go to the toilet. After entering the toilet single room, she took out her mobile phone and called Xu Haoyu.

The call was quickly connected, and Xu Haoyu over there saw a call from a strange number, and asked politely, "Hello, who do you want?"

"I'm looking for Xu Haoyu." Zhou Yue lowered his voice deliberately, so that the bodyguard waiting at the bathroom door could not hear.

Xu Haoyu frowned: "I am ... who are you?"

"I am Zhou Yue." Zhou Yue replied, "Is Mu Qin with you?"

Xu Haoyu heard that his brain had crashed for a moment, and the first thought was: his sister must have pitted him! Actually gave his personal mobile phone number to Zhou Yue!

But Xu Haoyu calmed down quickly and replied cleverly: "Mr. Zhou, I don't understand what you mean. Mu Qin has been retired for many years, and I haven't contacted him for a long time. He can't be here with me."

Zhou Yue said, "I don't have time to talk to you nonsense. I ask you ... Is Mu Qin unconscious now?"

Xu Haoyu clenched his mobile phone subconsciously and paused for a moment and said, "What do you mean?"

"I ask you ... Is he now in a coma?" Zhou Yue repeated. "If he ever sleeps and has nightmares repeatedly, please tell me."

Xu Haoyu couldn't continue to pretend now, because Xu Haoyu was also very worried about Mu Qin, although Mu Qin had already reported to Xu Haoyu in advance before falling asleep, saying that he was likely to sleep for a long time, he asked Xu Haoyu don't worry, he said he would wake up.

But Xu Haoyu was still worried. Who would say that when he slept, he couldn't sleep?

The longer Mu Qin was lethargic, the more worrying Xu Haoyu accumulated. He had asked his sister to repeatedly check Mu Qin's body, but the test results were normal. Mu Qin did not have any disease. The brain scan also showed normal, brain His nerve cells were active, proving that he was conscious.

But why can't you suddenly fall asleep?

Xu Haoyu contacted the "monster" who had been attached to himself before and threatened Xu Lin with his own body. Xu Haoyu was too scared, for fear of similar terrible events.

Coupled with Zhou Yue's sudden memory loss, he forgot all the things he had woke up before, he didn't even remember Mu Qin, the memory status of the whole person returned to his head and he became a vegetable in two years that moment.

The things surrounding Zhou Yue and Mu Qin are so weird, but Xu Haoyu can't just sit by and ignore Mu Qin. Therefore, Xu Haoyu clenched his fists, weighed it, and said to Zhou Yue on the phone: "Mu Qin is really unconscious."

"He has been lethargic for several weeks, but his body is free of any problems, and the cause of the coma is unknown. Do you know what happened? Do you have a way to wake him up?"

"... I have." Xu Haoyu's remarks made Zhou Yue confirm that Mu Qin was indeed under the protection of Xu Haoyu, which made Zhou Yue a little relieved, but a little worried.

At this moment, Zhou Yue thought of the words that psychiatrist He Qiu had said to him before, because He Qiu said that some of the people who became "dreamers" would die unconsciously, and some would not be able to sleep.

Therefore, after Zhou Yue called Xu Haoyu, he subconsciously wanted to confirm Mu Qin's status.

It was learned that Mu Qin's state was not good at the moment, and Zhou Yue was calmer besides his anxiety. He knew that his state of being monitored and placed under house arrest could not meet Mu Qin himself, so at least ... He Qiu and Xu Haoyu and others connected.

Zhou Yue is still unclear about the remarks made by He Qiu about the "Crystal Stone", "Dreamer", and the inheritance of the He family, and he has no time and ability to verify these. Now, there are still some powers and abilities in a few homes. Under the protection of Mu Qin, Zhou Yue can also rest assured.

Therefore, Zhou Yue briefly described what He Qiu said to Xu Haoyu, and then gave He Qiu's mobile phone number to Xu Haoyu, so that Xu Haoyu could ask He Qiu himself if he had any questions.

Zhou Yue and Xu Haoyu spent a lot of time on this call. The bodyguards waiting outside the bathroom door were very impatient, and finally couldn't help coming in and knocking on Zhou Yue's door. So Zhou Yue hung up the phone, pushed out the wheelchair, and calmly said to the bodyguard outside the door, "Let's go back."

The bodyguard immediately put down his dissatisfaction, respectfully pushed Zhou Yue to a wheelchair, took him to Zhou's car, and took him back to Zhou's mansion. But when Zhou Yue returned to Zhou's house, a long-lost face appeared in Zhou's mansion.

Zhou Yue's father, Zhou Qiyuan.

Zhou Qiyuan actually returned to the Zhou family mansion. As soon as Zhou Yue entered the house, he saw the “tall” father standing in the living room. He was wearing a well-known designer suit with a tall and slender figure. Not at all like a fifty-year-old man.

Xie Zhu next to him was tying his bow tie, and he seemed very close.

In Zhou Yue's impression, Zhou Qiyuan is a workaholic, staying in his company almost 24 hours a day. He rarely goes home, almost using his office as his bedroom, or traveling around the world.

365 days of the year, Zhou Qiyuan will only bring Xiezhu and Zhou Yue occasionally when attending certain public events or attending banquets to create a happy atmosphere for the whole family. At other times, even on holidays, Zhou Yue could not see him.

Every time Zhou Yue saw this "father", she felt that the other party was just a stranger, but she happened to be related.

If it weren't for Zhou Yue's face that was partially inherited from Zhou Qiyuan, Zhou Yue would even doubt whether he really had this level of genetic connection with Zhou Qiyuan.

This long-lost "stranger" actually went home today. Actually, Zhou Yue was shocked ... or Zhou Yue was taken aback. However, Zhou Yue did not show the accident on his face, and he kept silent after entering the door, saying nothing or not moving.

On the contrary, Zhou Qiyuan, who had always regarded Zhou Yue as a thingless thing in the past, put an eye on Zhou Yue's body today, and asked Zhou Yue, "How is your body?"

Am I dreaming? Does this guy care about me? Zhou Yue immediately remembered the past in his mind. Zhou Yue also called Zhou Qiyuan as "daddy" when he was a child. Zhou Qiyuan did not respond, but looked at Zhou Yue with a cold look and a "foreign body".

Zhou Yue was keen when he was a kid. After being watched a few times by Zhou Qiyuan's eyes, he no longer called Zhou Qiyuan's father. Later, the mode in which their father and son got along was basically the same as that of superiors and subordinates. Zhou Qiyuan called him to do what he would do, and he would not resist or have the ability to resist.

Growing up a bit, Zhou Yue used the reason to join the army to flee this terrible family.

Zhou Yue, who had been silent, did not answer Zhou Qiyuan's question, and Zhou Qiyuan did not force it. Instead, he looked down at his wife, who was leaning on his shoulders, and explained, "How is his health?"

Xie Zhu replied: "He is recovering. The doctor said that he is in good physical condition and it is estimated that he can recover in less than a month."

Their conversation made Zhou Yue vaguely understand what it seems. The reason why Zhou Qiyuan cares about Zhou Yue's body is actually to see if Zhou Yue has any "utilization" value.

However, what Zhou Qiyuan said next was even more weird. After getting a basic understanding of Zhou Yue's physical condition, Zhou Qiyuan suddenly explained to Zhuzhu: "You mother and son, go on a trip."

This sudden sentence frightened Xie Zhu. Xie Zhu stared at her husband with his eyes widened and looked up: "Qi Yuan ... what did you just say?"

"I said ..." Zhou Qiyuan paused. "You take your son out for a walk. Traveling abroad or taking a break can be good for your health. I will send someone to take care of you at any time. It is not a good thing to keep people in the house. . "

Xie Zhu always listened to Zhou Qiyuan's words. However, Zhou Qiyuan's request was so sudden that he was puzzled and helpless .... After opening his mouth for a long time, she suddenly realized that Zhou Qiyuan's move was actually to open her up with Zhou Yue. , Spending domestically, so hesitantly: "When do you want us to go out?"

Zhou Qiyuan actually unconsciously brought a smile, although it was not easy to see on his indifferent face, "The sooner the better, let's leave in three days. You can choose any place you want to travel, and there is no problem in traveling around the world. , I will be prepared for all expenses, manpower and turnover. "

Zhou Yue, who was listening to Zhou Qiyuan's reconciliation arrangement, couldn't help it, and finally spoke out, "What does it mean to throw a patient out of my country who cannot reach the road?"

Zhou Qiyuan took a calm look at Zhou Yue: "You are here, it's too much trouble."