MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 127 One hundred twenty-seven

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Chapter 127

As a matter of urgency, Shen Qingxian needs a shelter.

He and Gu Fei stayed for so long, and naturally quietly checked her affairs.

If you plan ahead, you will be prepared, and Shen Qingxian will not take risks in his own safety.

Gu Fei’s fate is really bumpy, and he can figure out what he can do, oh... now people call this novel.

Gu Fei is an orphan, but luck is very good, and the small is funded by the Xie Group. This Xie's face is a group, in fact, it is black and white, and it has not been cleaned.

The so-called funding for orphanages is also for money laundering.

Regardless of the reason, Gu Fei has benefited a lot. With good study conditions, he even went to a prestigious school and learned his favorite profession.

Xie also did not expect her to repay anything, see her have a good time, and continue to fund her research.

When Gu Fei was studying, he wrote several very good papers, which was very talented in history.

If you go through this step by step, it will not be a mistake.

She is grateful to Xie, and she has a good impression on Xie. Due to coincidence, she met Xie Tao, the young heir of Xie.

Xie Tao is also a clear stream in the underworld. It is clearly the future godfather of the underworld. He does not like to fight and kill, and he loves literature and art.

His meeting with Gu Fei is a fate.

Two young people who are attracted to each other are falling into love very quickly.

Xie Tao originally hated the behavior of the family, and never wanted to inherit these, but the widow of the old man was so established that he could only follow.

I still couldn't afford to resist. Now I have a loved one, and I don't want to live anymore.

Xie's lining is also a mess, so the family has been extended for a hundred years, the tree is deep, and each has its own thoughts, which will easily convince a young man.

In particular, Xie Tao is not willing to take over these.

It’s just that Xie Tao has no ambitions, but his father is extremely ambitious.

It’s funny to say that Xie’s father refused to give Xie’s son to his own son, but he insisted on giving Xie Tao a grandson. What is the reason for this, the outsiders still can’t understand it for a while.

Xie Tao wants to let go of everything for a woman. Where does his father Xie Hongyi endure?

Since the first fight, Xie Zhen failed to die, and finally escaped from Xie Jiatong and Gu Fei.

This is a period of abnormal embarrassment, the specific occurrence of Shen Qingxian can not find out, but then Xie Yu died, Gu Fei with their flesh and blood continue to avoid Xie Hongyi's pursuit.

Xie Zhen died and it is reasonable to say that the heirs are gone. Xie Hongyi can completely let go of this mother and son.

But he was eyeing the child in Gu Fei’s belly and said that he had to get back his attention.

What is the reason for this?

Only the garbage was knocked out and they came out of their mouths.

Now that he knows this, Shen Qingxian is naturally prepared. He needs a shelter, and Zhou Jia, who is not right with Xie, is the best choice.

And his entry into Zhou’s name is to save Zhou’s only son Zhou Zhou.

Zhou Chi is desperate, especially desperate!

He has encountered many times since he was kidnapped. He wants money to be named and wants to make a profit. He is afraid that he should not be killed by anything!

Did he offend them? No, really nothing! In all likelihood, the fault of his old man is that the old man can't get him!

Zhou Chi cried without crying, only to delay the time as much as possible, I hope the old man can send an elite to save him.

Although he feels hopeful... but people want to live.

I was thinking about it, the kidnappers came.

Zhou Chi looked at it and said: "Uncle Xiang?"

The middle-aged man who was surrounded by four or five great men in front of him knew him. He was the brother who was born and died in his early years.

Shanxiang Yiba called on his face: "Waste!"

This slap in the face of Zhou Chi’s eyes on Venus, but also understand: no wonder no money, no right to kill!

Just listening to the honest and honest single Xiangxiang in the past said: "I have been waiting for you for more than ten years, and I will wait for you to waste like this? I want to be beautiful!"

It’s a slap in the face!

Zhou Dashao's heart is wow cool and cool... He will never doubt that Shan Xiang wants to kill him. It is estimated that he wants to send someone to save him and he can't touch the clue!

Why did Shan Xiang want him to die? Quite simply, Zhou He is the only son of Zhou Chi. Zhou He’s body is getting worse in the past few years. When he closes his eyes, this big family business is all Zhou Chi’s.

The single Xiang Yue wants to be more reluctant, and sees that Zhou Chi is not playing around in this year and a half. It is more and more decent, and he is willing to learn something. He is anxious!

Waiting for this kid to win over the hearts of the people, really took over He Xing, what future is he!

He just happened to know that Zhou Chi was looking for a person, he set up a bait, and led the kid to the other, simply do not endlessly, kill directly!

Zhou He is not likely to make another heir. After that, the whole Hexing will be his!

This single abacus is slamming, and it is indeed feasible. Unfortunately, the oriole is behind.

A slamming sound... The sound of heavy objects falling into the ground is particularly harsh in this empty old factory.

Shanxiang reacted very quickly. He turned and saw the body of his own person...

"Who!" He sighed low, and then burst into the air, and Shan Xiang was also awkward, and the subordinates who had been pulled around had blocked the gun.

The bullets pierced the flesh and snorted, and the blood soaked the dark black suit.

Shan Xiang was not crawling out of the dead. He looked away and locked the diagonally above: "He is in the vent, killing him! Don't leave alive!"

In an instant, the well-trained black man starts to act.

Shan Xiang was even more embarrassed. He turned to look at Zhou Chi, and he had to destroy him first.

Between the electric and the flint, a flying knife flew from the dark, piercing the wrist of Shanxiang, and he was so painful, but he refused to stop. He had to kill Zhouchi, Zhouchi was alive, and everything was all over. He yelled: "You guys are eating shi? Kill me for him!"

Then he used another hand to get the gun...

Although Zhou Chi is not stupid, he is in this situation. Where can he sit still?

He shouted and shouted: "Save me to save me! Save me! He picks up again. He wants to kill..."

His voice did not fall, a black shadow fell from the sky, followed by long legs, and one foot will fly.

Zhou Chi looked at it...

In the next scene, he was really unforgettable.

He thought about the people who thought about it. He wanted people who had liver and lungs to tremble. At this moment, he descended from the sky, and his hands were shot. After dozens of times, the old factory was cold.

Shen Qingxian turned around, beautiful facial features, white skin, a pair of cold scorpions completely removed the heart and soul of Zhou Chi.

"Long time no see, Zhou Da Shao." He spoke, with a lazy banter in the cold voice.

Zhou Chi only felt that the bones were all over.

"Mo... Mo..."

Shen Qingxian raised his hand, and the dark muzzle reached his forehead: "Shen Qingxian."

Zhou Chi did not dare to move, only dare to look at him stupidly.

Shen Qingxian’s thin lips were slightly raised and he said to him: “My name is Shen Qingxian.”

Zhou Chiru listened to the sound of the day, really fascinated.

Shen Qingxian took the gun and gave him a loose tie: "Please take care of it in the future."

Zhou Chi can only nod.

Saved Zhou Chi and caught a single live, Shen Qingxian this name cast a hand, Zhou Lao minutes as a guest.

Hexing Neri is more chaotic than Xie. Zhou was born in the war years. When he was fifty, he settled down and married a wife. He was born Zhou Zhou.

Zhou Lao can get a big fat son at this age, so don’t be too happy.

When I was sinned in my early years, I thought about compensating my son.

As a result, he gave Zhou Zhou a pet to Zhou Da, and all day, Hu Tianhai, no one was right.

In particular, the mother of Zhouchi was murdered by people, and Zhou Lao was busy all day. The child did not look at it personally, and it was lawless.

Until now, Zhou Chi has encountered real life danger, and he has to say that stupid people are stupid.

This time, he did not die, and was saved by Shen Qingxian!

Shen Qingxian entered Hexing smoothly in this way. There is Zhou Xiaozi, who is developing better than he imagined.

Because of the blessing of life, he easily refused Zhou Zhou’s confession.

For this reason, Zhou Chi is still in the doldrums for several days.

He managed to find "the sweetheart" and also staged such a romantic beauty rescue hero. He thought that it would be like this when he went back, but he saw that the beauty had a little boy and was alive.

Zhou Chi’s face is cracked: “This...this...”

Shen Qing Xiandao: "My son."

Zhou Chi: "!!!"

Shen Qingxian sighed and said: "His mother is ill, and I hope that the young master will take care of him later."

Zhou Chiru was thundered: "A year and a half, are you married and have children?"

Shen Qingxian nodded.

Zhou Chi wowed, crying into a tiger of two hundred pounds.

Two months later, Zhou Chi returned to the smell, and he ran to find Shen Qingxian: "You were only seventeen years old?"

Shen Qing string raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "Can't you?"

Zhou Chi: "..." Wow, and went back to cry.

Gu Fei’s condition is controlled, but because of too much blood loss, the brain has insufficient blood supply for a long time, leading to coma.

The doctor can't confirm when she can wake up... To be honest, suffering from such a serious injury, it is a miracle to survive.

Shen Qingxian certainly will not give up, modern medicine can not cure the disease, he can cure, just takes time, he will certainly let her wake up, and will not let their mother and child encounter danger in the future.

In the first three years of He Xing, Shen Qingxian was very busy. He helped Zhou Lao to consolidate his rights and strengthen his power. At the same time, he washed his confidants, not only the single party of Shanxiang, but also many others who were worried about it.

Because of the busyness, Shen Qingxian couldn’t keep watching as he used to, but he also tried his best to accompany him and come back as much as possible every day.

The three-year-old little guy is more lovely than before. After the soul is merged, the appearance is more and more refined, and there is a vague outline of the emperor.

Shen Qingxian thought about it, and if he had a illegitimate child, he would be afraid to grow up.