©Novel Buddy
Pokemon: Radical Redux
You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!"Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rollsNo dead pokemon parts to increase strengthNo potential stuffOnly training methods and bond________________________So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better.Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all
- C.326: Chloe and Soleil
- C.325: Dress to Impress
- C.324: Prince of Johto?
- C.323: The show
- C.322: Ecruteak City
- C.321: The Night Begins to Shine
- C.320: Mister Eye
- C.319: Night town?
- C.318: Not her again..
- C.317: Another Dojo
- C.316: Vs. Whitney part 2
- C.315: Vs. Whitney
- C.314: Mewtwo in Unova
- C.313: Brock’s way
- C.312: Breeding competition nationals
- C.311: Officially licensed
- C.310: Race winner and Autographs
- C.309: Tree trouble race
- C.308: Radio talk
- C.307: Goldenrod
- C.306: Oak’s reason
- C.305: Robotic Pokemon?
- C.304: “Mother… What did you do?”
- C.303: A lab?
- C.302: How dose the Fatherless child have a better home life
- C.301: Misty gets slapped in this one (Not clickbait)
- C.300: Spell Of The Unown - 7
- C.299: Spell Of The Unown - 6
- C.298: Spell Of The Unown - 5
- C.297: Spell Of The Unown - 4
- C.296: Spell Of The Unown - 3
- C.295: Spell Of The Unown - 2
- C.294: Spell Of The Unown - 1
- C.293: Noctowl
- C.292: Totodile
- C.291: Shy Wartortle
- C.290: What ever happened to Spencer Hale?
- C.289: Wooper School
- C.288: Trade
- C.287: ....Nope
- C.286: Pokémon Swap Meet
- C.285: Masked man....defeated?
- C.284: Masked man’s plan: failure
- C.283: Ilex Forest
- C.282: Important talk
- C.281: Vs Bugsy Part 2
- C.280: Vs Bugsy Part 1
- C.279: Apricorns and Pokeballs
- C.278: Kurt, the Pokeball maker
- C.277: Larvitar brothers
- C.276: Collapse
- C.275: Ruin Adventure?
- C.274: Azalea Town
- C.273: Cyndaquil
- C.272: Kleavor
- C.271: An actual Young Master
- C.270: Tornado time
- C.269: Bloomingvale
- C.268: Charizard lore
- C.267: Vs. King Charizard
- C.266: Charicific Valley
- C.265: Fully integrated
- C.264: To save Cinnabar Island
- C.263: Test? For Gym Leaders!?
- C.262: Vs Falkner Part 2
- C.261: Vs Falkner Part 1
- C.260: Sprout Tower
- C.259: Vs. the Legendary beasts
- C.258: Legendary beasts
- C.257: Chikorita
- C.256: Stantler
- C.255: Heracross and Pinsir
- C.254: Crystal what?
- C.253: Strange Change
- C.252: The After Party
- C.251 - 3 Johto kids
- C.250: Finally in Johto
- C.249: Hey do your best Man
- C.248: Gengar
- C.247: Preparations
- C.246: Status: 11 Years old
- C.245: "Then it’s my birthday"
- C.244: Its over
- C.243: The true prophecy
- C.242: Incomplete prophecy
- C.241: Gyarados vs Moltres
- C.240: Slowking?
- C.239: Shamouti Island
- C.11: Meeting Sycamore
- C.10: Going on a trip
- C.9: Meeting Juniper and Rowan
- C.8: Meeting Elm and Birch
- C.7: School starts
- C.6: The Real Story
- C.5: Meeting with Oak
- C.4: First Pokemon Battle?
- C.3: Plans for Aura
- C.2: Why am I Ash!?
- C.1: Rebirth
- Pokemon- Spoilers