The Ancients World-Chapter 24: The adventure to Vedersfall VI

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Chapter 24: The adventure to Vedersfall VI

This giant wolf is something the top players from the future couldn't even scratch, what could he possibly want with me. "Okay, since you aren't going to kill me right away, what do you want?" He looks like a healthy wolf in his prime, but his eye's say that he is older than you could possibly know. Not much is known about the time before overworld, Gaia, and underworld were separated. Records started being kept about 2000 years before the first great war. Any information before that is incredibly rare and considered treasures of incalculable value.

The wolf grins at my gusto, I don't feel any hostility from him and I'm not stupid enough to try anything. I was being slightly rude with my choice of words, but that was before I met this giant talking powerhouse. "I can see that you have spirit pup, I am curious as to why you are out here all alone. I can see that you are hiding from a lot of people based on your bloodline." This guy is way smarter than he lets on. I contemplate if I should tell him or not, he seems like a nice enough divine world boss. I cant believe I just said that.

I shift my tired body for a better angle to speak to him. "I'm heading to the country of Vedersfall. To the city of eclipse, I am going there to learn more and grow stronger. I decided to go through the wilds to cut my journey down. After I woke up this morning and started my travels is when I felt that you where following me. I tried to get away, but as you can see that didn't work out that well." He nods at my words and understands, I don't know why he went through all the trouble to catch me. Might as well ask him. "Why are you after me anyway? I am positive that I have nothing of value to take." He smiles at my words, I guess he knows something I don't. I soon get a system notification that is a nice surprise.

[The creature is sharing power with you]

[Your exhaustion is gone and your debuff is removed]

This solidifies that he isn't here to kill me which is nice. "I could feel your angelic power, as well as your connection the the Holy Willow Tree." I know he saw all my information, but that doesn't explain why he could feel my connection to it. This is probably a byproduct of something that I did. Cera doesn't know how right that is. As Cera is about to ask the giant wolf how he knew about that, the wolf cut him off.

The wolf sits down for a story to tell Cera. "I get what you want to know and I'll answer all your questions. My name is Fenrir, and I have just awakened from a long slumber." I lose composure for a second. Fenrir is a powerful wolf that ate the evil Norse God Odin, at least that is what I learned in class back in high school. "I was put to sleep by a curse that Mammon casted on the Holy Willow Tree, when you helped the tree, I was helped by proxy as well." So that is why he was searching for me. That also explains the strange connection we have, its through the Holy Willow Tree.

I still don't understand his connection to the fairies though, but it looks like he is about to talk about it. "I went to the Holy Willow Tree when my son Skoll was fatally wounded. The tree healed him that day and I entered a pact with the tree. If the kingdom or its people were ever in trouble I would come to there aid." He says that with a bitter look in his giant eyes. As I continue to listen I understand more and more. "Even though I defeated the Demon Mammon and his army, I failed in keeping my word. However, thanks to you both the Holy Willow Tree and I are back." Talk about a tale for the ages, this was never known to anyone from the future, at least they weren't public about it.

I can see why he tracked me down and followed me. He wanted to meet the one who lifted the curse. "It's a relief to know that you aren't here to kill me, but I still don't understand one thing." I stop as I imply permission to ask him, he nods his head in confirmation for me to speak. "If your connected to the Holy Willow Tree, then how am I connected?" When I completed the dungeon and freed the tree all I got was a reputation bonus and a really awesome healing perk, I guess the power that connects me to the Holy Willow Tree is hidden from me. f𝐫𝑒𝗲𝙬𝒆𝚋𝐧૦𝘃𝗲l.c𝚘𝘮

The wind blows after I ask my last question and the mane on Fenrir waves freely as the air passes over his coat. "You did something that transferred your power into the tree. Whatever you did, it has bound you to the tree and unknowingly to me as well." Talk about the system hiding stuff from me, or perhaps the system cant access information it doesn't understand. I wonder if my actions will have anymore consequences to them.

I contemplate more and more, the conclusion. I don't know what to do with this information. I guess this just means I know another powerful creature in Ancients World. "I appreciate your patience with me Fenrir, I was rude earlier because I thought I was going to die." I apologize for my actions because in all honesty I was incredibly rude to him. I get a notification from the system after my apology.

[Fenrir appreciates your humbleness and willingness to listen]

[Fenrir considers you a good friend]

I am glad I could leave a good impression on the giant wolf. I do have an idea, but I am kind of afraid to ask him. It will save me tons of time and I could reach the country of Vedersfall tonight. "Fenrir, may I ask a favor of you?" He looks at me with a calm face contemplating if he should accept. He nods his head after a few seconds and I make my request. "Can I get a ride to the border on the other side of the wilds? It will save me days of travels if I could catch a ride from you." He looks at me with what I assume is disbelief.

He starts to laugh hard out of no where and has a hard time catching his breath. "I thought you were going to ask for something much more demanding than that!!" He yells between laughs, I should be glad his pride isn't insulted. "Of course I can give you a ride. We can make it there is no time at all!!" Suddenly he picks me up in his mouth and tosses me onto his back. "Hold on tight its going to be a windy ride!!" As soon as he said that my mouth and eye's are peeled back from the sheer wind force, I desperately try to hold on.

After a couple minutes of struggling I get a good grip and I am able to sit up straight with my face now use to the pressure of the extreme speed. We are moving very fast, if I had to guess I'd say we were moving over 100 miles an hour. I get to go high into the air as he jumps over gorges and valleys, the sun is beginning to set as I get to see the beautiful sun set while high in the air before we descend back down. I am glad that I met Fenrir today, he is nothing like he is portrayed in the myths. Ancients World is different though, the lore of the game is different than the history of our world.

As we are hauling it through the wilds a question pops in my mind. "Do you know anything about Bellvia and the dryads?" Maybe asking someone as old as Fenrir can get me some clue for the legendary quest.

I soon hear him give me an answer I did not expect to hear. "Bellvia was allied with the Arch-Demons during the great war. They spied on the church of light and the other kingdoms in exchange for rewards and soldiers of the eternal horde. After the war was over and the Demons lost, the church buried the betrayal of Bellvia so its people could live in peace and not be persecuted by the other kingdoms." I wouldn't believe it if someone else told me this. I never knew that a kingdom would do that, and what is this eternal horde.

We have lots of time before we make it to the border and I have lots of questions, I might not get another chance to ask someone as old and as knowledgeable as Fenrir again. I know just the question I want to ask him next, Fenrir wouldn't know specific people. He would know hidden locations that may hold clues though. I can definitely check out all the locations he gives me once I make my journey to Bellvia.