MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 143 oasis

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In the darkness, the copper oil lamp radiated an indistinct light, and a blue-green glove was placed on the stone table, which seemed to be made of bronze and steel.

When Sha Lai saw the gloves, his eyes immediately lit up, and he wanted to rush over to pick up the gloves.

Li Xiu, who came in with the trial badge, stopped him and said, "Don't worry, the quality of the contract is also different. You can first ask what the quality of the contract is."

"Who?" Sha Lai asked in confusion.

"Bronze oil lamp." Li Xiu said.

Sha Lai looked suspiciously at the copper oil lamp and asked, "What is the name of this deed, and what quality is it?"

A strange voice sounded from the copper oil lamp: "Its name is Ba Fist Gloves, and it is a dazzling deed."

"There are four quality levels of liucai, sparkle, dazzling and brilliance. Brilliant is second only to brilliance. Whether to choose it or wait for a better symbiotic contract is up to you. Once you choose a symbiotic contract, you cannot change it." Li Xiu told Sha Lai some common sense.

"Is there a high chance of a glorious contract?" Sha Lai asked again.

"It depends on luck." Li Xiu didn't know how high the probability of the Glory Deed would appear.

"Then there's no need to wait." Sha said, walked directly to the stone table, and picked up the gloves with both hands.

The moment the glove left the table, a blue-green light burst out, and stripes of blue-green light pattern extended from the wrist to the palm and hand, and finally spread to the five fingers.

On the back of the glove's hand, there was also a shining light pattern with the word "Pa", which was as bright as a star.

"Small carbon-based creature, use your blood and tyrannical gloves to complete the life contract. From now on, it will become your partner in life and death, and become the cornerstone of your trial road..."

Sha Lai did not hesitate to drip his own blood on the top of Ba Quan's glove, only to see that Naha's glove turned into a blue-green streamer and merged into his right hand, and soon reappeared, wrapping his right hand.

"I've finally become a true tester." Sha Lai waved his right hand excitedly.

"What is the quality of your original embryo?" Li Xiu asked.

"0.9, is it high or low?" Sha Lai asked.

"It's first-class, generally the highest is 0.9." Li Xiu said with a smile.

"Haha, it's really a blessing in disguise. If I had obtained the admission ticket before, the quality of the original embryo would not have been so high." Sha Lai was very excited.

At this time, the copper oil lamp flew up by itself and drifted away towards the depths of the darkness.

Li Xiu hurriedly greeted Sha Lai and followed the longevity lamp into the darkness. As he walked, the scene in front of him changed and became brighter.

"What is this place?" Sha Lai looked around and asked in surprise.

"This should be an oasis." Li Xiu had already observed the surrounding situation.

The place where they are located is a small oasis, and at a glance, they can see the other side of the oasis from one side of the oasis.

There is a stone pool in the center of the oasis, there are several dilapidated wooden houses beside the pool, and on the periphery of the oasis, there is a fence of wooden stakes.

The top of each wooden stake is sharpened into spikes, and its height is about a meter or more. There is only one wooden gate made of a fence in one direction in the entire oasis, but it has been damaged, and the wooden posts of the wooden gate have been Scattered and fell everywhere outside the door.

When the two of them were looking at this small oasis tribe, the sound of a bell suddenly came from outside the gate.

The two quickly ran to the door and looked into the desert outside. The sound of the bell came from far away in the desert.

It's just that there are sand dunes everywhere, blocking their sight, and they can only hear the sound of bells, but they can't see anything.

Li Xiu directly summoned the Jedi Knight and the Eros Archer, and asked the Jedi Knight to guard the door, while the Eros Archer waited for an opportunity with a bow and arrow in the back.

"Damn, what is this?" Sha Lai's eyes widened, looking at the Jedi Knight and the Eros Archer.

"The magic spirit transformed by the magic spirit ring is the same thing as the magic spirit in Shachu before, and the tester can use it..." Li Xiu explained how to obtain and use the magic spirit ring, and by the way Gave Sha Lai a little knowledge about skill rings and talent gems.

"The testers are so awesome, but why haven't I seen other testers use demons, and neither does Kunsha." Sha Lai wondered.

"The explosion rate of the Devil's Ring is relatively low. If you want to get this thing, you still need a little luck." Li Xiu smiled.

"It seems that your luck is good. It only took a long time to get two demons. What grade are you among the demons?" Sha Lai looked a little jealous at the Jedi Knight and the Archer of Love.

"Generally speaking, Jedi Knights have no quality, but they can evolve. Now they are C-level demons. Eros Archer is a dazzling quality and can also evolve, but I haven't fed her yet, and the current level is still E-level." Li Xiu said.

What else did Sha Lai want to ask, but the sound of the bell was already close, and a figure gradually emerged from behind the sand dunes not far away.

Soon, the two of them could clearly see what appeared on the hill. It was a demon with a body like a bluestone statue, a bit like a lion, but there was no hair on the neck, but the top of the head was covered with Semi-circular protrusions, like the top bun on the Buddha's head.

Its claws are three behind one another, and a sapphire-like bell hangs on its neck, exuding a hazy halo. It is larger than a lion and about the same size as an adult bull.

The demon also found Li Xiu and Sha Lai in the city, and with a flash of blood in his eyes, he rushed over the sand.

"What should I do?" Sha looked at Li Xiu. He had killed a lot of people, but he had never fought a demon, so he was still somewhat unconfident.

"Wait." Li Xiu said.

Sha Lai had no choice but to wait inside the fence with Li Xiu. Seeing the demon rushing towards the gate, when he was five or six meters in front of the gate, he jumped up and flew towards the Jedi standing at the gate. warrior.

The Jedi knight drew his sword instantly, and although he didn't use the blood light slash, he cut the demon into two halves with one sword.


The corpse of the demon fell on the sand, and a demon core rolled out of its head.

Li Xiu discovered that the body of this demon was actually empty, with only an empty shell on the outside.

"This demon looks very bluffing, but it's actually quite weak." Sha Lai said with a smile when he saw that the Jedi knight killed the demon with one blow.

"If you want to live longer in the trial land, it's best not to despise any demon, it's just the most common and low-level demon, but its power is probably still higher than you, if you meet it alone , can't be a frontal opponent." Li Xiurong said.

His eyes looked into the desert, and judging from his experience in the Black Dead City, there would definitely be more demons appearing in the future.

But after waiting for a while, the sound of the bell was no longer heard.

"Strange, is there only one ordinary demon?" Li Xiu was a little puzzled, this is much worse than the city of black death.

"It seems that this place is not as dangerous as the legends say. Shall we go out and find some demons to kill?" Sha Lai said impatiently.

"Let's search for the stockade in this oasis first." Li Xiu was not as optimistic as Sha Lai.

Li Xiu asked the Jedi Knights and Eros to guard the gate, and summoned a Black Death Demon to explore the way ahead.

"You still have a demon?" Sha's eyes turned red.

"Most magic spirits are useless, they need high quality and high level to be useful." Li Xiu said.

"What level is your demon?" Sha Lai felt a little better after hearing what Li Xiu said.

"Bright devil." Li Xiu said casually.

"..." Sha Lai had the urge to strangle Li Xiu to death.

The two followed behind the Black Death Demon and searched the stockade in the oasis.

The oasis is only a few acres of land, and there are more than a dozen dilapidated wooden houses. They quickly turned around and found nothing.

The wooden huts are also shabby. They are completely incomparable to the Black Dead City. Some wooden huts have no doors, and there is nothing special inside, just some broken beds and chairs, and there is thick dust everywhere.

I didn't see a living person, nor a trace of a demon, let alone those mysterious sarcophagi like those in the stone house of the Black Death City.

If it wasn't for the demon he killed earlier, Li Xiu would have thought that this was an oasis abandoned by humans.

Li Xiu and the others turned around for so long, and there was no abnormal change in the desert outside the gate, and no demons appeared again.


When the two of them were wondering, they suddenly heard a roaring sound in the sky, like the sound of an air conditioner.

Li Xiu hurriedly looked up at the sky, the sun was shining brightly, and the people in the sun were a little dizzy.

The roar came from a direction in the sky. Li Xiuning looked at it and found that there was a black thing in the sky, like a black bird, flying in the direction of the oasis from a distance.

"What kind of bird is that? It can't be a demon, right? It's flying quite high." Sha Lai covered the sun with his hands, and was also looking at the bird.

"I'm afraid that bird is not small at all. It is only because it flies too high that you think it is small." Li Xiu continued with a solemn expression: "Also, it may not be a bird."

"Of course it's not a bird, it's a demon. I mean, it's a demon in the form of a bird." Sha Lai corrected.

"I'm afraid it's not a demon in the form of a bird." Li Xiu said, staring at the shadow in the sky.

"No matter how I look at it, it looks like a bird." Sha Lai said unconvinced.

"Have you ever seen a bird make that kind of sound?" Li Xiu said with a strange expression: "And have you ever seen a bird fly without moving its wings?"

Sha Lai was stunned when he heard the words. He really didn't see the "bird" flapping its wings, as if it had been gliding with its wings outstretched.

It is not strange for a bird to glide in the air. What is strange is that it is about to fly from the sky to the sky above the oasis, but its wings are still motionless, which is a little strange.

"What else could it be if it wasn't a bird? Could it be that the plane couldn't do it?" Sha Lai said casually.

"Airplane?" Li Xiu was stunned, then looked at the shadow of the lake in the sky, and said strangely, "Don't say it, this shape, this sound, it really looks like an airplane..."

"Stop talking nonsense, how come there are planes in the trial grounds? Don't bully me, I don't know anything about the trial grounds, I still heard Kunsha say something about the trial grounds, the trial grounds are all It's those demons, where did the aircraft come from?" Sha Lai pouted.

When the two were talking, the shadow had already reached the sky above the oasis. It didn't mean to fall, and it was still flying high in the sky. Because it was too far away, the shadow was only the size of a swallow when they saw it, and they couldn't really see the end. what is.

When the two of them were staring at each other, they suddenly saw that after the black shadow flew past, several small dots appeared in the sky.

The black shadow did not stop over the oasis, and flew over quickly, but the small dots that appeared before were still above the oasis, and gradually increased and became larger.

"I rely... is that a parachute?" Sha Lai's eyes widened, he finally saw clearly what it was.

As those little dots got bigger and bigger, it was finally clear that they were black umbrellas falling from the sky. No matter how they looked, they looked like parachutes.

"Is this a ghost? That's really not a plane? How can there be a plane in the trial site, and the **** has a parachute. Is this someone playing an airdrop in the trial site?" Sha Lai raised his neck in the air He kept looking there, cursing in his mouth.

Li Xiu is used to Sha Lai's character. He is not a good person, but he is not a bad person. At least for Li Xiu, Sha Lai is a trustworthy person.

Li Xiu didn't say a word, and stared at the black parachutes. After he took off the dark mirror, his eyesight was stronger than Shalai's, and he could see more clearly than Shalai.

Those things that look like parachutes are really parachutes, but they're not paratroopers, or skydivers, or even demons.

After Li Xiu clearly saw what was under the umbrella, Tong Kongmeng shrank, shouted at Sha Lai and ran quickly, then summoned the pink dream demon, turned over and mounted it on its back.

Sha Lai was still in a daze. Before he could see what was under the umbrella, Li Xiu rushed over on the pink dream demon, pulled him onto the pink dream demon's back, and rushed towards the gate of the stockade at full speed. .

Sha Lai didn't have time to marvel that Li Xiu even had a mount demon. At this time, he could already see clearly what was under the umbrella.

Under the umbrella are green oval things with arrow feathers at the tail and a shark's head in the front.

That is the appearance of the bomb dropped by the bomber. Judging from the size of the bomb, it is much larger than the bomb dropped by ordinary bombers.

More than a dozen huge bombs were dropped from the sky, and the target was an oasis. If it exploded in the oasis, let alone an oasis, it would be unsafe even within a few hundred meters outside the oasis.

"Hurry up!" Sha Lai was even more anxious than Li Xiu. Seeing those giant bombs getting closer and closer to the oasis, he wished he could lend his legs to the Pink Dream Demon.

Now the two of them don't have time to think about why there are bombers and bombs in such a place, and they don't have time to think about why the bombs have parachutes on them. Now they just want to stay as far away from this oasis as possible.

When the Pink Dream Demon rushed out of the gate, Li Xiu quickly took back both the Jedi Knight and the Eros Archer, and continued rushing towards the desert without reducing his speed.

When they rushed out for two or three hundred meters, they only heard a loud noise from Peng behind, and the bomb at the front had already hit the oasis.

Pumbaa! Pumbaa!

One bomb after another fell, some inside the oasis, and some outside the oasis.

The closest giant bomb to Li Xiu and the others was less than a hundred meters away from them.

Strangely, after those giant bombs hit the ground, they smashed a deep hole in the ground, but they didn't explode.

Of the dozen or so giant bombs, none of them exploded. A small half of each one was plunged into the sand. The exposed part was over a meter long, thicker than a bucket.

The parachute rope attached to the tail is falling loosely with the parachute.

Although those giant bombs didn't explode, Li Xiu just watched from a distance and didn't dare to approach them.

Sha Lai was also in shock, looking at the bomb-like things from a distance and said, "Something's wrong, some bomber dropped bombs and attached parachutes to the bombs. The parachutes are obviously used to slow down, could those things not be bombs? what?"

"I don't know." Li Xiu saw that those things looked like green metal, but the parachute and parachute rope were black silk fabrics, and he didn't see why.

There are no characters or anything like the parachute or the green metal object. It is a product of human civilization, and there is no human mark at all.

If it is not a product of human beings, why do demons build parachutes and such things?


When the two of them were speculating about what it was, they heard the sound of something cracking.

This shocked both of them, thinking that the thing had the function of delaying the explosion, and now it is finally going to explode.

But after a closer look, I found that it wasn't that the thing was about to explode, but a door-shaped gap cracked on it.

Kacha! Kacha! Kacha!

Above those giant bomb-like metal objects, there were constant Each door-shaped gap was cracked, and then there was no movement.

Li Xiu and Sha Lai looked at each other, this was beyond their comprehension, and they couldn't guess what was going on.

"Do you think there is a possibility that this place is inhabited by humans. They were afraid that the people on the oasis would be hungry, so they used those things to drop some supplies by air. Those things are just tools for storing supplies?" Shalai is not too sure. Determine if your thoughts are right or not, rambling guesswork.

After Li Xiu experienced the incident of the broken ship in the Black Dead City, he was no stranger to these things.

However, he is still a little surprised. If the technical content of sailing is not large, then the technical content of aircraft, parachutes and airdrop capsules is not ordinary.

"Could it be that demons can also play with technology? Or is there really human power in the trial ground, and it has developed to the extent that it can build aircraft?" There was no movement either. After thinking for a moment, he summoned the Black Death Demon again and asked him to go towards the nearest airdrop.

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