Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss-Chapter 419 - 393: Scenic Moon Clearing (Thanks to Melody_Chentchen’s Langya Fairy Flower +2)

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Chapter 419: Chapter 393: Scenic Moon Clearing (Thanks to Melody_Chentchen’s Langya Fairy Flower +2)

Before leaving, Xiao Qian stood at the door and spoke seriously to the man and woman in the room.

“I broke up with Yu Minglang once before.”

“A one-sided breakup doesn’t count,” Mother Yu immediately added.

With the youngest brother Yu not here, his birth mother had taken over his role; this family simply couldn’t mention breaking up, and as soon as it was mentioned, they would seriously correct it.

“I mean, at that time, I was like you guys, constantly fearing the future for no reason, feeling that countless terrible things would happen if we were together, fearing I couldn’t control myself, fearing that my feelings would hurt the person I liked.”

“Then you were overthinking. Where can there be so many things?” Mother Yu immediately replied, “When I first got together with your uncle, how many people opposed it because of my family background? But your uncle firmly married me, and now we are living well.”

Boss Qian originally wanted to pour a pot of soul chicken soup on Second Brother Yu and Dong Yi before leaving, using her own experience as a lesson, but her future mother-in-law was too good at stealing the spotlight.

Fearing that her thoughts would be disrupted, Xiao Qian turned and said seriously to Mother Yu, “Auntie, just maintain the state you were in earlier!”

“What state was I in earlier?” Mother Yu had experienced a lot today, including fighting and arguing with others, which she hadn’t gone through in years. It felt like returning to her younger days.

“Don’t think, it’s the state of not thinking!”


Xiao Qian turned back and said to Yu Mingyi and Dong Yi, “Now I understand that as long as we are alive, our fears will not disappear. Everyone has their fears, but what we are afraid of may not necessarily happen. However, these fears exist in our minds, tormenting us. If you two have already experienced the worst, then what is there that you can’t face together?”

After she finished speaking, she took Mother Yu out and closed the door. Just as the door closed, she muttered, “Of course, it would be best if your relationship falls apart. I don’t want my apprentice to become my fiancé’s girlfriend, that would be too confusing…”

Yu Mingyi’s response was to walk straight to the door and kick it closed right in front of Xiao Qian and his mother.

Goodbye to you, go play~!

Outside the soundproof door, Xiao Qian and Mother Yu’s conversation could be heard.

“Auntie, look at his attitude, daring to kick the door in front of his birth mother. Isn’t he a typical representative of having lost his humanity after getting a girlfriend? My second brother is drifting!”

Da Yi’s face turned red, embarrassed by Xiao Qian’s words about losing his humanity after getting a girlfriend.

“He is drifting, but you are not grounded either. You have even dared to tell your future mother-in-law to shut up,” Mother Yu teased.

“That’s because I saw you were kind and magnanimous, so I dared to joke with you.” It was only with her future mother-in-law that she would act like this. Mother Yu wasn’t angry at all and quite enjoyed her sassy demeanor, which reminded her of Yu Minglang as both were lively and entertaining.

Now, only Da Yi and Yu Mingyi were left in the room, and the atmosphere seemed a bit off.

Wearing Yu Mingyi’s clothes, Da Yi looked somewhat frail. Although her height was considered tall among girls, she looked especially vulnerable in Yu Mingyi’s eyes at this moment, making him feel the impulse to hold her tightly and protect her. However, he couldn’t do that yet, as he still had something to say.

“Has the issue been resolved?” Dong Yi couldn’t stand the silent atmosphere any longer. Although she didn’t look up, she could feel his gaze on her constantly.

Dong Yi took a deep breath and used the method that Xiao Qian had taught her to stop all her thoughts.

She was afraid that she was overthinking and causing him trouble.

“From now on, no one will come to disturb your life, I promise,” Yu Mingyi said seriously.

Dong Yi’s heart began to race uncontrollably. Even the method that Boss Qian had taught her seemed powerless to suppress her instincts at this moment. Her hands shook slightly, unsure if it was because of her fear of the unknown future or her awakening as a woman.

He took a step forward, and she took a step back, almost hitting the wall before stopping.

She looked up in a panic, only to meet his unfathomable eyes. Within them were flickers of fire that could burn her alive.

She quickly tried to use what Boss Qian had taught her to control her emotions, closing her eyes and muttering, “Don’t think, don’t think, don’t…”

“When you should think, you should still think,” came a deep male voice.

She looked up in surprise, having forgotten her words when she saw Yu Mingyi.

How could he possibly say something like that!?

This was Yu Mingyi, an exceedingly silent man. And how could he have seen through her thoughts?

Everything today was just too strange.

After experiencing the shock of being egged and called Xiao San, she saw a completely different Yu Mingyi. Dong Yi realized that all these things were beyond her capacity to bear. She couldn’t stay here any longer for fear that her growing desires would bring him trouble. Even her rational side told her to remember who she was and not to desire what didn’t belong to her.

However, he was like a giant magnet, firmly attracting her and making her unable to break free.

So, getting away from the source of her unrest was the best solution.

“I’m going home now. I’ll return the clothes to you after I wash them,” she hurriedly walked towards the door, not even daring to look at his face.

When they passed by each other, Yu Mingyi suddenly reached out and grabbed Dong Yi’s arm. With a pull, he dragged her back. As she stumbled back from inertia, he gracefully held onto her, guiding her so that her back was pressed against his chest.

They fit together seamlessly.

Dong Yi’s face felt like it was burning up; today’s Yu Mingyi was really too unusual.

“I have something to say to you,” he whispered into her ear, then led her to sit on the sofa without waiting for a response.

This unusual behavior left Dong Yi at a loss, so she could only look at him.

Yu Mingyi was the calmest and quietest person in the Yu family. Due to his career, he hardly ever showed any emotional fluctuations and wouldn’t let others see through his feelings. But at this moment, he seemed a bit agitated, pacing back and forth in the room. After a few steps, he stopped.

“I admit, I’m not the type of person who likes to think about the future, especially in terms of life. This has to do with my upbringing. The last time I seriously thought about something was when I made you angry.”

“So you didn’t think about it when you got married before?” Dong Yi couldn’t help but ask.

God, what a man