MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-v2 Chapter 520 A little tired?

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Young and funny, at first, he also said Bai Yi heart warmly, feel like taking care of himself? Let yourself be emperor's addiction? But when he came to the study with his attendant, and saw all kinds of documents piled up like a hill, he suddenly felt a thrill in his heart. Wouldn't this be a shotgun? But shouldn't it be so dark? Old tease shouldn't be that bad talent right? Bai also guessed the intention of the emperor in his heart.

"This is Lord Regal, the clerk, and he will assist your Highness in your government affairs." The attendant in charge whispered, and introduced Bai Yi to the other study in the study. All the hairs and beards were gray and looked as if they were about to hang Falling old man.

Although the elderly clerk looked like he was about to end his life in the next second, his face was still filled with a smile of satisfaction and comfort, as if looking at the goods, he looked up and down, and his mouth was panting. Qi said, "Yes, it's a good child. This surging power is as dazzling and dazzling as the sun, but why are you still not willing to take off your helmet when you get here?"

His voice sounded like a bellows, which made people worry that it would be cut off at any time, but he was finished speaking in such a long sentence? Bai Yi was also a little strange for a moment, and recalled a little, then asked with a little surprise: "You are you Lord Luo Gao?"

"His Royal Highness knew me, and it really made old decay flattered." The old man said with a smile.

Although this old man only has such a cheap title as a clerk, it must be known that he is a clerk in the emperor's study. This status is enough to be aloof. According to the memories and history books left by the magician According to relevant records, the old man was actually a clerk when the magician was a little madam, and was also compatible with the enlightenment teacher who read and read as a child when he was a nineteenth child, and he even lived up to ten years later. After IX was exiled to the void!

No one knows how old he is, but only knows that his life is amazing like a monster, completely beyond the limits of human beings, and live longer than the average demigod! And the history of the invention of various positive history and wild history generally believes that the reason for his longevity is that he used some evil methods, black arts, and even sacrifices that the boy and girl signed a contract with the devil.

It wasn't until Bai Yi saw his person in person that he discovered from his iconic long ears that someone else is actually an elf. For an elf, this life is really not surprising, but it makes people care more about him. From the Mas plane to this East plane.

As for why the history book would stigmatize this seemingly harmless elder veteran, it was purely because he chose to coexist with the hound Dorton on the succession of Roth XX, participated in the rebellion, and even launched himself. The network and resources accumulated by the emperor have caused considerable trouble to the new emperor. Without his rebellion, only one person would be more than one, and it would not be so bad that the empire's vitality would be damaged. Then the victor wrote It's not surprising that the history book Hei Chuxiang is.

"His Majesty roughly explained to His Highness something, then from now on, His Highness will assist His Highness." The elder old man continued, and it seems that the young Laobi has briefly introduced him to Bai Yi, but it certainly hasn't Telling that he came from the future, probably just said that Bai is also the next heir?

One of the reasons why the Russell Empire was missed by those literati in the future is that it is a relatively enlightened heir system. According to the empire law, there is no requirement for the blood of the heirs, etc., and it is more about ability. With the strength and the recognition of the Book of Surrender of All Realms, driving this artifact, like the great-grandfather of the current emperor, is actually a superfluous person, and the latter, who participated in the struggle for power and succeeded him, was only Distant cousin of the nineteenth century.

So, like the old teaser behind, he passed the throne to his students. This kind of thing that is impossible in the real feudal dynasty is actually a behavior consistent with the Law of Law. The elder old man in front of him felt from Bai Yi The strong power fluctuations also made him think that the emperor's choice was correct. Although the emperor is still very young and only 100 years old, it is not a bad thing to choose an heir in advance.

And the reason why the young old teaser than disclosed the identity of Bai Yi's heir to a very small number of people is perhaps to make up for the regret left by the correct history? After all, the turmoil was triggered in a sense because he did not designate an heir and did not leave a book of surrender by all realms.

What does it mean to designate yourself? He may indeed have the strength to protect the Roser Empire for 6000 years, but he cannot stay here forever! Sooner or later, it will return to the correct point in time. Wouldn't it be a waste of time for the young and old teaser to come out like this? Bai Yi wondered, wondering.

Of course, the elf old man did not know these ideas. He just gave full play to the professional qualities of an emperor, and began to tirelessly teach Bai Yi the way of governing the country. He will patiently and carefully explain to Bai Yi the meaning, the possible impact, and how to deal with it correctly.

And Bai also listened a little, and according to the instructions of the old man, approved various instructions on the document, and then took out his book of the surrender of all worlds, which had lost its power, and turned it into a jade seal. On the file.

The efficiency of such work is naturally not high, and the progress is extremely slow. All morning has passed, and the files on the desktop are not rare, but the elf old man is very satisfied, and nodded and praised Bai Yiyi with full understanding. He learned very quickly and believes that it will not be long before he can handle government affairs. In the meantime, he always asks why he would not take off his helmet.

I'm afraid I took off my helmet and scared you out of myocardial infarction.

In this way, when the time came to noon, the old man invited Bai Yi to have lunch, and by the way took a break. Bai also lied that he still needed more study, and he stayed. The old man did not force it. He just instructed the attendants to bring food and I chose a few copies from the documents that are better to deal with. Maybe I should let Bai Yi practice by himself?

After he left, Bai Yi looked at the documents he picked out, and he could n’t help but grin. He did n’t need to practice his hands. Although he did n’t actually manage a country, but from the magician to the lord, the knowledge of the demons and others In memory, he doesn't lack the attribute of leadership. The elderly clerk really made a big deal.

So while he was away, he quickly reviewed the documents on the table, but the more he wondered, the more he wondered why the contents on these documents didn't seem to be very important. At least there is nothing about the military strategy, and there are no major events that will affect the people's livelihood of the National Games. Are they all relatively basic matters?

Bai Yi thought for a moment, and then he patted his thighs with a bit of annoyance, and said to himself, "It seems that I am really being played by the younger old teaser! Isn't this just treating me as a laborer and going to fish myself?" ! "

In fact, this is not surprising. Even if the imperial power of the Rosser Empire is supreme, the emperor does not mean that decentralization can be truly decentralized. There are also some forces in the empire that can restrict the imperial power. These are probably the real difficulties in governing the country. Young The old teaser did not dump these troublesome things on Bai Yi. Of course, these troubles don't have to happen every day, like this relatively quiet period, the younger old teaser can feel the fish with peace of mind.

"You are just taking revenge on me!" Bai Yi made an unwilling growl in the study, and couldn't help recalling that when he was in college, why didn't he just dump all the chores and trifles to the void walker and his daughter, only What about participation in major decisions? It's also because of these complicated things that delay the time of Lao tea than a lot of card-drawing enjoyment, now this young old teasing can be regarded as the same?

"Why are you so revengeful in your youth !!!"

So, Bai Yi and Miya briefly separated for a while, and began their own different lives.

It is about getting up every morning, enjoying the service of a maid, having breakfast, and then preparing to go out to play.

Bai is also approving documents.

Miya was taken by the emperor to participate in the party and reception of some powerful people and to know more people.

Bai is also approving documents.

Newly-acquainted friends of the same age invited Mia to go out to play, and praised her clothes that did not fit Roser's style at all.

Bai is also approving documents.

Miya participated in academic discussions as a legendary mage, and used the knowledge taught by Bai Yi at the venue to win applause.

Bai is also approving documents.

Finally, at a tea party for young people half a month later, Mi Ya suddenly showed a sullen expression, looking far away into the distance, not knowing what she was thinking.

"His Royal Highness, what's the matter with you?" A new friend hurried to her side, worried, and asked with great concern. Although the girl was also a high-level beautiful girl, she came from a family of mages, Shows excellent magical talent, but looks very low-key in front of Mia.

Even if the emperor never introduced her identity, she did not give her a princess's name, she just took her to a banquet, touched his head affectionately, and simply said: "She is Miya . "

It was just such a simple act to let these elite children know what kind of title and identity should be used to treat Miya.

"It's nothing, just a little tired." Miya smiled tiredly, said goodbye to her new friends, and returned to the palace room alone.