MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 100 soft pears

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Lizi was stunned for two seconds, and still didn't react: "You... why are you wearing a mask?"

CO1 is very calm: "This is a mask that is anti-virus and smoke-proof. I have hidden several in the room."


Would a normal kid hide this in the room?

Lizi stood up and pulled up CO1, who was sitting crookedly on the ground. Seeing that the corner of the other party's clothes was covered in dust, she reached out and patted her.

The glutinous rice dumplings seemed to have been rolled in the soil. The small white lab coat was covered with dust, and the corners of the clothes were burned by sparks.

But she looked very calm, very calm, and there was a raging fire not far behind, but she didn't have any fear at all.

Li Zi hesitated for a moment, then asked cautiously, "Xiao Chu, are you not afraid at all?"

CO1 said, "Why be afraid?"

"The flames, and the explosion," Lizi said. "I was scared to death when I heard the sound in the slum."

CO1 whispered: "So when people see flames, should people instinctively feel afraid? From the perspective of the collective subconscious, it really makes sense."

Lizi: "...You're talking something I don't understand again."

CO1: "I'm sorry."

The fire in the research institute behind him was still burning. Seeing that it was about to spread to the surrounding woods, Lizi quickly picked up the weird "mask" and put it on CO1's head.

The voice of CO1 was muffled at the back, and it sounded a little puzzled: "Why do you still wear it?"

"You're so good-looking, you'll be recognized in the slums," Lizi said. "It's safer that way!"

CO1 thoughtfully: "Is that so?"

Seeing that she was about to fall into a state of thinking again, Lizi quickly took her up and held her tightly in his hand: "Let's go!"

CO1's face was blocked, and Lizi could only see the oversized "mask" dangling up and down in agreement.

Compared to my skinny self, CO1's hands are soft, with a little flesh and a little cold, but it is very comfortable to hold.

Lizi is inexplicably a little embarrassed: my dirty hands, don't soil the clean people...

Seeing that the fire continued to spread, Lizi tugged at her, and the two children ran down the woods and gradually moved away from the institute.

Although the journey is long, but because it is all the way downhill, it doesn't take much effort, and the two soon reached the slum.

On the dirty and muddy streets, there are many people sitting or lying in pieces, some people are still breathing, and some people's chests have stopped beating.

Lizi was also worried about whether CO1 would be afraid, but the other party was calmer than her: "When will we arrive?"

CO1 said, "I'm so tired and my legs are sore."

Lizi: "...Xiao Chu, we are running for our lives."

CO1: "Okay."

Due to the fire in the research institute, most of the people went to the bottom of the mountain to watch the fun. There were not many people on the street. Lizi dragged her to the left and right, and soon arrived in front of her small house.

The two children drilled in along the gap, Pear blocked the entrance with stones, and turned to see that CO1 had taken off the "mask".

CO1 sat on the edge of the wall, with a little dust on her soft white face, holding the mask that was bigger than her, like a doll.

"Yes, I'm sorry," Li Zi put her hands behind her back and rubbed nervously, "This place is very small and there is nothing..."

No brand-new bibliography in the institute, no high-end instruments, no blankets or snacks, just a little bit of misery.

But CO1 suddenly smiled at her.

Those watery eyes were bent, like the moon reflected in the stream in the forest, bright and bright, shining in the dark.

She said, "Pear, I like it here."

Li Zi's heart froze for a moment, and her voice stuttered: "What, what, really?"

CO1 said, "Well, because this is your home."

This little corner is really not a "home" because it leaks the wind and does not block the rain, but now in addition to pears, there is a robot-like glutinous rice dumpling.

It really feels a little bit at home.

Lizi was still at a loss, but CO1 quickly adapted to the new environment. She glanced at the fairy tale books and walked over happily.

"The writing is a little dirty..." Lizi said half a sentence when CO1 brought the fairy tale book and spread it out on his lap: "What did you say?"

Pear: "...No."

CO1 sat on the small bed made of fallen leaves and patted the seat next to him: "Lizi, sit here."

Lizi sat down next to her, only to see CO1 open the fairy tale book and stuff it into his arms.

The wind blew away the scorching breath of the smoke and fire, and Lizi smelled a little fragrance on her body, which was clean, like the first snowflake that had just fallen on the branches and leaves.

CO1 looked at Lizi with watery eyes, her small hand was still holding her short and medium hair, and he tugged restlessly: "Can you tell me?"

Lizi was stunned: "Eh, eh?!"

"I... I don't know many words," Li Zi said, blushing, her head buried low, and her voice low, "You might be better off reading it yourself."

But CO1 didn't care about her, and just stuffed the book into her arms: "I just want you to read it to me."

CO1 leaned over a little, leaned his head on Li Zi's shoulder, his fleshy little face puffed out a little, looking more like a glutinous rice dumpling: "You speak better."

She had never heard of it, but she was able to say this with certainty.

Lizi lowered her head slightly, the scattered blond hair covered her slightly flushed cheeks, coughed lightly, and slowly turned the page:

"Once upon a time there were 25 soldiers made of tin..."

The tender voice resounded in this small space, in the silent night, in the slums full of poverty and hunger.

The evening wind blew through the ruins leisurely, and starlight leaked from the gap above the head and fell on the two little people. .

Lizi was also worried that CO1 would feel that the floor would be hard. Unexpectedly, the other party had fallen leaves on his pillow, and he closed his eyes within two minutes, and slept soundly and soundly.

Early the next morning, while CO1 had not woken up, Lizi carried a small rag bag and sneaked to the research institute that had been burned down and collapsed by herself.

There are a lot of people in the slums gathered here. After watching the fire go out, everyone wants to come and see if there is anything that can be picked up and used.

Pears are no exception.

She was small, but she was agile and nimble, tossing and turning on the collapsed wall, and soon came to a rather large room.

There were many things scattered on the ground, half-melted metal rods, smashed glass shards, and some incinerated documents.

Lizi squatted down, rummaged through the ruins, and stuffed all the valuables into the small bag.

Just then, she noticed something strange.

It was a beautiful little box with gold patterns, and when the lid was opened, a lifelike metal nightingale could be seen.

The box was burnt to pieces, but it was vaguely recognizable that it was once a music box.

Lizi inexplicably remembered what CO1 said before: 'Dr. Chu likes a music box very much recently. ’

This might be something important.

Lizi thought so, and secretly hid the music box in the deepest part of the packet.

She also wanted to pick up some useful things to go back, but after a while, a team of Beimeng guards who looked majestic and expressionless surrounded the ruins and ordered everyone inside to hand over the things they picked up. .

And the two people at the head, one is a solemn woman in formal dress, wearing black boots, and a woman with long silver and white hair is standing beside her.

The black-haired woman gave orders in an orderly manner, but the silver-haired woman beside her stumbled into the ruins with an uneasy look.

She "thumped" to her knees, then shook the ashes on the ground with her hands, and slowly and slowly covered her chest.

The man's back was bent and his body was hunched.

She seemed to be crying, she seemed to be sad, but she just knelt there without making a sound.

Seeing that the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, Li Zi made a decisive decision. She went around to the backyard where no one noticed, and then sneaked down the mountain under the cover of the woods.

When we got back to the small base, CO1 was still sleeping. Does this guy have to sleep until noon?

Lizi groaned and shook her shoulders. CO1 woke up in a daze and rubbed the corners of his eyes: "Lizi...good morning..."

Lizi laughed at her: "It's noon! It should be good afternoon!"

CO1 dutifully repeated her words, like a little robot: "Pear, good afternoon."

Before going to the research institute to eat and drink every day, Lizi had accumulated a whole pile of snacks that could be kept for a long time.

Lizi is accustomed to being hungry, but CO1 is different. She is a picky eater and eats less food.

There was air leakage in the small base, and CO1 always felt cold. She was just sitting in the corner, but when she found out that the pear was warmer, she stuck it all over.

Lizi also felt cold, and the two children were warming each other, listening to the evening wind whistling overhead, and CO1's face became paler and paler.

"I...I'll go out and find something for you, okay?" Lizi hugged her, feeling a little overwhelmed, "but I don't know where to get..."

CO1 said: "It's so late, the risk factor is too high, let's go together tomorrow morning."

Lizi shook his head: "No."

CO1 pouted, a little dissatisfied: "Why?"

Because you look so much like Dr. Chu, and the people in the slums hate Dr. Chu the most, it is very, very dangerous if anyone sees it.

Li Zi couldn't say anything, and could only say vaguely: "I'm familiar with this place, I'll go."

CO1 didn't stop either: "Okay."

"This body is too delicate," CO1 muttered, leaning on her shoulder, "it'll be fine until I'm 14. The doctor said that I will differentiate into Alpha when I'm fourteen."

Lizi said: "Really? It's amazing."

"Well, it's the result of genetic modification," CO1 explained. "The doctor thinks that Omega is too fragile and has many disadvantages. It's better to differentiate into Alpha."

Lizi nodded, pretending to understand: "So that's the case, then I'm going to differentiate into Omega."

CO1 puzzled: "Why?"

Lizi's face suddenly turned red, she turned her head awkwardly, and no matter how much CO1 asked or shook her shoulders, she just refused to speak.

The hidden food itself is not much, and now it has become two children eating every day. The small stock of pears will soon run out, and they have to go out to find food.

In the past few days, the institute has been closely surrounded by Beimeng escorts. The black-haired woman only came for the first two days, and disappeared on the third day, and so did the silver-haired woman.

But apart from them, there were always many people in white coats coming in and out, and many transport vehicles with their doors and windows sealed, driving all the way to the top of the mountain and back.

Lizi watched from a distance, but the Beimeng guards surrounded the ruins so tightly that not even a fly could fly in, so they had to give up.

The house leak happened to be raining overnight. Not only did she not find food that day, but at noon, there was light rain in the sky.

The rain was icy and biting, washing away the dirt on the street, and the long-frozen bloodstains melted in the water and slowly flowed down the wall.

The small base was not sheltered from the rain at all, and the two children were soaking wet. CO1 tugged at her cuff and leaned against her shoulder.

Pear could feel her trembling all the time.

But she didn't complain.

Lizi can only help CO1 to block some rain, and then hug her a little tighter, a little tighter, and pray that the rain will stop soon.

God or God.

None of the beings heard her wishes.

The rain changed from small to heavy, and it was crackling down all night. It will not stop until the morning, and CO1 started to have a high fever in the middle of the night and couldn't stop shaking.

Lizi was used to seeing people who died of thirst, starvation, and serious injuries, and knew in her heart that she would end up like that one day.

Died quietly on the street, no one knows.

Therefore, Lizi is not afraid of the sky, even if she is chased and interrupted once, she dares to continue to grab bread, but at this juncture, she is really... afraid.

What should I do, what should I do?

CO1 burned until the morning, and her forehead was extremely hot. Lizi was anxious and at a loss, so she could only go to the research institute for help again.

The research institute was still surrounded by water, and Lizi was anxiously circling outside, but fortunately, she had sharp eyes and caught sight of a familiar face in the crowd.

[That is Researcher No. 16! 】

She remembered that CO1 told herself that Researcher No. 16 was a "weird person" like herself, and they liked to use the nickname "Xiao Chu".

[The scene is so tragic, are there other people who survived the accident? 】

Lizi didn't have time to think about it, she took advantage of No. 16 standing on the edge of the perimeter, staring at the research institute in a daze, she secretly squeezed through the crowd and tugged at the edge of the other party's clothes.

Turning her head on the 16th, she saw a blond child dragging her, she was stunned, and at a glance recognized the other as the little girl who always ran over to play with Xiao Chu.

Because Xiao Chu begged her not to tell the doctor, on the 16th, she also opened one eye and closed the other, helped the two children to cover, and even doubled her snacks for Xiao Chu.

" should, shouldn't you?"

No. 16 opened her eyes suddenly, she looked at the guards behind her, and then quickly pulled Lizi to the deserted forest: "Xiao-Xiaochu still alive?"

CO1 felt very hot and cold. She burned in a drowsy state for a long time. She only knew that she had been suffering and wanted to cry, but all the tears evaporated.

I don't know how long it took, CO1 finally woke up in a daze, with a soft quilt and a very soft, fluffy pillow under him.

CO1 looked up blankly, and the sunlight filtered through the window sill and sprinkled on the clean wooden floor.

There is everything here, including bookshelves, instruments, mattresses, small pillows, and many of her favorite snacks.

Just no pears. . . .

In the silent office, there were three knocks on the door, "knock knock", Tang Yiqi player who was reading the documents paused, his voice was cold: "Come in."

The assistant walked in. She pushed the silver-rimmed glasses and said, "Hello, the **** for this Beike speech is ready. Do you want to review it?"

Tang Yiqi casually closed the document, "There are a few newcomers this time, let's take a look."

The two walked through the long corridor, and the guards were already waiting in the room, their uniforms were neat and solemn as if they were carved out of a mold.

Tang Yiqi glanced at random, then frowned, and set his eyes on the thinnest person at the end of the team.

"How is this going?"

Steps from far to near, the man lowered his head until Tang Yiqi came in front of him, then raised his head and looked straight into her eyes.

The man had a rare long brown-blond hair, tied with a hair rope, and his light-colored pupils were slightly condensed, like amber, and also like a proud lone wolf.

Although she was indeed the thinnest one in the team, but when she walked in front of her, she realized that her aura was not inferior to other Alphas, and even better.

Tang Yiqi looked at her and was about to say something, but the man slowly bent down and bowed to her: "Admiral."

"I also have the opportunity to become a member of your **** team through various selections. If you question my ability..."

She straightened up with a polite smile on her face, and reached out to Tang Yiqi: "Can you try?"

The assistants were all stupid. I didn't expect this new guard who scored full marks in the test to be so rude. She was rushing up to stop her, but was stopped by Tang Yiqi.

"No need." Tang Yiqi looked calm, "I believe in the standards of the armed assessment, and I also believe in your strength."

Lizi then slowly retracted her hand, then bent down and bowed again, her long hair scattered, blocking her expression.

Originally it was just an ordinary trip, and the location was Beijing University of Science and Technology in Beimeng. The speech went smoothly without any mistakes.

Tang Yiqi has been paying attention to the newcomer and found that the other party is indeed capable.

It is a talent that can be cultivated.

Shortly after the speech, the sky was getting dark. Considering that people's energy is limited, the **** team A was replaced by the B team.

Strangely enough, the newcomer ran away in a hurry without even having time to change his uniform and boots.

It was so dark that night.

On the path of North University of Science and Technology, the streetlights were slightly in poor contact, resulting in dim lights and pitch black all around.

"Ding, ding..."

Someone was carrying and dragging several large bags, and staggered on the road. Every step she took was very difficult, and she had to stop and take a breath from time to time.

It's weird why no one notified me?

It was not long after the school started. She had no idea about the relocation of the dormitory. Everyone left silently. She only received the notification from the counselor after she came back from the lecture.

Chu Chisi dragged his bag and walked with some difficulty. The lights were shaking, and a figure shook in front of him at some point.

That person stopped Chu Chisi.

She raised her head a little dazedly.

The man was panting, the brim of his hat was very low, and he was wearing a neat dark uniform and boots. The star badge on his chest was shining brightly, which was particularly eye-catching in the night.

Chu Chisi was stunned: "...?"

The dim light fell on the two of them, like a warm mist, and like a silent sea.

The man's face seemed to be a little red. She raised one hand and stroked her cheek with her index finger uneasily. Her voice sounded soft: "Well, do you need help?"

Chu Chisi said, "Who are you?"

That person: "..."

She stretched out her hand and took off her hat, and as it fell, long hair as beautiful as gold leaf fell softly down to her side, swaying gently in the wind.

Chu Chisi looked at her, and a smile suddenly appeared in the corner of her eyes. She curled her eyelashes and said, "It's fluffy."

Lizi: "...Ah?"

"Pear," Chu Chisi called out her name with a smile, "Long time no see, why are you here?"

She stood on tiptoe and gestured with her hand for the height difference between the two. She sounded rather unwilling: "You are actually taller than me."

Lizi was even more embarrassed, and her voice became smaller and smaller: "I... I don't know why this happened."

Chu Chisi smiled happily, she stood on tiptoe and rubbed Lizi's head: "That's fine too."

Fortunately, the light was dim, so Chu Chisi didn't see it, and Li Zi's cheeks turned a little red again.

She bowed her head obediently, letting Chu Chisi rub her, her knuckles not only rubbing against the corners of the uniform, they were almost rubbing on fire.

That night was short, and the road from the intersection to the dormitory was short. She only told Chu Chisi a few jokes, and she was almost at the door.

Lizi stood downstairs and looked at the man lying on the railing, his black hair blown away by the wind, and waved to himself from a distance.

Chu Chisi seemed to say something, but Lizi didn't hear it, so she could only wave to her to show that he saw her.

The moon is quiet, and so are the stars.

Her heart seemed to be filled with fluffy feathers, her steps were light, and she swayed to a far place.

Floating and floating, it floated back to the gathering place of the guards. Unexpectedly, there was a familiar figure standing at the door.

Lizi couldn't help but stop, she froze in place, and bowed nervously: "Shang... Admiral is good."

Tang Yiqi didn't hold her accountable for where she went.

The two sat down in the office, Lizi pinched her phalanx crampedly, while Tang Yiqi sat opposite her, flipping through a document calmly.

She was silent for half an hour without speaking.

For the past half hour, the pears were like being thrown on the fire to be roasted, and the throat was dry and hoarse, and there was some thin sweat on the forehead.

She thought over and over whether her sneaking thing was discovered, whether Chu Chisi would be implicated, etc., her whole mind was filled with disturbing thoughts.

Finally, Tang Yiqi put down the document with a "pop". She put her hands together and cleared her throat a little: "I have a proposal."

Li Zi's throat tightened: "You said."

"I'm currently forming an elite unit of 60 people in six teams, belonging to the 'Dark Star' of the Northern Alliance."

The North Alliance is made up of five stars on the surface, each performing their own duties and restraining each other. No one knows that there is a dim, non-luminous star in the middle.

[Sixth Star: Dark Line]

Tang Yiqi's voice was light: "You will be trained ten times and a hundred times more rigorously than today, but at the same time, you will also have more opportunities for promotion."

She said very few words, only put a document in front of Lizi, and motioned for the other party to read it.

Li Zi's throat was slightly hoarse, and she looked at Tang Yiqi's expression indifferently, but she could never see what was hidden under that one eye.

"I… can I ask a question," Lizi said.

Tang Yiqi nodded: "Speak."

Li Zi clenched her fists and raised her eyebrows slightly: "There are many guards who are more qualified and experienced than me in the guard team, why did you choose me?"

Because you have no parents, you were born in a slum, and because your background is as clean as a blank sheet of paper, even if you die, no one will care.


Tang Yiqi put his fingers together and said calmly, "I see ambition in your eyes."

It was a burning flame, it was an ambition to desire something, that unknown desire lurked in the bones and revealed in the eyes.

The person in front of her is still too young and too immature, and she still doesn't know how to hide herself.

If you have ambition, you have a handle, and if you have a handle, it is worth taking advantage of. After Yin defected, Beimeng needed more, more sharp blades, and more loyal hounds.

Sure enough, the man nodded.

Lizi picked up the pen, she didn't hesitate for too long, and quickly signed the document that asked her to give up everything.

Anyway, she has no father, no mother, no support, where is there anything to give up?

Tang Yiqi put away the documents and smiled.

The admiral was always full of joy and anger, and the city was so deep that it was difficult to figure out what she was thinking. It was the first time Lizi saw her smile:

"Then, welcome to join us."

Tang Yiqi stretched out his hand to her: "No. 63."

The author says:

The exciting part of the next chapter is coming~~

Next chapter preview:

①: Snow mountain backs people, cheese is exhausted

②: The mad dog almost bit the little master

③: The laboratory plot is silently loaded