My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World-Chapter 168

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Chapter 168

I Drank Some Delicious Wine

“Please try this as well. We are very proud of the wine we make here.”

“…Ah…I see… Is that red wine?”

Mr. Hannes had brought over a barrel of wine.

It was filled with a red liquid, and the scent of alcohol and grapes filled the air.

This was my first time seeing any alcoholic drink in this world. And apparently, wine was the most common kind here.

“This wine was made in this village. It is regarded as quite a speciality in the duke’s territory.”

“A speciality…”

Now that I thought about it, I had heard that their business involved the sales of all kinds of goods outside of herbs, but I didn’t know what exactly.

The barrel that Mr. Hannes brought was nearly as big as a person, and it was quite full.

While they probably had other produce, I suppose this wine helped support the village.

Perhaps that was also part of the reason that Sebastian and Ms. Claire wanted to help them. Ms. Claire had gone as far as consulting me on what could be done.

This place was actually quite important.

…Or maybe I was just overthinking it. And it was simply the duke’s way of doing things. Helping those in need.

“There is a forest near the village. We cut down the oaks there and make these barrels.”

“I see.”

When I was running through the forest with Leo, I had thought that Range village must work in forestry, and I guess I wasn’t too far off…

As there was good quality wood nearby, they cut the trees down and made barrels. And with those barrels, they stored the wine that became a source of income.

“But what about the fruits you use to make the wine? I didn’t see any vineyards on my way here…”

“Yes, the grapes. They come in from a different place that is a short distance away.”

So this world had the same fruit with the same name.

I had said ‘fruit’ just in case they were called something else, but was glad that it was the same.

Well, I didn’t know if it was exactly the same… After all, Loe and Ramogi looked similar to plants from my previous world, but had slightly different names. So perhaps this one had the same name but looked different.

“So they are not close by. In that case, it must have been difficult when everyone was sick, and could not go there?”

“Indeed… And since it costs money to acquire the grapes, we have to produce wine or the village will not be able to survive. However, grapes cannot grow on our soil… But thanks to you, Mr. Takumi, we’ll be able to produce wine again.”

Was it the weather or the soil? I didn’t know what the answer was, but grapes could not be grown here… In that case, they would have no choice but to buy them from elsewhere.

It seemed like a rather costly thing to do, but if they had no other way to support themselves, then they would have to rely on that.

Besides, there was a vast forest nearby, so they wouldn’t have to worry about running out of trees.

Perhaps it was because they lived close to the forest and were good with processing wood, that they started earning a living this way… But I didn’t know anything about running a business on this scale, so I had no idea.

…They probably made barrels for other purposes as well…like for carrying things on carriages.

“Now, that is quite enough talk. Tonight, you must enjoy the feast, Mr. Takumi. Please drink up.”

“You really didn’t have to do this much… But I thank you.”

As I was going to return to the mansion tomorrow, all I wanted was a meal and a place to sleep…but seeing how all the villagers around me now were healthy and celebrating, I could hardly refuse.

And so I gratefully accepted the food and wine.

Even though I wasn’t much of a drinker…

“Mmm…glug… That’s delicious! Is this really wine!?”

“So it was to your liking?”

“Yes. I haven’t drunk much wine before… But it’s certainly the best that I’ve ever had!”

As they did not have wine glasses, I was drinking out of a wooden cup. But as soon as it went in my mouth, the sweetness spread over my tongue.

It was quite the shock. But then again, I’ve only ever had the cheap wine they sold at convenience stores.

Though it was very sweet, there was a mild sourness as well. There was a beautiful scent, and the aftertaste was refreshing…

I didn’t know how to describe the flavor of wine, but couldn’t help but think of different random words in my head.

It was not only the best wine, but the best alcoholic drink I had ever had.

“I’m glad to hear that you like it. We have a lot more, so please drink to your heart’s content.”

“Thank you!”

I couldn’t help shouting with gratitude. That was how much of an impact the wine had on me.

And I had only drank it because he recommended it…

But this wine seemed to have low alcohol content, and so I didn’t get as drunk as I thought I would while I ate.

Next to me, Leo was eagerly eating her sausages.

“The food is really delicious… It goes well with the wine.”

“Well, since we are known for our wine, we try to make sure that it matches the food.”

I didn’t know if they made the wine to match the food, or the food to match the wine first, but it was the most satisfying combination.

“Pharmacist… Thank you so much for helping us.”

As I ate and enjoyed my wine, the villagers would take turns thanking me.

Leo had no interest in wine, and so after she had her fill of sausages, she drank her milk with a blissful expression.

Sipping delicious wine while looking at the smiles of the healed villagers… It was quite the luxury.

“Hey, Mr. Takumi! Are you enjoying yourself?”


It was then that Phillip happily called out to me from another table, and then tottered towards me drunkenly.

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