MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1049 fierce battle

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A large number of wind escape-spiral shurikens exploded as soon as they approached Kakisame, forming countless chaotic and violent swirl-shaped tornadoes. In the storm, the wind blades visible to the naked eye revolved and cut crazily around Kakisame !

"no no!"

The skin, meridians, and blood bones of the dried persimmon ghost shark were cut off piece by piece by countless wind blades like Ling Chi, and the blood mixed with the minced meat exploded brightly in the air.

"Shark muscle! Shark muscle is absolutely impossible to betray me! Damn it!" Gan Shi Gui Sha roared in grief and indignation, "I, how could I die here?! Ahh..."

Dried persimmon ghost wanted to save himself, he stretched out his hands to spit, but as soon as he stretched out his hands, his ten fingers were cut into shreds with bones by the wind blade, and went away with the wind!


Naruto turned around, seeming a bit unbearable.

Jiraiya watched with relish, until the dried persimmon ghost shark was cut into pieces by the wind blade tornado, and he sprayed out the flame bullet with satisfaction, burning the remains on the ground that belonged to the dried persimmon ghost shark!

In this way, there is no need to worry about the Xiao organization reincarnating the dead dried persimmon, ghost, shark and dirty soil.

"We can't stay here any longer, Naruto, we have to travel overnight."

After destroying the corpses and destroying the traces, of course it is important to run away, and Zilai obviously knows this well.


Naruto's eyes lit up, wishing for it!

Under the dim moonlight, the two turned into afterimages in an instant, and hurried towards the country of rain.

But they didn't go far, and the two found that the surroundings suddenly darkened, and the moonlight that was originally pouring in the forest suddenly disappeared.

"what happened?"

Jiraiya looked up subconsciously, and saw a huge demon statue in the night sky, lying a thousand meters above their heads, blocking all the moonlight falling down!


Naruto looked at it and immediately recognized it, "Is it uncle?"

"No, it's Uchiha Madara!"

The voice of the Nine Lamas with yang attributes came from the sealed world inside the body, and the tone was anxious, "Naruto, run, you are definitely not his opponent!"

"Don't worry, there is a lecherous fairy here!" Naruto also trusted Zilai very much.

"It's useless, Jiraiya can't be Uchiha Madara's opponent!" Yang Nine Lama said anxiously, "You should still have time to run now!"

"I will never run away!" Naruto's eyes radiated a firm light, "No matter who the opponent is, I will defeat him!"

"You... idiot!" The yang attribute nine lamas cursed.

When one person and one fox communicated, the huge demon statue in the air had already fallen crazily, and the huge body was carrying a violent air current, blowing Jiraiya and Naruto's clothes rattling.

"That is…"

Jilai also squinted his eyes, his pupils shrinking again and again, "This is not good!"

"Lust Immortal, the opponent is Uchiha Madara, are you okay?" Naruto asked carelessly.

"What a joke! Idiot, how can there be no problem!" Jiraiya complained, "This is a powerful ninja who can fight against the first generation! Damn it, is Uchiha Madara after Kisame? The gap is too big!"

"Lecherous fairy, there is no time to complain!"

Naruto formed seals with his hands and roared, "Shadow Clone Technique!"

bang bang bang...

In the white fog all over the sky, Naruto's countless shadow clones appeared on the stage again, and then a group of three began to make balls.

Jiraiya next to him directly channeled Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku.

"My lords, I'm sorry to trouble you." Zilai also said solemnly, "Directly use the immortal mode!"


The two Toad Immortals stood on either side of Jiraiya's shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right, while quickly gathering natural energy, they looked up at the top.

The huge demon statue was only two hundred meters away from them, and that huge body descended from the sky like a mountain peak!

"Is that Susano?"

"So huge... is it a complete body?"

The hearts of the two Toad Immortals moved.

"Ah, this time the opponent is Uchiha Madara!" Jiraiya formed seals with both hands, "Toad Oil Bomb!"


A mouthful of pus-yellow toad oil spewed out from Jiraiya's mouth, and flew head-on towards the complete Susanoo above.

"Wind escape - spiral shuriken!"

"Wind escape - spiral shuriken!"

"Wind escape - spiral shuriken!"

Naruto's shadow clones also projected rapidly rotating blue 'electric fans' upwards.

Then the two and countless shadow clones quickly retreated to both sides.

In the next moment, the complete light blue body Susanoo fell to the ground brazenly against the violent wind blades of countless spiral shurikens, setting off a wave of terror!


The ground couldn't bear Susanoo's weight, and it cracked and shattered in an instant, and the dust and grass clippings all over the sky were swept away in the air waves.

"Fire escape-flame bomb!"

Ji Lai also found time to blow a flame bomb over, immediately igniting the toad oil flying in the air waves.


With the help of the toad oil, the flames spread to form a sea of ​​flames, surrounding Susanoo.

"It's completely useless, Ziraiya."

Immortal Shima looked at Susano standing in the sea of ​​flames, and said solemnly, "It is not easy to break the defense of a complete Susano."

"It seems to be true." Jiraiya continued to display various fire escapes without giving up while speaking.

The sky was full of flames, and it set off a flame of nearly fifty meters, but at such a height, it only burned to the thigh of the complete Susanoo, which was too far away from Uchiha Madara, who was at the position between the eyebrows.

Uchiha Madara's eyes slowly fell.

Jiraiya, one of the Sannin, hum.

Also, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!

"Long time no see, Nine Tails."

Uchiha Madara looked directly at Naruto's deity and greeted softly.


Naruto's face changed slightly, and he discovered the deity in an instant?

"So, it is impossible for you to defeat Uchiha Madara!"

Kurama jumped in anger in the sealed world, feeling that he was about to be enslaved by Uchiha Madara again.

"Don't worry, with me here, no one can take you away!" Naruto said solemnly.

"I hope so."

Up to now, Kurama can only trust Naruto.

In the next moment, the scarlet chakra spread from the sealed world, forming a tailed beast coat outside Naruto's body, and the rest of the countless shadow clones also put on the tailed beast coat in an instant, like thousands of sparks, surrounding the blazing Susan Can almost side.

"Uchiha Madara!"

Jiraiya also jumped onto the top of a giant tree, but there was still a gap of seventy to eighty meters from where Uchiha Madara was. He looked up at Uchiha Madara, and said in a concentrated voice, "As a senior in the ninja world, It's a little unreasonable to deal with a child!"

Uchiha Madara glanced at him, and immediately noticed the natural energy around Jiraiya quickly condensing.

"A fairy again?"

Uchiha Madara muttered softly, then pulled out his samurai sword, and slashed it down with a single sword!

The air was cut in half by the samurai sword, forming two violent air waves that swooped down, causing the vegetation below to bow down.

Then the majestic golden sword energy quickly condensed in the blade, followed by the blast of air waves.

"Both of you!" Ji Laiya was swayed by the air waves, and when he saw the majestic golden sword energy above his head that almost covered the sky, his face became more and more dignified.

Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku have also reached a critical moment at this time.

"Jiraiya, it's still twenty seconds away!"


Jiraiya immediately retreated to the side, avoiding Uchiha Madara's violent sword aura.


The golden sword energy directly tore the ground, cutting out a huge crack stretching for two miles!

Jiraiya looked back, under the dim moonlight, this jet-black crack seemed to radiate black air outwards, like **** opened its mouth, trying to devour people's souls.


Naruto's countless shadow clones also rushed towards Susano at this time, and countless spiral shurikens fell on Susano like raindrops.

Under the impact of the blazing flames and the spiral shuriken, the samurai-like Utengu armor finally showed a few cracks, but under Uchiha Madara's majestic pupil power, it recovered in an instant!

"Do you dare to attack me now, Nine Tails?"

Uchiha Madara's voice was a bit teasing, and then with a wave of the katana, the violent golden sword energy shot away instantly, and countless shadow clones screamed and turned into white mist and dissipated in the air.

"Damn it! What a powerful defense!"

Naruto gritted his teeth, "In this case, we can only use the fairy mode!"

"Uchiha Madara won't give you time to condense natural energy, Naruto!" Yang Nine Lama shouted, his tone full of worry.

"Don't worry, the lewd fairy will buy me time!" Naruto said confidently.

The next moment.

"Fairy Mode!"

With the help of Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage, Jiraiya was finally completed.

He slowly opened his eyes, and a large red vegetable shadow appeared near his eyelids and cheeks, and his pair of black pupils also turned into toad-like pupils, exuding a terrifying aura all over his body.


Compared with the complete Susano, Jiraiya's aura at this time is really not enough.


After completing the Immortal mode, Zilai did not dare to pretend to be aggressive at all, and immediately joined hands with the two Toad Immortals to launch the Mixed Immortal Ninjutsu.

The violent flames instantly poured on the light blue complete body Susanoo.

The flames spread upwards along Susano's Wutengu armor like a poisonous snake, covering the huge Susano in an instant!

From a distance, the light blue Susanoo has turned into a demon **** covered in flames!

"Is there any use?"

Uchiha Madara snorted softly, although the flames would consume his pupil power and chakra, but these two are the most indispensable for him in this state of reincarnation.

The flaming samurai sword was swung by Susano to the clouds, and he slashed at Jiraiya with a sword!

The sound of the wind was shrill, and the majestic golden sword energy instantly pierced the flames, bursting out with bright light, tearing the air, and descending on Jiraiya's head.

"So fast!"

Jiraiya's face changed slightly, and he immediately used the strongest ninjutsu, "Immortal Technique-Super Big Jade Helix Pill!"

A spiral pill was quickly formed in Jiraiya's hands, and then the celestial chakra was poured in crazily. The spiral pill became bigger and bigger, and the speed of rotation became faster and faster. It whined and cut the air, covering a radius of nearly five meters in an instant!


Ji Lai also roared and threw the super-large jade spiral pill upwards, then he stopped and quickly dodged to the side.

In the next moment, the majestic golden sword energy and the super-large jade spiral pill collided head-on, and exploded instantly!

A circular golden air ring visible to the naked eye spread away from the center of the explosion, but just before it spread far, the huge samurai sword slashed down, cutting the circular golden air ring in two in the blink of an eye!

The remaining power of the samurai sword remained undiminished, and it slashed on the ground with terrifying power. The ground instantly cracked, and a huge and ferocious crack exploded like an earthquake, spreading far and far away!

The violent air wave spread to both sides with the samurai sword as the center, Jiraiya shielded his chest with both hands, and quickly retreated in the air wave.

He looked sideways, and at this time Naruto was sitting cross-legged among the branches of a big tree to condense natural energy, and next to him were dense shadow clones, who were twisting spiral shurikens around the deity, with a look of death protection The heartfelt look of the Lord.


Can you stop it?

Ji Lai also had a serious face.

Even if Naruto's sage mode is more perfect than him, it is impossible to surpass him ten times or dozens of times. In this case, how can it be possible to fight against Uchiha Madara?

"It kind of disappoints me."

Uchiha Madara said softly, and then pulled out the samurai sword at his waist with the other hand.

The two samurai swords collided slightly in the air, making an ear-piercing sound of gold and iron clashing. In the next moment, the two samurai swords were raised over Susano's head at the same time, towards Naruto and Jiraiya's position, and cut down at the same time. !

Naruto's shadow avatar looked at it, and it was not bad, and immediately rushed up, lifted the deity who was sitting cross-legged and gathering natural energy, and hurriedly ran to the side.

Jiraiya also didn't dare to take it hard, and ran in the opposite direction, trying to attract Uchiha Madara's attention.



The two samurai swords tore two long, narrow and hideous giant mouths on the ground again. For Uchiha Madara at this time, UUReading, this world can be destroyed at will.

"You should know that you can't run away, so give up struggling, Kyuubi." Madara Uchiha looked down at where Naruto was, his eyes of reincarnation slowly glowing with white light, he stretched out his hand to Naruto, "Wanxiang Tianyin!"

The luster like a black hole spun rapidly in his hand, and the huge gravitational force instantly acted on Naruto himself and the shadow clone who was close to him.



A group of shadow clones floated up involuntarily, but still did not forget to throw Naruto's main body outward.

But under the guidance of Vientiane Sky, Naruto himself, who had just been thrown out not far away, was directly absorbed into the midair and flew towards Uchiha Madara.

"This is not possible!"

Ji Lai also rushed forward in an instant, "Shima Immortal, please!"

"no problem!"

Immortal Zhima said in a concentrated voice.

Jiraiya bounced quickly on the burning light blue complete body Susano, and finally caught up with Naruto who was attracted by gravity.

"Tongue binding!"

Immortal Shima sticks out his tongue immediately, and after absorbing the natural energy, its tongue twists and turns like a whip in mid-air, entangles Naruto's foot with a swish, and then pulls it down violently.

Jiraiya saw it, and immediately jumped down, trying to escape Susano with Naruto.

But at this time, the two crazily burning wings behind Susanoo suddenly slapped over, and the violent air flow carried hot flames and slapped Jiraiya, Naruto and the two toad sages, blasting them In the air.

Uchiha Madara slowly embraced his chest with both hands, looking at the two toads flying in the air with reincarnation eyes with great interest.

"So, what are you going to do?"

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