MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 35

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During this period of time, the name Ran Qiu appeared frequently in the eyes of the public, and the popularity of movies and variety shows related to Ran Qiu also soared.

After Ran Qiu became the major shareholder of the company, the first thing he considered was whether to replace Ma Xiaojiang and hire a broker with more resources, but he still didn't do it after much deliberation.

Although Ma Xiaojiang was originally hired by Ran Yiming, during this period of getting along with him, he found that Ma Xiaojiang worked hard, was sincere, and did not have much wealth. Lack of experience.

Of course, Ran Yiming would not give him a gold agent, which he expected, but it was not a big deal to him. As long as his character passes the test and he won't be framed, it's not that he can't give newcomers a chance, he is a newcomer himself.

And Ma Xiaojiang did not disappoint Ran Qiu either. Taking advantage of Ran Qiu's popularity, Ma Xiaojiang talked to him about the endorsement of a well-known skin care product.

With the money earned from the endorsement, Wang Fufu collected the first payment for his medical treatment abroad.

After filming in the morning, Ran Qiu took advantage of his break to take a taxi to visit Wang Fufu in the treatment center.

As soon as he pushed open the door of the ward, he bumped into an unexpected person—he asked Kuang Ling to search everywhere, but there was no news of Chen Jiu, who appeared at this time Next to Wang Fufu's hospital bed.

"Ran Qiu, you're here, empty-handed, and you didn't bring me anything." When Wang Fufu saw him, his eyes curled up. Although there was some reproach in her tone, there was no such intention in her expression. It's also much better than it was a month ago.

"I'll bring it to you next time." Ran Qiu smiled at her, then looked at Chen Jiu again.

Chen Jiu stood up immediately when Ran Qiu entered the door. After meeting Ran Qiu's eyes, he couldn't tell whether it was guilt or something, his shoulders were slightly bowed, and his expression was a little unnatural.

Chen Jiu lost half his body weight than before he "resigned". Ran Qiu couldn't describe his shock when he saw him for the first time. He looked at his former manager with complicated emotions, "Chen Jiu, long time no see."

Chen Jiu nodded awkwardly, "Yes, it's all because of me, I really..."

Ran Qiu waved his hand and interrupted him, "Let's talk about it later."

When Chen Jiu came to visit Wang Fufu, he often brought Wang Fufu something.

The pale ward was filled with flowers. Lilies alone included three types: golden lily, pink lily, and white lily. The faint fragrance of flowers filled the air. He even brought a lot of books and puzzles to pass the time. Stacked on the small table next to the hospital bed.

Ran Qiu chatted with his sister for a while, and Wang Fufu was stronger than he imagined. When he learned that he was about to go abroad alone to start a new life and new treatment, he didn't worry or shrink back.

Not only that, but Wang Fufu reminded him instead, "Ran Qiu, after I leave, you have to promise me that you must never be with Wen Yuanyu again."

Ran Qiu froze for a moment, smiled and put his hand on the back of her hand, "Don't worry, sister."

Wang Fufu snorted softly, pressed his thumb on Ran Qiu's thumb, buckled and flicked, "As long as you encounter him, you will be confused, and you will be in love."

"Okay, why are you still talking about him, I'm so annoyed when I see him now." Ran Qiu didn't want to talk about Wen Yuanyu anymore, and touched other topics with a smile.

After the two chatted for a few words, Wang Fufu gestured to him with his eyes, and listened to what Chen Jiu said. Ran Qiu thought that this man had cheated him for three years, and he probably had some difficulties. : "Chen Jiu, why are you here?"

Chen Jiu opened his mouth, and sighed heavily again, his voice choked up, "I'm sorry, Ran Qiu."

Ran Qiu originally wanted to say, "Why are you talking about these useless things", but when he saw Chen Jiu's red eyes, he still couldn't bear it. This is his manager who has been with him for three years, and he once regarded this person as a friend treat.

Ran Qiu got up and patted Chen Jiu's shoulder, "It's like you disappeared these past few months, where have you been?"

Chen Jiu looked at him, "I've been taking care of my son during this time, but he still committed suicide. He and your sister have the same disease, bipolar disorder. It was already getting better, but...I think all this It is my retribution."

Chen Jiu took out a recording pen and a USB flash drive from his schoolbag, "This is what I did for Ran Yiming without telling you in the past few years, and I have kept records. I don't ask you to forgive me, I Knowing how difficult it is to be a family member of a mental patient, I can't even forgive what I did to you. I have nothing to worry about now, and I will give you all of these. "

After Ran Qiu took it, he paused and looked up at him: "Wen Yuanyu, have you participated?"

"Ran Yiming ordered me to do it every time. As for Wen Yuanyu..." Chen Jiu nodded, "I think he knows."

When Ran Qiu left the hospital, there was no sun outside, and the weather was quite gloomy, as if the first snow of winter would fall at any moment, but he was not affected by the weather, instead, his heart was as calm as water.

He already knew from Qiu He's place what kind of purpose Wen Yuanyu approached him. He had even heard Wen Yuanyu admit that he had been able to treat this matter calmly, and he could also treat the past three years calmly. He mispaid for his feelings.

After returning to the set, he finished filming the afternoon scene as usual. In the evening, he was a little flustered by being alone, so he sent a message to Yu Hai, asking him to come and drink with him.

Yu Hai replied quickly: I'll be right over.

Ran Qiu put down his cell phone, made a special call to the hotel, and asked for a bottle of red wine, just to celebrate his surprise this time, and completely grasped Ran Yiming's handle, and now Ran Yiming would never dare to do anything lightly.

Thinking of this, Ran Qiu was in a good mood. After the red wine was delivered, he first poured half a glass of wine for himself, and drank slowly while shaking the red wine glass, while waiting for his "dinner" to come to report.

About half an hour later, the doorbell of his room rang.

Ran Qiu put down his wine glass and went to open the door barefoot. As soon as he opened the door, he laughed hoarsely, "Why did you—"

The end of the words was swallowed by him, and the smile on his face froze instantly when he met the person outside the door.

Wen Yuanyu was wearing a black overcoat and stood outside the door. The half of his face not covered by the scarf was flushed from the cold, and his lower lip was slightly cracked. He looked like he had just returned from the outside.

Ran Qiu's eyes fell on the big bag of "takeaway" in his hand, and the aftertaste of the red wine in his stomach dissipated instantly, and his expression turned cold, "What are you doing here, and do you want to fuck? It's a pity that I already have an appointment today .”

"Are you talking about Yu Hai? I met him just now, and I have already given him money to let him go." Wen Yuanyu's expression was flat, and there was no emotion in his voice, he just said "give money" slightly Emphasized the tone.

"Wen Yuanyu, are you sick?" Ran Qiu put his hand on the door, trying to close the door, but Wen Yuanyu squeezed in one step at a time.

The door was pressed heavily on Wen Yuanyu, but he didn't even frown. He just looked at Ran Qiu deeply, with the momentum of "you don't let me in, I can stay here forever".

Ran Qiu sneered and moved away. Wen Yuanyu immediately seized the opportunity and strode in. Ran Qiu slammed the door behind him.

"Don't drink alone, eat something." Wen Yuanyu said as he walked to the coffee table and took out a tablecloth from the bag he was carrying.

"Drinking alone? If you weren't in the way, I'm drinking with Yu Hai now, not only drinking, but also going to bed." Ran Qiu folded his hands on his chest, squinting at him.

Wen Yuanyu paused in spreading the tablecloth, but soon returned to normal. After laying the tablecloth evenly, he placed all the boxes of crayfish inside on the coffee table. In the end, he did not forget to be "considerate" Put the gloves aside.

After everything was done, Wen Yuanyu turned around, "Now I know you like spicy food, I went to the restaurant to pack it for you, this one doesn't deliver."

Ran Qiu was really surprised by Wen Yuanyu's earnest service and humble appearance of begging for peace. In the past, he did all these things, and what he packed was Wen Yuanyu's favorite food, but now the roles are reversed, which made him feel very ridiculous for a while.

Ran Qiu's pupils were bloodshot, he walked over steadily, and kicked his legs on the coffee table.

Under Wen Yuanyu's shocked gaze, he kicked **** his leg and overturned the carefully prepared dinner table.

"Ran Qiu." Wen Yuanyu's chest heaved slightly, and complex emotions flashed in his eyes.

"Why do you keep pestering me? Can't you watch me live a peaceful life for two days?" Soup flowed from the overturned lunch box, splashed on the leather sofa, and flowed on the ground. The room was full of crayfish for a while Acrid spicy taste.

Wen Yuanyu was choked and coughed several times, his eye sockets were slightly red from the heat, he took out a piece of paper and sucked his nose, then raised his head and said reluctantly: "I don't mean that, I just want to pursue You, let you know that I really... like you."

Ran Qiu sneered, and suddenly leaned towards him, the faint aroma of red wine between his lips and teeth alternated between their nostrils.

"I don't need it." Ran Qiu's icy breath spit out on Wen Yuanyu's side face without warmth, "You cheat me, ruin my career, and harm my family. How far away."

Wen Yuanyu's face suddenly turned ugly. He stretched out his hand to grab Ran Qiu's collar, and he couldn't help turning up the volume, "What do you want, what else do you want? Tell me, what do you want me to do?" , are you willing to let this matter go?"

"Let go." Ran Qiu pressed his wrist with one hand, forcing him to let go, and smiled angrily, "You still have the face to ask me what I want?"

"I know what I did wrong, don't you even give others a chance to change?" Wen Yuanyu's voice trembled, and he looked at Ran Qiu with bloodshot eyes, "Have you ever loved me? How can you So cruel, if I hadn't bumped into that duck, you would have slept with him!"

Ran Qiu raised his hand and pushed him, Wen Yuanyu slammed his back against the wall and groaned in pain. Ran Qiu glared at him angrily, "Do you feel wronged? Back then you lied to me for your career, how dare you feel wronged?"

Wen Yuanyu lowered his head slightly, "I'm sorry."

Ran Qiu clenched his fingers into fists, and hit the wall angrily, the back of his hand gradually turned red, "You want a chance, okay, if you have the ability, give up your career, and come talk to me again if you can do it, Before that, I don't want to see you again, you are a hypocrite full of lies in my eyes."

Wen Yuanyu paused with his fingertips propped on the wall, he suddenly raised his eyes, his eyes lit up, and looked directly at Ran Qiu, "You mean, as long as I don't become an actor, you can forgive me, right?"

Ran Qiu gritted his teeth, and the words came out of his teeth, "I didn't say that, what I said was that you are worthy to talk to me if you give up your career, otherwise I will only find you disgusting."