The Ancients World-Chapter 23: The adventure to Vedersfall V

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Chapter 23: The adventure to Vedersfall V

I look out over the cliff and see the wet trees and over casted clouds. It looks like it rained last night and has created this beautiful scenery before me. I have a long journey ahead of me and I decide to start on it right away. I make my way off the mountain and I soon start my travels into the wilds. I can sense that unmoving power from yesterday moving now. It is even stronger than last I felt and I feel like it's getting closer now. After I think about what to do next I get a notification from the system.

[A divine level creature can sense your power] 𝑓𝓇𝑒𝑒𝚠e𝘣𝓷𝘰ѵe𝑙.com

[The creature is now going to track you down]

[You have a unique connection to this creature that the system cannot explain]

Talk about a worrying message, I don't know how far or close this creature is. That isn't what is worrying me at the moment though. The fact that its a divine level creature is what's scaring me. Those words mean we have the same life rating and whatever it is, its definitely stronger than anything I have seen or felt before. I'm in good cover from other animals thanks to these huge trees, most of them are 3 story's high.

I should get a move on, I can feel the general direction of the power and it is moving closer really fast. I soon start to sprint as fast as I can and I would be doing good if I wasn't being tracked down by a powerful creature. I know for a fact I would die if I were to fight this thing. Unique connection or not, I don't know what it is. I continue to run and run for a few hours, I can feel my stamina is getting real low and that creature is still in pursuit of me.

I have to sit down and take a water and food break, if I had to guess it is a least 4 or 5 hours behind me at this point. I take out some food and water rations and go to town on them. I hear a world-wide system announcement about the one thing I am looking forward to at the moment.

[World-wide Announcement: The Auction house will be opening in 30 minutes!]

A new clock counting down appears in the interface and a smile creeps onto my face. I am glad that this is happening, but I am still running from whatever this creature is. I finish my food and start sprinting now that my stamina has recovered. After traveling for awhile I watch the counter reach zero and a new tab appears in the interface. I open it and I see a familiar sight, there are things already being bought and sold. The most valuable item of the day is on the front page receiving bids from anyone. I open my inventory and pull out my guild token, I then see a new system prompt appear.

[This item is incredibly valuable to all players and NPC's alike]

[Do you want to put this item up for auction? Y/N]

I think yes and I get a new system notification asking me another question.

[Do you want this item to be sold to both NPC's and players? Y/N]

[Do you want this item to be sold to only NPC's? Y/N]

[Do you want this item to be sold to only players? Y/N]

I think yes on my third option and I get another system notification.

[Do you want to be paid in gold? Y/N]

[Do you want to be paid in UWD's? Y/N]

I think yes to my second option. United world dollars, this is the currency that was made in 2115 when the world decided to become a more unified place. There are still countries and different governments though. The UWD's were made to replace all world currency in the pursuit to a more balanced economy. It was really devastating the first 40 or so years when the reformation took place, but now it really has paid off since every countries economy contributes equally to the rest of the world. It isn't a perfect system, but ever since the first 40 years went by there hasn't be a single crash of the stock market and UWD's value has stayed steady and healthy ever since. I get asked about the payment method.

[Do you want to use your bank account? Y/N]

[Do you want to use someone else's bank account? Y/N]

I click the second option and input mom and dad's joint account in and then I see my item go to the featured item spot. I close the tab before I can even see the first bid on it so I can focus on getting away from this creature. Unknown to Cera, his item's first bid was 10 million UWD's. Bids last 12 hours for epic and lower grade items. Since a guild token doesn't have a grade it is automatically assigned 24 hours to bid on due to its worth. The bid on the item continues to skyrocket as more and more people view its information. People can fully utilize the guild token unlike Cera, that is why people are going crazy. They are seeing its full and unblocked description.

Now that is taken care of. I need to look at my map while I run. I pull it out from my inventory and start to read its contents. It is difficult at first, but I adapt fast and make adjustments like I am supposed to. I am glad it has such descriptive and obvious land marks. After a few more hours of running at full speed I can feel fatigue and stamina drain setting in. I stop next to a lovely clear water lake and take a break. Whatever that creature is, it doesn't let up. After that thought I get another system notification.

[The creature is growing frustrated from you running away]

[The creature has decided to increase its speed by 10 fold to catch up to you]

I grow angry at reading this notification, what the hell does this creature even want. I don't have any good items and I am a low level. I have nothing to offer it and I cant see why it is so dead set on finding me. I get up to continue running, but I get another notification that pisses me off.

[You are completely exhausted]

[You will have a 95% movement and speed debuff for 6 hours till you recover]

My ego and pride wont let me admit how right that notification is. I feel like I ran a marathon, which in retrospect I did. All I can really do is wait to die now that this creature is going to catch up to me, it will get here in probably an hour with 10x boost. I just lay my head down on the nice cool grass, as my hot body cools down. I decide to just close my eye's and rest, you cant sleep in Ancients World. However, you can close your eye's while in a resting position and go into a resting state. This will recover debuffs like fatigue faster.

I just wait for whatever it is after me to catch up and have a meal. However, Cera is misunderstanding. The creature that is pursuing him is the one that he indirectly saved by awakening the Holy Willow Tree. I am becoming annoyed that this human is running from me. I could sense his power from miles away thanks to our connection to each other. I can also feel the Holy Willow Tree is awake too. Whoever this boy is, he has incredible divine power sleeping within him. I haven't felt such strength since I met Michael. I can also feel a strong connection to The Almighty Father in him. It is very dormant though.

Now that I am moving faster I will surely catch up to him. I can feel that he has also stopped moving. Beings of divinity can feel each other if they are close enough, mortals that don't have enough divinity cant track us or locate us. I know for a fact that he can draw on a infinitesimal amount of his own strength, he probably doesn't know how much is actually buried within him. To think the mighty Fenrir is chasing after a pup, his presence is curious though. I wonder what his connection is to Michael and The Almighty Father. I can catch up to him in a little less than an hour, so I should make haste.

As Cera is laying on the ground resting and trying to recover he feels the power moving closer by the minute. I can't believe that I am stuck here with no way to fight. After my thoughts of frustrations I get system notification.

[The creature is making haste to you]

[The creature is now moving at 15 fold its normal speed since you aren't moving anymore]

I know that if this was anyone else they would be drooling to get to meet a divine creature, even if they die. I am not like that since I will have to make up the level I lost with the half exp debuff. After about 45 more minutes I can feel the ground slightly shake and I can see some of the trees being wacked back and forth in the distance from the little hill I moved to so I can get a view of my killer. I can also see what looks like a wolfs main, whatever type of creature it is. It's as big as a 3 story building, it not more.

I see the final trees fall in its path as a giant wolf enters the clearing by the lake, looking at it I am reminded of something I learned in high school when I took poetic historical reading. I can't quite put my finger on it though. As I am looking at it from the other side of the lake he looks at me and I see its red and blue eye's glowing at me. It has obviously spotted me, it leans down and jumps across the small lake. I would have called it a pond, but its to big. It lands with power 30 feet in front of the tree I am resting on. Wind blows in all directions as he lands. I want to try and inspect it before I die, but I get the usual thing.

[You are not strong enough to view this creatures stats]

It looks at me with what seems to be amusement, I receive the usual thing when I meet a being of such power.

[This creature is strong enough to view all your information]

I watch little facial expressions change here and there. I guess he is surprised reading my information. I'm glad I could cause something to happen to him, be it as little as surprise. I hear something that shocks me a lot after having angry thoughts. "So that explains what I feel from you." This creature seems to be similar to a dragon in intelligence, but is much more powerful. Looking at it I can see tattoos and patterns of what looks like Viking and Norse mythology.

I take a deep breath and say something in return. "Just make it quick, I don't have time to waste here talking to you." The giant wolf smiles at my response. I won't go out like a weak coward begging to spare my life so I don't lose levels.

He moves closer and is now casting a shadow over me, his power filled eye's look softly at me. "I believe you are mistaken about me, son of Michael." Whoever he is, he is powerful from the sound in the base of his voice. I guess he wants to have a conversation before he decides if he wants to kill me or not. Maybe he wont kill me if he likes my answers.