MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 36

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"Okay, I got it." Wen Yuanyu looked at him, his chest heaving up and down, as if he was making a big decision, "I will think about it carefully, after the filming of this movie..."

"You go." Ran Qiu lowered his eyelids and said coldly, "I'm tired."

He didn't look at Wen Yuanyu again, took a change of clothes, and went directly into the bathroom. When he entered, he deliberately locked the door behind him.

He didn't know if Wen Yuanyu would break in, but he wasn't in the mood at all right now. The reason why he made this request to Wen Yuanyu just now was because he didn't think that Wen Yuanyu could give up his flourishing career at all. .

But if Wen Yuanyu really did this, would he be able to pull out this thorny thorn?

He doesn't know the answer, and he still thinks that they can't do it all over again so easily. What he hopes in his heart is that when the filming of this movie is over, it is best for him and Wen Yuanyu to never see each other again.

When Ran Qiu came out of the shower, the whole room was cleaned up, and it was completely restored to the way he just came back.

The coffee table that was kicked over has been lifted up, and the crayfish soup that was spilled all over the floor has disappeared. Wen Yuanyu didn't know when he left, only the smell of spices in the air reminded him of the fight that happened just now.

In the next month, the filming of Ran Qiu's film went smoothly, and he also received several endorsements in a row, which made Ma Xiaojiang very happy. Yes, you can buy a car now.

And the relationship between Ran Qiu and Qiu He developed smoothly.

Ran Qiu always felt a little sorry for Qiu He. He participated in Qiu He's show because of his sister, but he didn't want to really start another relationship. All his energy and passion seemed to be in the last relationship. The torment is empty and exhausted.

In a short period of time, he couldn't arouse any passion for Qiu He...of course it wasn't just Qiu He, he couldn't arouse that passion for anyone.

"Passion, you know? There must be passion!"

Director Zhang rolled up the script and put it under his arm, talking endlessly to Ran Qiu: "Tomorrow's scene is a real passionate scene. Before, no matter how much you liked Wen Yuanyu, you never overstepped the limit on him." .”

When director Zhang was emotional, he didn't distinguish between the characters in the play and the actors themselves when talking about the play. Every time Ran Qiu heard him replace "Ke Qing" in the play with Wen Yuanyu's name, he would have a moment of acting.

Director Zhang didn't realize it, and continued to speak loudly: "This scene is in response to the requirements of overseas distributors. The scale must be relaxed, and there must be selling points that should be there."

After finishing speaking, he raised his chin at Wen Yuanyu and Ran Qiu, "You two, you need to prepare in advance, and I hope to go through it at that time."

Wen Yuanyu swallowed, he turned his head, and took a cautious look at Ran Qiu.

Ran Qiu also looked at him, and immediately nodded, "Tonight?"

Wen Yuanyu's eyes were brightened, and he hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll go to your room."

Director Zhang nodded in satisfaction. He was so dull that he didn't notice the "special situation" between the two, "Ran Qiu, you are the leading party in the passionate scene, and you guide all the actions. Is there a problem?"

Ran Qiu raised an eyebrow and laughed, "Can I say there is a problem?"

"No." Director Zhang categorically denied, "This scene is actually the climax of the relationship between the two of them, and also the climax of the whole drama. Impulse, must be in place, understand?"

"Understood, Director Zhang, don't worry." Wen Yuanyu said in a deep voice, "I will seriously cooperate with Ran Qiu."

"What about you?" Director Zhang turned to look at Ran Qiu.

Ran Qiu said "Yes", "I know."

Director Zhang waved his hand, "Then rest for half a day today, you two go back and play against each other first."

In the hotel, Ran Qiu's room.

Wen Yuanyu hasn't stepped into this room for a long time, but he often stays in the fire escape, whenever Ran Qiu brings someone back, or if any unknown person comes to Ran Qiu, he will know in time.

After closing the door, Ran Qiu went directly to the window and drew the curtains.

The room suddenly darkened, only the desk lamp beside the desk was still lit with a dim yellow light.

The light shone on the thin quilt of the big bed, casting an ambiguous trace faintly.

"Start?" Ran Qiu put his hands in his pockets, looking at Wen Yuanyu who seemed a little cramped standing there across a double bed from him.

"Okay." Wen Yuanyu said hoarsely.

Ran Qiu lowered his eyelids, and when he raised his eyes, he looked at Wen Yuanyu with affection. There is also longing in this deep affection, the kind of desire that has been suppressed for a long time and can no longer be suppressed.

His Adam's apple moved slightly, and a savage breath burst out from his dark pupils, wanting to swallow Wen Yuanyu's whole body into his eyes as if he invaded the city and plundered the land.

Wen Yuanyu was shocked, and his breathing stopped instantly. He hasn't seen Ran Qiu look at him like this for a long time, so long that he can't remember when was the last time.

Even after the breakup, Ran Qiu still fell in love with him, but there was always a deep hatred in his eyes, and now he could only feel the desire and love that engulfed him in the fake drama.

"Ran..." Wen Yuanyu couldn't help but choke his throat when he blurted out, he didn't realize that he wasn't calling the name in the play.

In the dark room, Ran Qiu didn't notice Wen Yuanyu's change.

Ran Qiu walked up to Wen Yuanyu's side, leaned heavily on him, and pushed him against the wall at once. Wen Yuanyu stared at him blankly, her eyes were a little dry, and she didn't make any further moves.

"Be more dedicated, otherwise no one will cooperate with you to come for the second time tomorrow." Ran Qiu said viciously, "Push me away."

The action required in the script is exactly what Ke Qing in the play wants to push Ning Gang away.

"When I gave up the interstellar movies in Hollywood and chose to take this show, I couldn't be dedicated anymore." Wen Yuanyu came back consciously, instead of pushing Ran Qiu away, he put his arms around Ran Qiu's waist, followed He pressed against each other tightly, his eyes were full of possessiveness, "Ran Qiu, I can't do anything... I will go crazy if I watch you play this kind of scene with others, you know !"

It was the first time that Ran Qiu knew that Wen Yuanyu's "central air conditioner" could actually have such a "possessive desire".

It was so novel and interesting. His teeth were itching with anger, he pushed Wen Yuanyu away fiercely, turned around and walked out.

But before he took two steps, Wen Yuanyu had already caught up. Before he realized what Wen Yuanyu was going to do, Wen Yuanyu hugged his waist so hard, looked up at him, and then slowly Slowly, slowly bent his knees and knelt in front of his legs.

Ran Qiu turned pale with anger, "What else are you doing!"

"Isn't this obvious?" Wen Yuanyu raised his chin slightly, his tongue licked his lips, his Adam's apple swallowed his saliva, "I miss you very much, every part of your body, I miss you very much."

"You're really—" Ran Qiu took a deep breath, clenched his fists tightly, he watched Wen Yuanyu's face approaching step by step, and he swallowed the following words fiercely into his throat.

This is the first time Wen Yuanyu has done such a thing.

Although there is a lot of difference between kung fu and professionalism, he tried his best to perform and please. When Wen Yuanyu finally left, neither of them really confronted the scene.

During the official shooting the next day, Director Zhang cleared the scene ahead of time.

There were only four people left on the set, the cameraman, Ran Qiu, Wen Yuanyu, and Director Zhang himself.

Director Zhang looked at Ran Qiu, and said: "Your feelings have accumulated to a critical point, and it is impossible not to explode. The key is to perform that beast-like feeling, devouring the prey, and wishing to eat the other party. Let's play, okay?"

Ran Qiu licked the corner of his mouth, bent his eyes and snorted, "The show is coming, what if I can't stop it?"

Director Zhang cursed a curse word secretly, and gave him a hard look, "You can figure it out."

Ran Qiu suddenly suppressed the smile on his face, and said solemnly: "As soon as we finish the performance, Director Zhang and the big cameraman will go out first, sorry for the inconvenience."

Director Zhang said "um", went over to talk to the camera teacher, and then used hand gestures to remind Ran Qiu that he was ready to enter the scene.

This is a scene in which Ning Gang fell in love with Ke Qing through drinking.

There is only one incandescent lamp on in the living room. This floor lamp has probably been used for a long time. The light bulb is not very bright, and it is flickering, as if it can be said to be broken at any time.

The moonlight swept across the room from the window, and the cold wind blew the dilapidated curtains of the window.

Several bottles of Yanjing Big Green Sticks were placed next to the coffee table, and the empty beer bottles were casually dumped on the ground. On the table was a plate of half-eaten peanuts, a pile of edamame green skins, and a plate of cold cucumbers with barely visible bottoms. There is also a roast chicken that Er Ning Gang bought specially for this meal.

The roast chicken was carefully cut into pieces and placed on a plate.

"Do you still drink?" Ran Qiu shook the green bottle in his hand, his voice was a little hoarse, and his eyes fell deeply on Wen Yuanyu's naked, exposed neck.

"Drink." Wen Yuanyu squinted his eyes slightly, his face was slightly flushed, and he snatched the wine bottle from Ran Qiu's hand in a dazed way. The corners of his eyes were also a little red. I don't know if it was because of drunken makeup, or because he didn't sleep last night. it is good.

Wen Yuanyu was quite drunk, but he drank another half glass of wine into his stomach, with a smile on his face that he hadn't seen for a long time, "I'm going abroad, I finally have a chance to leave this ghost place, I'm really happy happy."

Ran Qiu didn't speak, just looked at him deeply, into his shining eyes.

Wen Yuanyu turned her head in confusion, "I will come back to pick you up when I make a lot of money one day."

Only then did Ran Qiu pull out a faint smile, but the smile didn't penetrate into his eyes, but rather far-fetched, "If you leave, I'm afraid you will forget me."

Wen Yuanyu was silent for a few seconds, as if thinking, then shook his head, "How is that possible."

Ran Qiu paused, his heart was ruthlessly calm, and the emotion in his eyes became more and more intense. His eyes gradually darkened, and he leaned closer to Wen Yuanyu little by little, "Then let me kiss you." ,OK?"

"How can a man kiss a man?" Wen Yuanyu frowned solemnly.

"Boys and boys are also fine." Ran Qiu's face suddenly moved closer to Wen Yuanyu, and he lowered his voice, "I'll just try."

Ran Qiu kept approaching, and Wen Yuanyu tried to push him away, but at this moment, Ran Qiu tightly grasped Wen Yuanyu's wrist, pushed him against the sofa, and touched his lips.

The strong desire seemed to have an outlet, lips and teeth mingled, and it slowly evolved into a crazier plunder. Ran Qiu licked and kissed Wen Yuanyu's lips devouringly, swallowing every trace of breath into his belly.

The beer bottles at their feet fell and clanged together.

Wen Yuanyu also changed from refusal to refusal to welcome...

Ran Qiu tore off Wen Yuanyu's blouse with a savage and longing look in his eyes.

Wen Yuanyu supported Ran Qiu's chest, trying to push him out, but this irritated Ran Qiu even more, Ran Qiu grabbed Wen Yuanyu's wrist at once, Wen Yuanyu endured the pain in his wrist, and read out His lines: "What are you going to do?"

Ran Qiu's voice was full of passion and desire, "I have liked you for a long time, let me kiss you again, okay?"

A trace of panic flashed in Wen Yuanyu's eyes, he looked at Ran Qiu at a loss, and before Wen Yuanyu could answer, Ran Qiu couldn't wait to kiss him again.

Wen Yuanyu tried to break free, but Ran Qiu's strength was too great.

Ran Qiu's aggression continued to deepen, and the camera circled around the two of them to shoot.

"Card—" Director Zhang shouted loudly.

After shouting to stop, Director Zhang and the big cameraman quietly retreated out and closed the door behind them.

Ran Qiu propped his hands on Wen Yuanyu's side, his body was getting hotter and hotter, so hot that his blood was burning, as if he was going to be sucked in by the whirlpool of sea water.

Wen Yuanyu didn't know what perfume he wore today, it was a faint scent of cotton candy. He had smelled this smell many times, but now he somehow wanted to get go further...he wanted to do something.

"What perfume are you wearing?" Ran Qiu breathed more and more heavily, and he looked up at Wen Yuanyu deeply.

Wen Yuanyu was taken aback, and seemed to realize that something was wrong, "You—a movie fan sent me the perfume a few days ago. It smells good to me. It's the cotton candy smell you like."

Wen Yuanyu raised his hand to touch Ran Qiu's wrist, but Ran Qiu gritted his teeth and waved it away. Although it was only for a second, he still felt that the skin on Ran Qiu's wrist was extremely hot.

Sweat was dripping on Ran Qiu's forehead, he seemed to be holding back, but his eyes gradually lost their focus, replaced by bottomless desire, Wen Yuanyu stumbled and said, "I, let me help you."

"Go out quickly and close the door." Ran Qiu bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, a piercing pain kept him barely awake.

No matter how slow he reacts now, he realizes that he has come into contact with some kind of aphrodisiac.

He exhausted his last bit of reason, pushed Wen Yuanyu violently, and said sharply, "Stay outside the house for me."

The author has something to say: Thank you for supporting the genuine little angels!